The Psychic Diet
There are various diets, nutrition programs and recommended eating habits for keeping the mind, body and soul functioning at optimum levels. Healthy nutrition is especially crucial in maintaining our spiritual wellness and psychic intuition. It is vital for psychics, mediums, empaths and energy healers to find an optimal diet that works best for them, because quality metaphysical and psychic work can only be achieved when it is supported by a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, and minimal consumption of alcohol, are all good for our psychic attunement, especially for people with intuitive gifts, such as mediums. Eating clean, wholesome food will improve one’s psychic connection.
Some experts believe that a psychic diet should restrict meat consumption, although I do not feel that this is absolutely necessary. Some empaths and energy healers, for example, report taking on the feelings of the animals they consume. A decision to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet is a personal one, and other health concerns, such as anemia or micronutrient shortages must be considered for the individual.
Psychics who do include meat in their diet, should ideally choose organic, free range meats. Some believe it best to stick to only chicken or fish. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are considered to be beneficial for all. It’s best to eat organic or locally grown produce whenever possible.
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
I first learned of the HALT acronym when I joined Alcoholics Anonymous many years ago. In hindsight, had I applied its simple, yet powerful technique, I might have avoided several slips along the path to my sobriety. I also realize now that the HALT concept is an integral part of loving ourselves, and it thus assists us more on our spiritual path to greater serenity.
HALT is an acronym for:
H – Never get too Hungry
A – Never get too Angry
L – Never get too Lonely
T – Never get too Tired
During one of my heavy drinking episodes, many years ago, I was working a job which required me to be away from home constantly. I was working extensive and erratic hours with a team of co-workers who were all heavy drinkers.
At this time I was subject to everything in the HALT scenario. I was often hungry, because we were pretty much on call to travel anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. I never knew when I would next be able to eat. In hindsight, I guess I could have been better prepared with personal emergency provisions, but we were always promised that the next trip wouldn’t be so grueling.
I was also constantly angry at the company for exploiting me. The amount of erratic and long hours we slaved was not what we had signed up for.
Aligning With Your Circadian Rhythm
The circadian rhythm is 24-hour ‘internal clock’ that governs physical, mental, and behavioral changes in humans, animals, plants and even micro-organisms. I have known for many years that the circadian rhythm was an important aspect of our well-being and that it had to do with our mood and sleep cycles, but recently I discovered some new information that caused me to sit up and take notice.
A renewed interest in the biological process of circadian rhythms appears to to be trending these days, and reportedly it has a much more profound impact on our bodies and our health than merely affecting our sleep patterns. Much of this may be due to the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine being awarded jointly to Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young for their work on the molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm. Their research into what controls circadian rhythms is enlightening.
Their research discovered a gene that controls the normal daily biological rhythms. This gene encodes a protein that accumulates in the cells at night and then degrades during the day. The cells inside our bodies therefore contain a self-sustaining clock that regulates functions such as behavior, hormone levels, sleep body temperature and metabolism. Thanks in part to their discoveries, scientists and doctors now know these day-and-night cycles keep creatures alive by regulating our alertness, sleep patterns, blood pressure, hormones, body temperature, and when we eat.
Favorite Incense And Essential Oils
Incense and essential oils are a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our senses and surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Utilizing the calming vibes of incense and essential oils is a wonderful way to uplift our hearts and reconnect with our souls, as they help to maintain our sense of balance.
The following is a brief guide to my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and their ability to transform your world.
Use amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and to promote spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them so one can move forward.
The Moon Cycles And How They Affect You
Every month, the Moon waxes and wanes creating different changes and cycles in the world, as well as in our personal lives.
Many people are familiar with the monthly full moon as a time of elevated emotions, but there are other phases to be mindful of, since they also affect our energy levels and feelings.
During a full moon, for example, you may realize that you have an abundance, or lack of energy.
The new moon occurs when it is invisible to the human eye. It is a wonderful time for new beginnings in relationships, business, making positive changes and setting goals. The new moon would be when you add something new, or remove the existing problem to strengthen yourself.
The waxing moon is the cycle when it begins to grow in size. Learning, creative projects, healing and transformation are all powerful themes during this time. Continue reading
Use Color Therapy To Heal Your Chakras
Using color therapy to heal or unblock the chakras is a very effective way to restore balance to your entire being.
The chakras can influence your physical health, the functioning of your reproductive system, energy levels, and emotional balance. It can also affect speaking your truth, clear thinking, spiritual well-being and intuitive awareness. It is therefore important to keep your chakras in good balance and operating at their full potential.
Because each chakra rules a different area of the mind, heart and body, it is easy to spot when one of them is out of balance. For example, if you constantly have health or immune system issues, you may have an imbalance in your root chakra. Or, if you find yourself having trouble speaking up or saying how you really feel, your throat chakra might need some color therapy.
The seven chakra energy centers each resonate with one of the seven colors found in a rainbow or prism. Each chakra is located in a specific area of the body, and influence our energy flow as follows:
Root Chakra
Located at the bottom of your spine it resonates with the color red. Its physical health aspects include the lower body (legs, feet), the groin, male and female genital areas, and the root or base of the spine.
Creation Chakra
Located in your pelvic region it resonates with the color orange. It affects creative aspects and the physical health of the pelvic area, the reproductive glands, hips and lower back. Continue reading