Love Yourself, And Don’t Stop Believing
Recently, I had time to reflect on different aspects of my own life and where it was, or wasn’t going. I was starting to feel self-pity creeping up on me, and had to act to shift my energy out of that negative space, as it would trickle off into other areas of my life.
I was supposed to attend a celebration with family on a Wednesday, as well as a gathering with another group of relatives on the following Saturday. But I wasn’t prioritizing my own needs and well-being, and the Universe decided to put an end to my plans.
To cut a long story short, on the Wednesday, instead of going to the party, I landed in the local hospital emergency room, as my knee gave out and I could not walk. The Universe was telling me to rest – to sit down and get my priorities back in order.
My priorities have always been my children and grandchildren, and that hasn’t changed. However, my views on the recurring family drama, with regards who can go see who, and when, and where, and how, has significantly changed. I have decided to let go of always trying to keep the peace, and please everyone. I no longer wish to expose myself to the unnecessary stress and commotion of it all.
I let it go by simply asking my angels to deal on my behalf with all the stuff that I could no longer hold inside and carry, and take it off my shoulders. And yes, it took me a couple days to realize what was needed, but as soon as I did this, the need for walking with a cane started to disappear and the pain and swelling in my knee has been minimal the last couple of days.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family ~ Earl Nightingale
We don’t always remember that we are not alone in this Universe, even if we feel like we are. And yes, you can have a family, friends and significant others, and still feel totally alone. The recent state of our world has also brought out so many more of our deepest insecurities, fears, anger and hate. Love is still there for many, but the negative emotions and energies are coming forward in a very strong and detrimental way.
With the current situation in our world, have your beliefs changed for the better, or worse? Have you been manifesting, or pushing blessings away? Have you lost confidence and faith? Are your beliefs increasingly limiting who you are? Do you trust that your guides and angels are still standing tall with you, and holding you in their loving essence?
Take stock of your life today. What are the negative emotions coming up? Ask yourself, why am I holding onto these emotions that are simply bringing more of the same into my life? If your beliefs are such that there is no hope, you will attract more things to bring you down. If you are constantly watching the news (which is there to sensationalize the negative and create total panic and fear), you will also be brought down.
Turn the channel on your TV, and on your life! Find laughter again. Watch a kid’s cartoon, watch a funny show or movie, turn off the news. Change your personal channel into one of seeing more of the good. Take stock of all that is good in your life. Do you have ten fingers and can write in a journal? Do you have two feet and can walk from room to room? Do you have a roof over your head, and food on your table? You already have more blessings in your life than many – you simply have to see them.
It is time to create a better reality for yourself. Listen to what your guides are saying to you. They speak with you constantly through your intuition. Trust your gut. Get out of your own way. Quit over-thinking, or making emotional decisions based on your heart. Go back to the pure guidance of your inner voice, and never second guess it.
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith ~ Billy Graham
We are all in a state of evolution right now. Our spiritual growth is being tested, our emotional strength is being challenged. And it will be okay. Remember that on the other side of every hardship in our lives, there are always many new opportunities and blessings waiting for us.
With the events of recent, especially for those that have been locked down, lost their jobs, or have become overwhelmed and overworked, know that you are never alone. You are loved and you are being held up by your angels, even if you don’t realize it or feel it.
It’s time to start manifesting your best life again, and it starts with simply believing that you are worth it. You are perfectly perfect as you are. You are loved unconditionally by your guides and angels. Give yourself the biggest hug you possibly can and say out loud, “I love myself unconditionally!”
You are important. Remember that always, and don’t let your spirituality go down the drain because of a few setbacks. Take time to rejoice in who you are, and who you wish to become, and who you can be simply by looking inside.
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