trauma healing
The Unresolved Karmic Bonds Between Souls
Have you ever found yourself thinking about an old friend or flame that you haven’t spoken to in years, and they suddenly show up in your life in the most unexpected place? This often happens when we are still energetically connected to someone.
There are invisible energy cords that connect us to many different souls across dimensions and incarnations. These karmic connections are deep soul bonds that transcend time and space and span multiple lifetimes.
Those we love (or hate) – whether a partner or spouse, family members, friends – are all karmically connected to us.
Karmic connections aren’t easily severed. They also don’t simply disappear when we physically part ways in this world. These invisible cords keep us tied to those we’ve loved, lost, or even hurt—until we consciously choose to break free.
Karmic connections continue across lifetimes unless they are consciously severed and dissolved. But these energetic cords of attachment can be difficult to break. We may believe that a relationship is over on a logical level, but energetically the connection remains.
When betrayal or heartache occurs, an energy cord remains between the heart chakras of both individuals, often leading to a recurring cycle of pain and energy depletion due to these lingering connections.
Traumatic events, emotional or sexual attachments, promises, contracts and vows all create strong connections between souls. We often feel a sense of unfinished business when a promise or vow is broken or left unfulfilled.
The Spiritual Power Of Choosing To Forgive
Forgiveness is a much-discussed topic in spiritual circles. It is also often deeply misunderstood.
Forgiveness does not mean condoning wrongdoing or accepting abuse or cruelty. Instead, it involves choosing not to carry the darkness and negativity that has been inflicted upon you, and refusing to allow it to affect your well-being, either physically or emotionally.
While it’s ideal to find compassion for those who have wronged you, it’s not always possible. Understand that those who caused you harm are often suffering themselves.
Happy and fulfilled people are naturally kind, generous, and honest. In contrast, those consumed by self-loathing and misery tend to spread chaos and cruelty. Their relationships are full of conflict and dissatisfaction.
I once worked with a man who was clearly struggling with mental illness. Circumstances placed us in a business relationship that I initially tried to avoid, preferring to distance myself from unhealthy situations. However, I was compelled to help him because I was told that my true role was to support his children and providing help where it was needed most.
This unfortunate man is consumed by rage from his own traumatic past-abuse by his mother, mistreatment by her successive husbands, and conflict with his first ex-wife. His life is a testament to the destructive power of unresolved anger and lack of forgiveness. His toxic energy is rooted in past hurts and a cycle of inflicting pain on others.
The True Meaning Of Being Balanced
Spiritual teachers often emphasize the importance of achieving and maintaining balance as a fundamental aspect of well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development.
But what does it really mean? Is it about having a healthy work-life balance? Is it about a balanced diet or exercise routine? No, these are just some of the smaller elements of achieving true balance.
Balance refers to being holistically balanced in all aspects of our existence: body, mind, and spirit. Achieving and maintaining balance means creating a harmonious and integrated life in which all aspects of our being support each other, leading to overall well-being and a deeper connection with our true self.
We are more than our physical health, appearance and fitness levels. We are more than our thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. And we are more than our spiritual beliefs and practices. We are a wondrous compilation of all these things that make up our body, mind, and spirit. When any part of us is unhealthy or dysfunctional, it disrupts our alignment with our higher self. This is the true meaning of being out of balance.
Striving to be true to your higher self should always be your priority. Your higher self is the real you, the you that exists in harmony with the universe and is an expression of the divine. It is only when we are in alignment with our higher self that the world truly opens up for so much more to flow into our lives…instead of out of them.
Guiding Earthbound Souls To The Light
Early one morning I received a message from one of my clients saying that her close friend had been shot and killed before dawn that day. She wanted to know if I could try to communicate with her friend.
I suspected that it was far too early for spirit contact of any kind, but I promised to see what I could do.
Later in the day I tried to make the connection as promised. I immediately sensed that I was dealing with a soul who was stuck in this world, not quite sure where she was or what had happened after such a sudden death.
I informed my client that we needed to help her friend find her way to the other side, to the light. I asked her to assist me remotely in guiding her friend as it would help to have someone familiar present.
Her friend was still earthbound and our guidance and prayers would help her, even if she chose to stay close to her loved ones for the time being and make her presence known until they could find some peace with her sad and sudden passing.
I began our session with a calm, focused meditation, visualizing a warm, radiant light that would guide her friend. As we sent our thoughts and prayers, I felt a subtle shift in the energy around us. It was as if the room had brightened, filled with a calm, comforting presence.
My client shared some of her fondest memories of her friend, speaking with love and gratitude. This act seemed to create a powerful bridge of light, a connection that her friend’s spirit could use to find her way.
The Hidden Wisdom In Our Traumatic Life Experiences
In the thousands of readings I have done over the years for people from all walks of life, I have repeatedly witnessed how the crucible of life’s trials and tribulations offers profound opportunities for spiritual growth and personal transformation.
It never ceases to amaze me how there is always a spark of wisdom or hidden blessing to be found in every life challenge or traumatic experience. Even in the worst-case scenarios, Spirit is always able to reveal the life lesson or karmic opportunity in these situations.
In a psychic reading, spirit in the form of our ancestors, spirit guides, angels and the divine can offer profound insight and guidance into our hardships and challenges.
With the akashic wisdom gathered through many generations, your higher self, ancestors, and members of your soul family can offer perspectives and experiences that shed light on your current life circumstances.
Their presence in a reading can provide a deep-rooted understanding of family patterns, ancestral karmic debts, and inherited gifts, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with newfound clarity and resilience.
In addition, our spirit guides and angels serve as divine messengers, offering support and illumination on our journey through life. Their presence in a psychic reading brings messages of encouragement, protection and divine intervention.
Overcoming Your Inner Saboteur
Have you ever wondered why people sometimes try to ruin an ideal opportunity in their life, or deliberately sabotage a promising relationship?
Even though I have done thousands of readings over the years, I cannot help but still be surprised when I work with people who are in the process of sabotaging a wonderful relationship or alienating a loving, caring partner. Reading for people of all ages and walks of life around the world has shown me that this behavior is relatively common.
Not all psychic readings are about difficult relationships, difficult or cheating partners, or boring marriages. Sometimes they are about perfectly wonderful relationships that one of the partners is doing their best to destroy!
In these relationships, the saboteur consciously or unconsciously creates a toxic scenario or behaves in a dysfunctional way that will ultimately lead to a breakup. For example, the saboteur will begin to find fault with their partner, subtly push them away, or find reasons to walk away from the commitment.
Relationship readings for self-saboteurs often begin with them saying something like: “Well, things are rosy now, but they always start out that way,” or “Knowing my luck, she’ll soon get bored with me,” or “To be honest, things are so good with him, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop!”
It reminds me of my grandmother, who was abandoned by my grandfather when my mother and her sister were very young. She used to say, “All men are gorillas!” I later realized that my mother had adopted the same mindset.