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The Karmic Lessons Of Our Past Lives

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Each lifetime offers us karmic lessons inherited from our past lives, often presenting what we perceive as hardship or misfortune, but are actually opportunities for soul growth.

These soul lessons are “karmic” because they were created or caused by our free will choices, decisions and actions in previous lives. They resurface in our current lifetime to be resolved, redeemed, released, and healed.

In ancient Sanskrit, karma (कर्म) literally means “action” or “deed.” It is derived from the root word kri, which means “to do” or “to act.”

According to many spiritual and philosophical tradition the essence of karma is that every action (physical, verbal, mental, spiritual) has consequences that reverberate through time and space and affect our present and future circumstances. Our actions in every lifetime create karmic ripples that influence the fabric of our existence, shaping our future life experiences and soul growth journey.

Karmic imprints are the energetic residues of our past actions, thoughts, and emotions that carry over from previous lives into our present existence. These imprints often manifest as recurring patterns, challenges, or opportunities in our current lifetime. The core principle is that our actions, thoughts, and emotions create a cause-and-effect relationship that extends beyond a single lifetime. Positive actions result in positive consequences, while negative actions result in negative consequences.

Karmic imprints are stored in the etheric energy field known as the Akashic Records, or Universal Consciousness, that records all human experience. When a soul reincarnates, it brings these imprints with it, influencing its experiences and choices in the current life.

Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One’s own karma, one’s own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever ― Maharishi Mahesh Yog

You may have had glimpses of one or more of your past lives – perhaps through a vivid dream, a recurring family pattern, spontaneous memories, or even an inexplicable fear or phobia. But have you uncovered the karmic lessons of those past lives?

If you’re still searching for insight and understanding, uncovering these karmic legacies may be easier than you think. Here are some strategies for uncovering more clues about your karmic past, identify significant karmic markers from your past life incarnations and work towards resolving it:


For those seeking a more direct approach to uncovering past lives, hypnotherapy can be a very effective method. A trained hypnotherapist can guide you into a deep altered state of consciousness where your subconscious becomes more easily accessible. In this state, you may be able to vividly recall memories from past lives that are otherwise hidden from your conscious mind.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression involves a similar process to hypnotherapy in which the regressionist helps you access memories from previous incarnations. During a regression session, you may experience vivid images, emotions, or even physical sensations that correspond to events from a past life. This can provide profound insights into your current life challenges and relationships, revealing karmic debts and lessons that need to be addressed.

Psychic Readings

Akashic or past life psychic readings from a reputable psychic medium or trance channeler can help by providing insight into your soul’s history, including unresolved issues, karmic patterns, and life lessons from past lives. These readings access the Universal Consciousness, or Akashic Records – a metaphysical compendium containing the knowledge of all events, thoughts, and experiences across time and space.

By revealing past life experiences that influence current behaviors, relationships, and challenges, channeled psychic readings offer guidance on how to address and heal deep-seated issues. This understanding empowers you to consciously break free from repeating negative patterns, make more informed choices, and align more closely with your soul’s purpose and growth.

Recurring Patterns

Recurring patterns in your life, such as recurring relationship problems, financial struggles, or health issues, can often be traced back to karmic lessons from past lives. These patterns may indicate unresolved karma from a past life that you need to work through in this lifetime.

Take time to think about these patterns. Ask yourself what lessons they may be trying to teach you. Are there actions you can take to deal with these issues in a constructive way?

Unexplained Fears

Unexplained fears or phobias can be significant markers of past life experiences. For example, you may have an overwhelming fear of drowning, even though you have never been exposed to any trauma involving water in your current life. But you may have had a traumatic experience involving water in a past life.

Understanding the origins of such a fear can help you release it and move forward on your spiritual journey. By consciously working through these kinds of karmic imprints, you can transform them into opportunities for growth and healing.

Historical and Cultural Connections

Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection to a particular culture, historical period, nation, or place? These affinities often provide clues to our past lives. You may feel a strong pull toward a particular era, such as Ancient Egypt or the Italian Renaissance, or a deep resonance with a particular culture or place.

To explore these connections further, immerse yourself in the history and culture of the time or place that calls to you. Read books, watch documentaries, study the art and literature of the time, and if possible visit those historic places or locations. Immersing yourself in this information anf expericnces may trigger subconscious memories or emotions that provide further insight into your past lives.

Karmic Relationships

The people we surround ourselves with, including our chosen partners, friends and family, are also significant karmic markers. We are drawn to certain people for reasons that may stem from past life connections. These relationships can teach us valuable lessons. Karmic relationships can be among the most challenging and rewarding, offering you opportunities to resolve old conflicts or deepen your understanding of love and connection.

Pay close attention to the dynamics within your relationships, especially those that evoke strong emotions, whether positive or negative. Have you ever met someone who seemed very familiar even though you had just met them? Or perhaps you have a relationship that is filled with intense challenges, yet you feel compelled to stay and work through the issues?

These relationships may be karmic in nature, offering you the opportunity to learn important lessons or repay karmic debts from past lives. Consider meditating on these relationships, asking for clarity and guidance on what you are to learn from them.


Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for gaining insight into your past lives. When you meditate, you quiet the mind and create a space for deeper awareness. This state of altered consciousness and mental openness allows memories and insights from past lives to surface.

Begin by setting an intention before your meditation session. Focus on uncovering karmic patterns or lessons that are relevant to your current life. As you meditate, pay attention to any mental images, feelings, and thoughts that arise. These may not always be clear, logical or immediately understandable, but with practice and patience, patterns may emerge that give you clues about your past lives.


Keeping a journal is a practical way to document and explore the signs and patterns related to your past lives. I recommend keeping two types of journals: one for your waking life and one for your dreams.

In your waking journal, write down any recurring themes, emotions or situations that seem to be repeating themselves. Are there certain types of people or circumstances that you encounter over and over again? These may be karmic markers, indicating unresolved issues from a past life.

In your dream journal, record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams are a rich source of symbolic and unconscious information. You may dream about places, people, or events that seem familiar but belong to another time or place. Pay attention to any recurring dreams, as these can be especially significant in uncovering past life connections.

Shadow Work

Shadow work helps resolve karmic issues from past lives by bringing unconscious patterns, behaviors, and emotions into conscious awareness, allowing for healing and transformation. Through self-reflection and confronting hidden aspects of oneself, individuals can identify repeating karmic patterns and release unresolved emotions tied to past life traumas.

By integrating these shadow aspects with compassion and understanding, shadow work breaks the cycle of unconscious reactions, empowering individuals to make mindful choices, fostering healing, self-forgiveness, and ultimately transforming their karmic path

As you explore your past lives and uncover karmic patterns, it’s important to remember that karma is not about punishment or reward. Instead, it is a system of learning and growth in which every action and experience helps to shape your soul’s journey.


Dreamwork can be very effective in uncovering karmic issues by using dreams as a bridge to access the subconscious mind where past life soul memories become more easily accesible. Through techniques such as dream incubation, Jungian dream analysis, Gestalt dreamwork, and dream journaling, one can explore the symbolic messages and recurring themes in you dreams that often point to past life experiences or deep-seated emotional wounds.

By consciously working with these dream symbols, patterns and scenarios, you can gain insight into your past lives and karmic lessons, confront unresolved issues, and release negative patterns. This process allows for healing and transformation as it brings hidden aspects of the self into conscious awareness, helping to integrate and resolve past life influences that are affecting the present.

Service and Charity

Charity and being of service to others is very powerful in helping to resolve karmic issues and promote spiritual growth by fostering compassion, empathy, and selflessness. Engaging in sefless acts of kindness and helping others also shifts the focus away from self-centered concerns and reduces ego-driven behaviors that can perpetuate negative karma.

By actively contributing to the well-being of others, individuals create positive energy, balance karmic debts, and cultivate virtues such as generosity and humility. These actions not only contribute to the betterment of society, but also promote inner healing and alignment with higher spiritual principles, ultimately leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

As we navigate our karmic paths, it’s important to remember that our lives have a purpose. Living for ourselves offers little opportunity for growth or contribution. Take time for introspection and ask yourself meaningful questions. Facing challenges such as illness, poverty, or discrimination can be daunting, but these are the Universe’s ways of teaching us. The Universe seeks our enlightenment, which is why we are continually reborn.

Embrace the lessons that karma brings, even if they come in the form of challenges or hardships. By viewing these experiences as opportunities for growth, you can transform your understanding of life and your place in the universe.

Remember that this life is only one chapter in a much larger story. You may not uncover all the details of your past lives, but by focusing on the lessons and growth available to you now, you can continue to evolve and move closer to spiritual enlightenment. Embrace the process and trust that each step will bring you closer to understanding and enlightenment.

About The Author: Mystic Shelley

Mystic Shelley is a five-star psychic, Reiki healer, clairvoyant and empathic reader. She offers her clients honest answers about past, present and future events with the help of her trusted guides. She reads in the area of love, relationships, career, money and all matters of life. Mystic Shelley was born with talents that would later mark her as a gifted psychic, but she chose not to embrace them early on. In her 30’s, a not-so-chance meeting with a celebrated psychic set her on a course that awakened her gifts. Born with the gifts of clairvoyance and empathy, her psychic mentor helped her to expand those abilities, taking her talents to the next level. With experience came proficiency and today she has a growing list of devoted clients who sing her praises. In addition, she’s also actively assisted other psychics to open up to their abilities. If you are looking for direct and honest answers get a reading with Mystic Shelley now at

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