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ancestral karma

The Past Life Memories Embedded In Your Cells

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever met someone and had the feeling that you had met them before, or that they were somehow a kindred spirit?

Have you ever tried unfamiliar foods that suddenly seemed very familiar or evoked feelings of nostalgia? Places that seemed very familiar even though you had never been there before?

Have you ever smelled a vaguely familiar scent that made you feel a certain way, or took you back to a distant time or place, not in this lifetime, but somewhere, sometime, long, long ago?

These experiences are more than coincidences. They are manifestations of your cellular memories.

The human body is made up of billions of cells that communicate with each other. Each of these cells is a living, breathing, feeling organism and carries energy imprints of all our memories and experiences in our current life as well as our past lives.

Every memory and experience from every life we have ever lived is recorded and stored in the Akashic Records – the cosmic library where the history of every soul’s journey is archived. It is a complete history of everything you have ever said, thought, felt and done throughout your soul’s entire growth journey.

This cosmic collection of past life memories and experiences is embedded in the cellular memory of your new physical body when you are reborn. The cells of your current body therefore carry many energy imprints, not only of your ancestral genetics, but also of your past life memories and experiences, and they affect your life, health and well-being on a daily basis, including your relationships.

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Not Everyone Chooses The Path Of Healing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!You’ve probably heard the phrase “what they don’t know can’t hurt them.” Sometimes this is true, but there are also times when what people choose to ignore or disregard can cause real harm – not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

For those of us with psychic or spiritual gifts, there’s an added complexity: the ability to sense the struggles of others, which leads to the question of when and how to help.

Intuitives, channelers and healers are very aware of the energy of others, even when we’re just going about our daily routines. Whether it’s a stranger in the grocery store or a friend across the room, we tend to sense when someone is struggling with grief, trauma or stress.

We may choose to quietly send them comforting or healing energy, hoping it will ease their pain, even if only for a moment, yet the urge to help can be very strong in these situations. And while reaching out and offering help can be very uplifting or rewarding for everyone involved, there are times when our attempts to help are met with resistance, or worse, denial.

It’s especially challenging to see someone we care about turn a blind eye to their own needs or pain, and even more so when our support is disregarded or unappreciated.

One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn in both my personal and professional life is that I can only help those who are willing to help themselves. The sad truth is that sometimes people choose not to act on information that could improve their lives or change their destiny. Instead, their negativity, anger, or fear allows the problem to fester or the behavior to grow, affecting not only themselves but also their loved ones. Over time, this denial creates a cycle of suffering that affects physical, mental and karmic health and well-being, sometimes for generations.

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Transform Your Life With Akashic Healing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Exploring my own Akashic record was a profoundly healing and enlightening experience. By accessing this information, I was able to uncover deep-rooted karmic patterns that spanned across lifetimes. Discovering the origins of these patterns helped me understand why certain fears and emotional blockages existed in my present life.

For example, one major discovery I made was the origin of a lingering fear of abandonment and persecution that I could not attribute to anything that had happened in my current lifetime.

By delving into my Akashic record, I uncovered past life memories of being persecuted as a witch and burned alive at the stake, which had left an indelible imprint on my soul memory. Although this discovery was painful, it gave me the clarity I needed to heal those karmic wounds.

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical “library” or energetic “database” that contains all the information about our soul’s journey across lifetimes. The Akasha holds records of every thought, action, emotion and experience our soul has ever had. It is part of the collective consciousness or universal memory that transcends time and space, and by tapping into this archived metaphysical information, one can gain insight into one’s past lives, current life situations, and potential future paths.

The term “Akasha” comes from the Sanskrit word for “ether” or “sky” and refers to the source energy or creative life force that permeates the entire universe. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Akasha is traditionally seen as the primary substance from which all things are formed and is considered the fifth element, along with earth, water, fire, and air.

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Extraordinary Evidence Of Reincarnation And Past Lives

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever felt an irresistible desire to visit a certain foreign country? Are you obsessed with a certain culture or have you always been fascinated by a certain period of history? Do you collect certain objects or paraphernalia that represent some kind of ancient spiritual tradition or esoteric practice?

Our inexplicable interests and unusual hobbies often reveal much about our past lives.

Reincarnation is a topic that has captured the imagination of people since ancient times as a thought-provoking perspective on life, death, and the soul’s journey through many incarnations. Physical life is not a singular experience, but a cycle of rebirth, learning, and evolution.

The concept of reincarnation is the belief that our soul, or non-physical essence, is reborn into a new life after we die.

Central to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, this spiritual concept is also found in certain streams of Judaism, among indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australian Aborigines, and in neo-pagan religions such as Wicca.

Various esoteric and mystical religious traditions, such as the Druze, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and Anthroposophy, also incorporate ideas of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.

In Kabbalah, the mystical branch of Judaism, reincarnation is also an important belief, referred to as gilgul neshamot, or the “cycle of souls.” Kabbalists teach that souls reincarnate to achieve spiritual redemption or tikkun, allowing individuals to correct mistakes from previous lives and fulfill their unique spiritual missions.

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The True Meaning Of Being Balanced

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spiritual teachers often emphasize the importance of achieving and maintaining balance as a fundamental aspect of well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development.

But what does it really mean? Is it about having a healthy work-life balance? Is it about a balanced diet or exercise routine? No, these are just some of the smaller elements of achieving true balance.

Balance refers to being holistically balanced in all aspects of our existence: body, mind, and spirit. Achieving and maintaining balance means creating a harmonious and integrated life in which all aspects of our being support each other, leading to overall well-being and a deeper connection with our true self.

We are more than our physical health, appearance and fitness levels. We are more than our thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. And we are more than our spiritual beliefs and practices. We are a wondrous compilation of all these things that make up our body, mind, and spirit. When any part of us is unhealthy or dysfunctional, it disrupts our alignment with our higher self. This is the true meaning of being out of balance.

Striving to be true to your higher self should always be your priority. Your higher self is the real you, the you that exists in harmony with the universe and is an expression of the divine. It is only when we are in alignment with our higher self that the world truly opens up for so much more to flow into our lives…instead of out of them.

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Accessing Your Own Akashic Record

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The ability to access the Akashic Records is traditionally considered a special gift that only a select few prophets or gurus are privy to. It is often mistakenly considered an esoteric practice that only the spiritually advanced or those of us with unique mystical abilities can perform.

However, this outdated perception is rapidly changing. The modern spiritual landscape embraces the understanding that, with some dedication and practice, anyone can learn to access their own Akashic ‘file.’ This shift is rooted in the notion that these records are not exclusive, but universal.

The records are a karmic birthright, freely available to all who seek to access them with sincere intentions and an open mind, for the simple reason that having free access to one’s own karmic “data” is beneficial to your soul evolution.

The concept of the Akashic Records has fascinated mystics, spiritual seekers, and esoteric scholars for centuries. Rooted in various religious and spiritual traditions, it is described as a universal compendium of all events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions that have ever occurred in the past, present, or future.

This metaphysical “library” or “database” exists in the non-physical and underlies the universal field of consciousness and our entire existence. In Sanskrit, the term Akasha (आकाश) is derived from the root word kas, which means “to radiate,” “to shine,” or “to be visible.” The prefix “a” intensifies or negates the root meaning, giving “Akasha” various interpretations such as “ether,” “space,” or “sky.” In Hindu philosophy Akasha is considered one of the five elements that make up the physical world.

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Transform Your Life With Sustainable Resolutions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery new year, I hear my clients complain about what they hope to change about themselves, what they want to change about themselves, or what they should be changing about themselves.

I then ask them why they are not claiming their power to change right now?

You do not have to wait until the New Year or some other major life event to make a change in your life. Once you’ve decided on a new path or course of action, the key is to stick with it for the long haul, taking small steps every day.

The Japanese call this kaizen, a philosophical concept that emphasizes continuous improvement, often in small increments. The idea is that by making consistent progress, even if it is just a little bit each day, you can eventually achieve significant results.

Sustainability should be the ultimate goal of whatever you decide to change in your life. While New Year’s resolutions are all noble and lofty, you have to acknowledge the inherent resistances and blockages you carry within and agree to be patient with yourself in order to ultimately get there.

I’m still working on some New Year’s resolutions I made in 2016. Do I look back in horror and say, “Why is it taking so long?” or “I really should be doing better!” Sometimes, yes! Do I use that as an excuse to backslide, fall off the wagon, or throw in the towel? Not at all, mostly because I’ve come to realize that if I hadn’t decided years ago to make those resolutions to make powerful changes in my life, I’d still be where I was, or worse. I’d be living a life of regret, not progress.

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