Spirit Guides
Manifesting A Better Life
The best time to work on manifesting better things in your life is when you are alone and everything is quiet around you. Ask the Universe for what you want and what you need in your life.
Writing down your wishes is a good starting point, Make a list of what you want in the next year, then five years. Make a list of the things you desire and be clear about what you want and need. You can ask for anything: a new job, new love, a better relationship with your family, and so on.
Once you have made a request, be aware as you guides will answer you, and guide you in the right direction. The key here is being aware of how they direct you, if you want to ensure you will accomplish your manifesting goals.
You need to be aware how your guides are directing you, or you could miss important opportunities along the way. They place ideas and thoughts in our minds, give us signs, and send us messages all the time. You need to be aware that they are there to help you always – just call on them!
And if your guides want you to learn a lesson, for example, such as ending a relationship that is toxic, in order for you to find a new, better relationship, then that is what you will need to do to accomplish your goal. Manifesting is seldom about simply receiving everything on a silver platter. It often also requires hard work, patience and sacrifices to achieve your end goal. Continue reading
Love Yourself, And Don’t Stop Believing
Recently, I had time to reflect on different aspects of my own life and where it was, or wasn’t going. I was starting to feel self-pity creeping up on me, and had to act to shift my energy out of that negative space, as it would trickle off into other areas of my life.
I was supposed to attend a celebration with family on a Wednesday, as well as a gathering with another group of relatives on the following Saturday. But I wasn’t prioritizing my own needs and well-being, and the Universe decided to put an end to my plans.
To cut a long story short, on the Wednesday, instead of going to the party, I landed in the local hospital emergency room, as my knee gave out and I could not walk. The Universe was telling me to rest – to sit down and get my priorities back in order.
My priorities have always been my children and grandchildren, and that hasn’t changed. However, my views on the recurring family drama, with regards who can go see who, and when, and where, and how, has significantly changed. I have decided to let go of always trying to keep the peace, and please everyone. I no longer wish to expose myself to the unnecessary stress and commotion of it all.
I let it go by simply asking my angels to deal on my behalf with all the stuff that I could no longer hold inside and carry, and take it off my shoulders. And yes, it took me a couple days to realize what was needed, but as soon as I did this, the need for walking with a cane started to disappear and the pain and swelling in my knee has been minimal the last couple of days.