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What You Should Know About Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychic ability is a complex phenomenon and can vary greatly from person to person.

Most psychics are born with their gifts, but these abilities often become stronger and more refined over time. This gradual development helps to ensure that psychics aren’t overwhelmed by the energy and information they receive.

Sometimes these gifts may also take a break or become less active for a while, only to come back when needed.

Psychic gifts come in many forms, just like the people who have them. No two psychics are exactly alike, and their abilities manifest in different ways. Some psychics may have visions or images of future events – this is called clairvoyance.

Others may be clairsentient, which means they can feel the emotions and energies of people, places, or objects. Some psychics are mediums who communicate with the spirit realm, connecting with deceased loved ones or other spirit beings.

No matter what type of ability a psychic has, these gifts are considered a blessing. But with these gifts also come a responsibility to use them wisely. Many psychics feel a strong desire to help others by offering guidance, insight and healing through their abilities.

However, it is important to remember that psychics don’t know everything. Their insights are often limited to what is revealed to them by spirit and the divine. Mostly a psychic will only receive the information most needed and appropriate for a specific person or situation at that moment in time. Continue reading

The Missed Opportunities Of Prophetic Predictions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychics and mediums are mostly known only for giving personalized predictions and spiritual advice tailored to individual clients. People often come to us for help with personal issues such as relationships, career choices, and other life concerns.

But there’s a bigger picture that doesn’t get as much attention: the role of some highly gifted psychics in making large-scale predictions that address collective challenges or foresee major events that affect everyone. These larger prophecies, such as warnings of natural disasters, economic crises, or global conflicts, are often unrecognized, overlooked, and even ridiculed.

Large-scale prophecies can have a big impact on the greater good if they were to be taken more seriously. If documented and acted upon, they can help society prepare for significant events and improve overall well-being.

In our modern world, the value of prophetic insights from today’s psychics and mediums is more relevant than ever. While prophecy may seem outdated compared to modern science and technology, these predictions can help us navigate the uncertainties and complexities of the future.

At their core, prophetic predictions are warning messages from the spirit realm, universal consciousness, the divine. They’re not random or whimsical; they’re meant to guide humanity by giving us glimpses into possible future scenarios. These visions are also not meant to interfere with our free will, but to alert us to possible outcomes so that we can take proactive steps to prevent or mitigate any negative effects.

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Protect Yourself From Psychic Scams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Over the past two decades of doing psychic readings, I have heard of many scams and frauds in my field.

It always saddens me when I hear about it, especially when I see firsthand the pain and devastation it causes the victims when some of them come to me for help. I have had to do a lot of clean up and damage control with clients who have unknowingly fallen victim to these types of scams.

Psychic scammers also make my work so much harder and ruin the reputation of authentic psychics everywhere. Psychic-related fraud leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths and makes the public doubt those of us who are genuine and well-intentioned.

To add insult to injury the criminal activity of these so-called “psychics” is something the media loves to report because of its sensational nature. Rarely do you see news reports of legitimate psychics helping to change, heal and even save lives.

With the rise of the internet, smart phones, social media and more recently artificial intelligence (AI), it has become much easier for scammers to defraud their victims in many new ways. Sometimes I feel that there are more fraudsters these days than at any time in my career. Or maybe they are just more visible now?

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Curiosity Killed The Cat

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comActress Lynn Kellogg recently passed at the age of 77, due to complications of COVID-19. She passed on November 12th, 2020, under the same moon phase that she was born under, namely a Waning Cresent Moon.

I have very fond childhood memories of Ms Kellogg. I loved to watch her every single Saturday morning on the educational television show, Animals, Animals, Animals. In the series, she sang various songs about the animals, as well as the opening theme song. Kellogg is however most famous for her role as Sheila in the original Broadway production of Hair in 1968.

I was not aware of her passing, until only a few days ago, when I had a surprising spirit visitation from her. At first, I was not sure exactly who she was, but she used my most vivid memories of the kids’ television show to remind me. She then said she had messages for those she loved, and those who loved her.

The first thing that she said to me was to tell everyone I knew that “curiosity killed the cat.” She actually gave this message to me using an old Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) kids’ jingle that is deeply ingrained in my childhood memory. The PBS commercial featured a cat, a trash can, a kite and a lightning bolt, and the voiceover at the end said, “Curiosity, It’s Electrifying!” I often used to say it out loud when I was little girl.

I asked her the meaning of this unusual message. “Do not be so curious and restless in these times,” she showed me. “Do not go out unnecessarily in these difficult days. It is not worth endangering your life.” This made little sense to me at that moment, until I later found out that it was reported in the news that her husband says she contracted the novel coronavirus while attending a social gathering, at which most attendants did not wear masks.

Later that evening, I was supposed to go out with friends who invited me for card games, dinner and movie night, but because of Lynn Kellogg’s message, I decided not to go. I later heard that several of the guests tested positive for Covid-19 after that get-together. It was a bittersweet mediumship experience, but I was spared thanks to Ms Kellogg’s message.

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The Angelic Astrology Of Dolly Parton

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDolly Parton is no doubt a national treasure and international superstar, always in our hearts, and lately also in the news headlines – and this inquisitive astrologer wanted to know why.

So, I took the liberty of looking into Ms Parton’s Profection Year – an astrology technique I like to use for a voyeuristic peek into what’s going on in the stars of our favorite stars.

To get started, I investigated her natal chart, which is basically the user manual or blueprint each of us is given at birth. Dolly was born with, as one might expect, some highly fortunate planetary positions in her chart.

She has her Venus and Moon in exalted signs, and her Jupiter – that larger-than-life reward-giver – in a very dignified position too!

Her birth chart predicts that she was going to go far in life. And quite easily, too. It even suggests that she might be put up on a pedestal of admiration by many. Hindsight certainly is 2020.

According to her chart, however, Dolly has earned every ounce of adulation she’s received. Her Sun in Capricorn, and her Virgo Rising, make her a hard worker who’s climbed her way to the top. She has an unstoppable genius, due to her Mercury in Aquarius, and a Mercury chart ruler that is planted firmly in her 6th house of tough grind and perseverance.

It’s really no surprise that Mercury – a versatile, peculiar planet – is ruling her artistry and song writing prowess. And her unique voice (Mercury) is unlike any other (Aquarius).

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