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Working With Archangel Gabriel

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Working with Archangel Gabriel is a transformative and enlightening experience.

Whether you are interested in spirituality, metaphysics, energy healing, psychic reading, or manifesting, incorporating the wisdom and loving guidance of Archangel Gabriel into your daily routine can bring much clarity, inspiration, and blessings into your life.

By establishing a heartfelt connection with this powerful archangel, you can receive support in expressing your truth, finding your life’s purpose, and tapping into your innate talents and abilities.

When you work with Archangel Gabriel, you open yourself to a source of divine guidance and support. It allows us to tap into his energies of communication and creativity.

Whether we are seeking guidance in personal matters or artistic inspiration, connecting with Gabriel can bring a sense of clarity and purpose to our endeavors.

If you are facing challenges, seeking clarity, or simply need a listening ear, Archangel Gabriel is there to guide you on the path that aligns with your highest good. His presence is also calming and uplifting, guiding us toward positive outcomes and new beginnings.

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Never Dabble With The Dark Side

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!My awakening began to unfold around the age of 21, marked by a vivid dream in which a white dolphin embodied the spirit of my boyfriend’s recently deceased brother, who had been a very good friend of mine.

The dream was not only a confirmation of my abilities as a psychic medium to receive messages from the other side. The white dolphin (speaking in the familiar, comforting voice of my friend) was also conveying insights from the spirit realm for my guidance and protection on my path as an awakening young psychic.

My friend taking the form of a dolphin in the dream made sense as he was a marine biologist at the time of his death and was doing important research on dolphins at the time.

But spirit is never that basic! The true meaning and symbolism of this unusual dream only became clear to me later in my psychic development journey when I began to investigate the symbolism in visitation dreams.

Although I was not aware of it at the time, a white dolphin traditionally symbolizes spiritual purity and a connection to higher realms. In fact, dolphins are considered spiritual guides and messengers in many cultures, offering protection and guidance to those in need.

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Astrology Forecast February 19 – 25, 2024

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Get ready for a spiritually charged week! As the Sun dives deeper into Pisces and the Moon takes a cozy swim through Cancer today and tomorrow, it’s the perfect time to hit pause. If possible, consider taking a breather to connect with like-minded souls or simply dive into nature for some quality time with your inner self.

Midweek, from Wednesday to Friday, the Moon struts into Leo, putting a spotlight on our closest ties and unleashing our empathetic and generous sides. It’s a reminder to not forget about numero uno. This lunar phase is tailor-made for self-care and showering yourself with a bit more love.

Come Friday, Mercury joins the Pisces party with the Sun, steering our thoughts towards the magical, mystical, and soulful realms. Brace yourself for a few weeks of metaphysical insights – keep those antennas up!

Saturday’s Virgo Full Moon, also known as the Snow Moon for the often heavy snowfall that occurs in North America at this time of year will urge us to shed baggage of the past, discard any misguided notions, and embrace new possibilities. During a Virgo Full Moon, there’s a tendency to examine aspects of our lives and evaluate what’s working and what needs to be released. It’s a time to let go of what no longer serves us, whether it’s outdated habits, unhealthy relationships, or unproductive thought patterns.

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The Anchoring Vitality Of The Root Chakra

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The chakras play a pivotal role in our energetic well-being. These energy centers, rooted in ancient Eastern philosophies, govern various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual functioning and health.

At the very base of this intricate energy system lies the root chakra, an energetic foundation that holds the key to our sense of security, stability, and connection to the world around us.

The root chakra, also known as the base chakra or muladhara in Sanskrit, is the first of the seven main chakras at the base of the spine. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it is the energetic anchor for the entire chakra system. This energy center is associated with red, symbolizing vitality, strength, and the life force that flows through us.

At its core, the root chakra is linked to our most primal instincts and survival needs. Its activation is crucial for establishing a solid foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life. When the root chakra is in harmony, it fosters a sense of security, grounding, and a deep connection to the physical world.

One of the primary functions of the root chakra is to address our basic survival needs, including food, shelter, and a sense of safety. When this chakra is balanced, we feel secure in our environment, enabling us to navigate life with confidence and stability. On the contrary, an imbalanced root chakra may manifest as fear, anxiety, or a constant sense of insecurity.

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Let Go And Embrace The Cosmic Dance!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is a mystical dance where the things we know and the mysteries we’ve yet to discover dance an intricate tango. And the universe invites us to let go and groove to the enchanting rhythm of this dance.

But here’s the thing – we often get tangled up in our own threads of attachment and resistance that interfere with our divine energy flow. In order to dance our best dance, we must learn to let go of what does not serve our flow. Letting go, releasing, surrendering is like untangling a messy knot that allows our mind, body and soul to boogie more freely!

In this dance of life, a psychic, medium or energy healer is like a cosmic DJ who can help you drop the limitations of the ego to participate more fully in the cosmic symphony. We help people transform their baggage of attachment into the gold of spiritual joy and fulfillment.

Whether it’s material possessions, toxic thoughts and feelings, dysfunctional relationships, or limiting fears and beliefs, attachments are like veils covering the radiant essence of your soul. You are potentially a spiritual alchemist who can dissolve these veils with the elixir of surrender. When we release our ego grip, we reveal the hidden sparkle of our soul in the divine light.

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The Psychic Insights Of Remote Viewing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my own journey of intuitive development, I have been exploring the possibilities of Remote Viewing. It is a psychic skill that is not often talked about.

Remote viewing is a clairvoyance technique that allows you to gather information about a distant or unseen target, such as a specific location, object, or event, using extrasensory perception (ESP) or “anomalous cognition.”

Remote viewers have minimal or no prior information about the target and rely solely on their capacity for “nonlocal awareness” (distant psychic sensing) to explore and describe it.

Remote Viewing gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, primarily through the efforts of the U.S. government-sponsored Stargate Project.

It is essentially the practice of clairvoyance using a formalized technique or protocol developed by the U.S. military during the Cold War as a tool for intelligence gathering. Over time, however, it has transcended its military origins and become a subject of interest to those seeking to tap into their latent psychic abilities.

Although a number of remote viewing studies have been conducted by individual researchers, most of the activity in this field to date has been conducted by three major laboratories: The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Palo Alto, California, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) at Princeton University, and the Mobius Laboratory in Los Angeles, California.

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Astrology Forecast February 5 – 11, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury moves into Aquarius today, challenging us to think differently for the next few weeks. Breaking out of old molds and thought processes will be the challenge as the rulin planet of communication, intellect, and the mind moves through this electric sign.

Our most productive days of the week will be tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon marches through Capricorn, so get your to-do list completed before the fireworks and celebrations begin, as this week marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year 2024.

This year we celebrate the Year of the Dragon, more specifically, Wood Dragon. An Aquarius New Moon occurs on Friday, February 9th, which officially kicks off Chinese New Year on February 10th, lasting until January 28th, 2025.

The Year of the Dragon is any esteemed year in Chinese culture, as it is associated with strength, prosperity, and good fortune. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with one of the twelve animal signs, and the Dragon is the only mythical creature in the cycle. People born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to inherit the dragon’s characteristics, which include intelligence, ambition, courage, and a strong sense of justice. Continue reading

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