Tarot Forecast June 2024: The Lovers
This month the universe presents us with the The Lovers. This Major Arcana card predicts the energies of passion, choice, connection and relationships as the tone for the month ahead. The primary energies this month are harmony, balance and unity. The Lovers card represents a time of deep connection and self-discovery with yourself and others.
The Lovers card is rich in symbolism, encompassing themes of connection, choice, and duality. It can represent romantic relationships, partnerships, or a harmonious balance between different aspects of the self.
This card usually symbolizes deep emotional bonds, love, and harmony in romantic relationships. It can signify the beginning of a new relationship, the deepening of an existing one, or the reconciliation of differences. It also represents the magnetic attraction and chemistry between lovers.
The Lovers card sometimes indicates instead an important choice or decision to be made. It emphasizes the importance of making choices that are consistent with one’s true self and values.
It can also represent moral dilemmas or ethical choices, encouraging us to follow our moral compass and make decisions based on integrity and truth. It can be a call to evaluate and realign with personal beliefs and values.
It also suggests duality and the balance between two forces, whether masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious, or different aspects of one’s personality. It emphasizes the need for harmony and balance in relationships and within oneself. It’s about finding a balance between desires and responsibilities, emotions and intellect.
The Spiritual Importance Of Living Your Passion
It is a sad fact that so many people in today’s modern world are dissatisfied with their lot.
However, many of us allow this to happen quite easily because we have responsibilities, bills to pay, and so on. We tend to just go along with what life gives us and resist the change that would lead to a more passionate life.
In fact, sometimes we never even stop to think about what our passion might be, and sadly, we live less fulfilling lives as a result. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.
I know that I myself have fallen into this category of people in the past, until I found where my true passion lies, which is helping other people through psychic readings and spiritual support. As a result, I have never been happier and you, dear reader, can do the same. It just depends on where your particular passion lies.
So, ask yourself, what do you really want to do with your life? Would you be more passionate about starting your own business than doing the job you have now, or are you particularly passionate about living your life in a certain way? If so, Spirit says it does not matter what other people think. What matters is what resonates with you and what makes you feel empowered and fulfilled as a human being.
Once you have determined where your passion lies (this is your focus), you need to develop a strong belief that you can fulfill this passion in your life and this mindset will be your driving force towards your goals. Many people stop at this critical point because they are understandably afraid of change. This is understandable, Spirit says, for it can be compared to stepping into the unknown.
Always Keep Your Eye On The Prize
Have you ever watched a professional athlete train for a race or tournament? The loyalty and dedication to achieving their ultimate goal can be awe-inspiring!
Serious athletes often rise at the crack of dawn, train for hours on end, follow a strict diet, and often miss family gatherings and social events. Nothing will stand in the way of the true competitor winning the gold their heart desires.
What drives an athlete to this extent? Is it all worth it, and what does it mean to us ordinary people?
The truth is that this level of dedication is not only possible for a few chosen or talented individuals. This kind of perseverance is something we are all capable of if we choose!
Our world has the potential to become a much better place if more of us embraced the dedication and commitment that athletes demonstrate in their pursuits. When we invest in our own development, we are so much better equipped to make meaningful contributions to society and support the well-being of others.
Elite athletes have little room for frivolity or laziness. They train seriously and stay focused, even in times of injury, disaster, or chaos. This unwavering commitment to their craft teaches us the importance of consistency and dedication in all aspects of life.
By adopting a similar mindset in our daily endeavors, we can cultivate the same kind of discipline and resilience. When faced with challenges or disruptions, staying focused on our goals allows us to overcome obstacles with determination and purpose, ultimately leading us to success.
Tarot Forecast May 2024: Judgement
The card for this month is Judgement, which encourages us to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us and to address karmic issues for personal and spiritual growth.
We may especially find ourselves facing the consequences of past actions or decisions this month.
Judgement emphasises the importance of accountability and responsibility, urging us to learn from our experiences and strive for karmic balance. By taking responsibility for our choices, we can break free from negative patterns and create a better future.
This will therefore be a month of reckoning and evaluation. Judgement invites us to reflect on our actions, choices and life path, and challenges us to take responsibility and face any unresolved issues with honesty and courage.
It will be a time of resolution and redemption, allowing us to find closure and make amends for past conflicts or mistakes.
By facing our challenges with integrity and compassion, we can experience inner peace and acceptance, paving the way for healing and growth. It also offers an opportunity for profound transformation and awakening, giving us a fresh start and the chance to embrace new beginnings with optimism and enthusiasm.
Tarot Forecast April 2024: Queen Of Wands
This month the Queen of Wands, a figure of authority and natural leadership, brings confidence, determination, and the ability to charm and inspire those around us. She is the Queen of Fire, symbolizing creativity, vitality and passion.
In the coming month we should be attuned to our ambitions as they may be strengthened. We may feel inspired to set new goals and make firmer decisions. There will be new motivational energies in our careers or businesses that will make it easier to keep our work goals and projects on track. This same energy will push us to get things done and take us to the next step.
The energy of the Queen of Wands calls us to tap into our inner self with instinct and confidence. As we face challenges in our professional or personal lives, our greatest asset this month is our self-awareness and ability to lead with confidence. Her energy will allow us to take control of situations that require a bold approach.
The Queen advises us to maintain our ideas and visions, especially in environments where our charisma can help others toward a common goal. Remember, to share is to care, so don’t hold back your gifts.
Maybe It’s Time To Let Go Of The Baggage
Most people who make New Year’s resolutions don’t keep them. Every year we tell ourselves it’s time to move on, to change, to leave negative people and influences in the past, and yet we rarely follow through. We wonder if it is even possible to let go of the things that hold us back?
Yes, it certainly is!
The first step is to simply make the decision that it’s time to let go of all the old baggage in your life. To do this we must be completely honest about what’s really holding us back and why it’s so difficult to let go. This is sometimes best done with the help of a coach or mentor, such as a therapist, spiritual advisor or trusted friend, who will listen and guide you objectively.
Until we have a true understanding of all our baggage and our own part in it, it will never go away. We must also be gentle and accepting as we travel this path. The past can never be undone, but it can be learned from and it can help us move into a better future.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time.” It’s within our power to change negative thinking patterns and habits. Good habits take at least a month to wire into our brains. Start with affirmations, practice better self-care, and stop obsessing about things you can’t change or control. Over time, you’ll find yourself making better decisions that aren’t tainted by the past.
Finding Your Superpower Within
Within you is a secret reservoir of untapped strength, a magical source of resilience, a mental and emotional fortitude waiting to be activated.
This inner strength is not a fixed trait, but a dynamic force that can be cultivated and nurtured through conscious effort and self-awareness. We all have the superpower of a cosmic hero within.
The path to uncovering our inner strength often begins with embracing vulnerability and acknowledging our imperfections and shortcomings.
It’s about recognizing that we are not infallible, but rather perfect spiritual beings in an imperfect human form, each with our unique blend of strengths, weaknesses, and karmic lessons to learn.
This willingness to be vulnerable allows us to shed the masks we wear and connect with our authentic selves, our soul identity, the core of our being where our true strength resides. It’s in this space of authenticity that we can begin to identify and cultivate the qualities that empower us to meet life’s challenges, face our karmic debts, and pursue our soul plan aspirations.