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Astrology Forecast July 15 – 21, 2024

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This morning the combined influences of Sun square Chiron, Scorpio Moon quincunx Jupiter, and Mars conjunction Uranus create a complex and dynamic start to the week.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio will add even more intensity and a desire for deep change to the mix of emotional sensitivity, need for balance and strong drive for change that these three aspects evoke. This can be both challenging and empowering, depending on how you navigate these energies today.

Try to begin the day with a grounding practice, such as meditation or journaling, to help you manage any emotional turbulence. Clarify your goals for the week and create a flexible plan that can accommodate both your needs and your ambitions. Above all, be open to unexpected changes and opportunities, as adaptability will be key to navigating these unbalanced energies today.

Tomorrow morning will be a good time to do business with the Scorpio Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, especially if you need to sell your ideas to senior management or important clients. This harmonious aspect allows for a seamless integration of emotional intelligence with practical action, leading to better customer understanding, trust building, problem solving, and overall financial efficiency.

The Sagittarius Moon on Wednesday and Thursday brings a burst of optimism, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore. This mid-week aspect promotes enthusiasm and a sense of freedom, helping us to break out of routine and infuse our week with inspiration and excitement. Seek out new experiences, embrace learning opportunities, and think expansively. It’s an ideal time to expand our horizons, both mentally and physically, and to take a more optimistic and open-minded approach to challenges.

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The Seven Angels Of The Planetary Week

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with the idea that the angelic realm watches over us. Angels are divine beings who constantly protect, guide, and support humanity.

Each of us has a guardian angel assigned to us at birth, who remains by our side throughout our lives, providing constant protection and guidance.

While guardian angels have a more intimate and personal role in our lives, archangels oversee broader aspects of our existence and can provide specialized support, guidance, and assistance. For example, Michael offers protection, Raphael provides healing, and Gabriel helps us communicate.

It is often assumed that archangels are a purely Christian concept, when in fact they are deeply rooted in various religious, mystical, and cultural traditions. Our modern knowledge of the archangels can be traced back through a complex interplay of mythology, theology, and mysticism across many civilizations and time periods.

Early accounts of such powerful celestial beings can be found, for example, in the mythologies of Mesopotamia and Canaan. These cultures had divine messengers who can be seen as precursors to the concept of archangels. One of the clearest early influences on the development of archangelic figures can be found in Zoroastrianism. The Amesha Spentas, or “Holy Immortals,” are divine beings who serve Ahura Mazda, the Supreme God. These beings resemble later archangelic figures in their roles and attributes.

What is also not commonly known about the archangels is that each day of the week is traditionally associated with a specific angel. This tradition is rooted in a fascinating blend of ancient astronomy, mythology, and religious mysticism, including Kabbalistic teachings, Christian mysticism, and angelology. It is the result of associating the days of the week with the seven classical planets, which in turn are traditionally associated with seven archangels.

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Astrology Forecast February 26 – March 3, 2024

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Harmony is the theme for the first half of the week as the Moon moves through loving Libra, focusing us on our relationships with ourselves and others. We may also be in a more romantic mood than usual and open to making new friends.

This morning’s Libra Moon trine to Pluto in Aquarius may affect our work productivity and focus, as we will be more intensely in our “feels” than usual. This aspect can also make us feel restless for adventure, excitement, novelty or change.

Fortunately, we will be back on track by Wednesday afternoon with the Pisces Sun conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect tends to drive us to get our business or professional affairs in order and become more organized and focused.

Beware however the Mercury in Pisces conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday morning, as this aspect can cause us to be stubborn, resentful, and suspicious . Don’t accuse your partner of cheating without actual evidence, avoid unnecessary arguments with the family, and focus on being a team player at work, as much as you may feel the need to work alone and do things your way.

The second half of the week belongs to a Scorpio Moon, and combined with the Pisces Sun, this is a great time to practice your metaphysical skills, try some channeling to connect with others from the spirit world, or simply increase your meditation time to strengthen your inner well-being and intuitive powers.

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Astrology Forecast January 1 – 7, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy New Year! May your 2024 be a cosmic symphony of love, joy and fulfillment.

May the ancient wisdom of the stars and planets inspire you to dance to the rhythm of your heart this year. May the coming year usher in an era of spiritual expansion for you to discover even more of the limitless power you have within to create the life of your dreams!

The first day of 2024 begins on an auspicious note as Mercury goes direct, putting an end to confusion, miscommunication, technology failures, and travel chaos. But give it a few days to right itself before you make any big plans for the new year. Once Mars moves into hardworking Capricorn on Thursday, we’ll be ready to go full speed ahead, carving a path into the future and putting our plans into action!

The Moon will cruise through Virgo on Monday and Tuesday, filling our heads with ideas and opinions that we would be wise to hold off on just yet.

Let the Libra Moon on Wednesday and Thursday restore our balance before we act on those ideals.

A Scorpio Moon rules the skies Friday through Saturday, where we’ll be looking for more spiritual and inner ways to fill our time. If you are back at work this week, Friday will be an excellent time for business meetings, sales pitches, and financial decisions as the Scorpio Moon trines Saturn in Pisces.

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Astrology Forecast December 4 – 10, 2023

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The week begins on a mentally sharp and very energetic note, with several aspects highly conducive to both personal and professional achievement and success.

Today and tomorrow will be especially good for work and business as the Moon transits through meticulous Virgo, combined with Venus entering the same sign today.

A Virgo Moon trine to Mercury in Capricorn this morning will further enhance our workday with increased mental acuity, practical thinking and wise decision-making, followed by a trine to Jupiter in Taurus that will promote social success and open doors to financial opportunities.

This ambitious, driven energy continues through tomorrow afternoon with a Virgo Moon trine to Uranus in Taurus, known for heightened ambition, focus, determination, and persuasiveness. By day’s end tomorrow, the Venus in Scorpio trine to Saturn in Pisces will put the finishing touches on our two-day siege of mental precision, focus, and persistence.

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Astrology Forecast November 20 – 26, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe highlight of this week will be the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius on Wednesday, moving us out of the sultry vibes of Scorpio and into a more light-hearted and fun atmosphere for the next four weeks. Sagittarius is also the sign of justice, fairness, and the law of the land, so moving with honor and intention will be emphasized.

However, we’ll be leaning toward a more spiritual, ethereal stance today and tomorrow as the Moon moves through Pisces. Go with the flow and trust your intuition when making important decisions during this time.

This morning’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Saturn may cause us to feel a little melancholy or even depressed. Guard against unwarranted feelings of dissatisfaction or loneliness, and try not to be stubborn or unnecessarily difficult, as this will only set the tone for a much more challenging week than would otherwise be the case.

Tomorrow afternoon a Pisces Moon square to Mercury in Sagittarius could cause some problems with communication and travel. Double-check your route before you hit the road and make sure you are sending that text or email to the right person! Some of us may also experience brain fog, lack of focus and negative thoughts.

The pace will pick up on Wednesday and we will fly through our commitments with ease until Friday under an assertive Aries Moon.

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Astrology Forecast November 6 – 12, 2023

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Two planets change signs this week, shifting our focus and raising the vibrations for the next few weeks.

Venus moves into Libra, the sign it rules, on Wednesday, followed by Mercury’s move into Sagittarius on Friday. Both will spend the month of November inspiring loving and joyful energies.

Meanwhile, productivity will be the name of the game from this afternoon through Wednesday as the Moon moves through Virgo, calling for organization, analysis and integration. Detailed, focused work, sorting through information, and organizing plans are all themes to expect during this meticulous transit.

It may even be a good idea to work late today, for while things may be highly organized and productive at the office, the Virgo Moon’s opposition to Saturn in Pisces late this afternoon could cause some trouble at home, especially regarding disagreements about dependent children and family finances. Bite your tongue and keep the peace. Also, if an elderly parent or relative lives with you, they are likely to interfere, which will only add fuel to the fire.

The rest of the week will be more relaxed and personable as the Moon transits Libra Thursday through Friday. Combined with Venus entering Libra tomorrow, people will be more friendly, kind, and helpful than usual, so this will be a good time to ask a friend that big favor or your employer for that long-overdue raise.

The weekend unfolds under a mystical Scorpio Moon that will spark our imaginations and bring us into contact with interesting people, ideas and information to consider. Going with the flow will be a theme, as this moon is famous for changing our direction at a moment’s notice.

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