What Happens When We Cross Over?
As a psychic medium I am sometimes asked what it it is like when we cross over. In my experience doing thousands of readings over the years, people seem to have very similar death experiences.
The dying person often sees their own body below them, as if they are floating above it. They can often hear medical personnel trying to save them. There is a complete detachment from their body.
They can also see their loved ones in the room. So, even if you’re loved one is in a coma, or appears to not know you are there, please know that they do. They see the flowers you bring and see you holding their hand. It comforts them. They will feel the love you are giving them.
I have also had cases of them hearing what people were saying about them who while they were in a different location, even another country. Our energy is like air. It can move through anything and can be in several places at once. We are pure consciousness.
After the out-of-body experience, there is often a tunnel that they move through with a bright light at the end. This light is incredibly appealing. People feel compelled and pulled toward this light. They often also feel others present with them. Loved ones, ancestors, guides, angels, God. Their feelings of love, calm, peace and bliss is overwhelming and indescribable.
Once through the tunnel, they are greeted and welcomed by loved ones and guides. Even animals that have crossed will often be there. So, know that you will be reunited with your beloved pet!
Making Peace With Nature’s Plan
Nature’s plan is perfect, whether we understand it, or not. I have been distraught by this much of my life. I have also over-thought it at times, especially when I see animals suffering in nature, or the damage sometimes done to fauna and flora by raging wildfires, floods, and other natural forces.
I often ask myself what the lesson is in all of this for me? Why am I sometimes so profoundly upset by the way nature take its natural course? Apart from humanity’s awful neglect, exploitation and abuse of animals and natural resources, I have often also questioned nature itself, and how animals can be so cruel in their treatment of one another – and not always just for the sake of survival.
I have looked into the subject for some kind of resolution or understanding as to why nature is designed this way. The teachings of Emmanuel, as channeled by Pat Rhodegast, insist that nature’s plan is perfect and that each creature chose the role of predator or victim for the experience it would bring them in their own evolution process.
The Amazing Afterlife of Animals by Karen Anderson suggests that an animal will never depart this world before its their time to go, and that when it is their time to leave, they often prefer to be alone. They wander off and find a secluded place to end their lifespan naturally. They may even be chased away by other members of the herd, or other family pets. This is nature’s way.
This was the case in my home very recently. Ten days prior to my youngest cat, Prince, becoming really ill, my smallest female cat, who never liked Prince, was marking her territory and trying to keep him away from her food. She was hissing at him and tried to chase him out of the house.