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The Divine Source Of Psychic Awareness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my favorite Vedic hymns is the Absolute mantra which can be translated this way:

That is Absolute (Divine), this is Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) rises out of Absolute (Divine). 

If Absolute (Divine) is taken out of Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) remains.

It is my personal belief that this mantra is a key to understanding our existence, and also gives us insight into where psychic phenomena come from. We are all interconnected through a Divine matrix, but the daily perception of our experience is that of duality or separateness. We do not consciously share our awareness with trees or other people, but the Divine matrix is still present whether we recognize it or not.

So, how does this explain psychic phenomena? These are my theories, but that being said, they are theories that have their roots in various spiritual traditions. We may never fully understand psychic phenomena, but it is my personal conviction that it happens when a level of the Divine consciousness seeps through into the consciousness of an individual.

Some psychics experience intense empathic impressions, where they  experience the emotions of another individual, while others communicate with spirits or ultra-terrestrial beings, such as the angels and guides that observe and influence our everyday lives.

The veil of duality is slightly removed for people who have these abilities and they can therefore interact with these beings on a higher plane of consciousness. Gifted psychics can also see into the past and the future, because they are able to transcend the duality of time. This is also a manifestation of the Absolute, since the Absolute transcends even time itself.

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Your Personal Shift Into Conscious Living

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery day we run into people. We meet clerks, bus drivers, cashiers and all kinds of people that we bump into around the neighborhood.

We greet and are greeted in different ways. We pick up on other peoples energies based on how they treat us, and sometimes we can telepathically feel what they are feeing and telling us with their eyes.

It’s up to us, each of us, to give light or darkness in every single interaction we have with one another.

I hope to empower each and every person and inspire everyone who reads this at this very moment. I want us to awaken from this very sleepy realm we live in; this physical weighed down realm.

I hope everyone will feel uplifted by my words and recognize that our actions and thoughts and every will be judged one day. Ultimately we will be the ultimate ones that judge ourselves. I want us to empower one another and ourselves. I want us to awaken!

There is a global shift in consciousness occurring. It’s been unfolding for some time now, and will continue to happen. The veil is thinning.

Those of us who have developed our inner psychic center and have tapped into that part that allows us to sense and feel more deeply, know that we are entering a new era in the evolution of humanity. We are evolving at a very rapid rate and those who are remaining stagnant and are unwilling to explore the intuitive and spiritual parts of their mind and psyche are still living in the narrow-minded classical realm.

I truly feel it’s time and a call has been put out to me to share this. If you already live in the quantum realm you will know exactly what I’m speaking of. Those of us who already live a conscious fifth dimensional life in a third dimensional world, know our place in the universe and are doing our best to make that difference for the greater good of mankind, our amazing planet and all its living beings, plants and animals. We are all connected. We are all neighbors, brothers and sisters.

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The True Role Of The Spiritual Healer

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual healing is the healing of the human body through spirit power by means of mediumship. Healing comes under both the mental and physical phases of mediumship. The sending of healing vibrations mentally, and the healing forces applied without the laying on of hands, all come under the heading of mental mediumship.

Some marvelous things have been accomplished by the sending of healing vibrations through the power of thought. As you know, prayer is the sending of thought vibrations to a Higher Source. So, we can easily understand how one might be healed this way.

Faith enters largely into a demonstration of mental healing, and it is almost impossible for a healer to accomplish much, unless the patient works with the healer in faith. Thoughts of hatred and jealousy are most destructive, and a body poisoned with thoughts of this nature cannot be healed until this destructive force is overcome.

Vibration always plays an important part in all healing, both mental and physical. All matter is spiritual energy at different rates of vibration, an emanation from Divine Mind. The lowest vibration of color of what we are conscious of comes to us in the shades of red and the highest in the violet and purple shades.

The spirit healer use knowledge of the laws of vibration. Mental disturbances are caused by too rapid a vibration and physical disturbances are caused by too low a vibration.  The one must be lowered, and the other raised, in order to effect a cure.

For the sake of convenience, I sometimes refer to myself simply as a ‘healer.’ However, I do not heal others myself. My task is to listen, and open myself up to receive the energy, the light, and the information that allows me to become the catalyst for the healing and transformation of my client. I am simply a conduit. The healing is not performed by me, it merely comes through me. Healing is a decision between my client and Spirit, God, Source, the Universe.

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Let Us Be Kind To One Another

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a strange world where we place so much importance on who we know, what we own, what we be believe, who we vote for, and (as silly as it is) what we look like. Instead, we all should be placing more value and importance on how we treat one another, and not be so unkind, selfish, and judgmental. Not to mention all the distractions created by modern technology and materialistic pursuits.

It is very hard for anyone to be truly spiritually aware and live a life of higher consciousness in today’s mad world. Living in a holy way, like the Saints of the Catholic faith, is almost completely out of reach these days. The Saints got it right first time around, and they are an example of how to live in a selfless, ‘do unto others’ kind of way.

We will ultimately be held accountable for every thought, word, action and deed. I think it is very egotistic to think that all that is needed is one lifetime around and then ‘ta-da,’ you get granted entry to eternal bliss. Just for claiming your are religious, a ‘good person,’ or spiritually ‘evolved’? Never! Doesn’t work like that.

Do you consider yourself a saint? None of us are. I certainly don’t consider myself one; not by a long shot. But one does notice the self-righteous attitudes of some among us, like they are better than the rest. Spirit doesn’t condone that kind of pride one bit.

Faith and spirituality is indeed a personal choice for every person. But there are some undeniable, eternal truths and universal laws that apply to all of us, no matter what we choose to be believe or who or what we worship.

For me faith and spirituality is about believing and doing what the Bible recommends. But it is not just about attending church services on Sundays, and then going against God’s Word the other six days. It’s about being humble, being pure of heart and mind, and being kind to one another. We are all connected and until we begin treating everyone as our neighbor we shall know no lasting peace or harmony.

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Navigating Energy Challenges – Manual Versus Automatic

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI had always been fascinated with driving a stick shift car, as my dad drove several such vehicles in my childhood years. On our third date, my ex-husband took me to an empty parking lot and showed me the ropes on how to drive a stick shift. However, despite his valiant attempt to teach me, I failed miserably.

I reflected on this experience recently, synthesizing an analogy to what I had experienced twenty-five years ago, and found an interesting correlation with my chakra recovery journey.

Also known as Kundalini awakening, the chakra recovery process has not been an easy one for me.  I literally felt like I was going to die on many occasions. Six years into this journey, I still incorporate daily energy self-care in the form of meditation, visualization, Epsom salt baths, aromatherapy, and other spiritual practices.

But I have noticed progress! My mind is so much clearer these days, and my sleep more efficient. Most of all, I radiate more kindness, truth, and an open mind of late. And I do believe the best is yet to come!

This reminded me of the ease with which one usually drives an automatic transmission vehicle. To me this is analogous to the ultimate goal of spiritual self-care: to be able to harness the energy of a fully-tuned, balanced chakra system and apply it to everyday life.  A person naturally flowing with energy is able to handle more challenging situations with greater ease. Once the crown chakra starts to open, this is when innovative, eternal wisdom flows through.  Then we can begin to grasp the rhythm and precision necessary to operate our energy more fluidly and automatically, instead of like a ‘stick shift.’

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The Transformative Power Of Silent Meditation

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirituality is perceived in the East with many similarities to what is believed in the West, but with an entirely different way of talking about it. For example, in terms of Easter philosophy a person’s individual identity is not their ego.

Identity is the journey of self-discovery that consists of affirming one’s individuality and being able to express everything that we are. This can be achieved through meditation, prayer, or various other spiritual and recreational practices that clear the mind through engaging in an activity that soothes us and brings us into silent contemplation.

Silence does not detach us from our soul essence. On the contrary, it allows us to be fully present and completely ourselves, without the limitation of words and actions. It is not aimed at denying our true spiritual nature. On the contrary, it is a time of authentic self-awareness and beingness.

Different Buddhist traditions refer to the natural state of mind as a state of enlightenment. In the Sanskrit and Tibetan traditions, we also find terms that speak of a clear, open mind. In Tibetan philosophy, enlightenment or awakened energy is called byang-chubs – literally purity and wholeness.

Being calm, at ease, and silent constitutes a state of mind that would happen naturally unless something is bothering us. These internal obstacles cannot be blamed on others or our external reality. Life is always complex and rarely calm.

In fact, these obstructions are seen as being nothing but habits, the result of karma, that obstruct the free and unconditional luminosity of the mind, like clouds that cover the sun on a summer day. Karma does not mean punishment. It is the result of previous actions. They are the result of what we do and what happens to us.

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Eye Gazing As A Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEye gazing is a powerful, ancient practice in which two people engage in a shared meditation practice during which eye contact is maintained for an extended period of time. Eye gazing is usually done for about ten minutes at a time, although it can certainly be any duration preferred.

Eye gazing can be used to access past life information, promote healing, connect to your higher self, guides, or angels, and almost anything else you can imagine. The eyes are the windows to our soul, and our soul is the singularity that connects us to everything else: the Universe, Source, God, the Divine. Eye gazing is also a profound manifesting tool we can use to further develop our ‘spiritual muscles,’ so to speak.

Before you include eye gazing in your spiritual practice, I recommend you read my previous blog on the essentials of eye gazing. Once you are more familiar with the basics, you can also apply the following guidelines to your eye gazing practice.

To use eye gazing for a specific purpose, you must set a clear intention beforehand, and then hold that intention throughout the gaze. You hold an intention by simply keeping a gentle awareness in the back of your mind that what you are seeing during the gaze is relevant to your intention, and trusting that whatever comes forward is always relevant.

It’s important not to simultaneously hold any expectations about what you’re going to see, or to resist anything that comes up spontaneously, just because you don’t immediately see its relevance or connection to your intention. Keep an open mind and be flexible and accepting in the flow of your gazing experience.

If you’re gazing alone, sit comfortably in front of a mirror, take a few centering breaths, and then state your intention out loud. I prefer to speak aloud in my spiritual practice whenever possible, as words are energy forms and therefore add a ‘weight’ to our prayer requests, intentions, and affirmations. State your intention out loud and ask Spirit to provide insight around this intention. Use language that feels right for you.

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