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Don’t Let Fear Destroy Your Inner Peace

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI did a reading today in which I channeled information that I feel is very relevant to many people.

I was counseling a client about the recurring conflict in her life, especially in her relationships. She had been experiencing repetitive scenarios of negative interactions with people and wanted to understand why this keeps happening.

Spirit delivered the following message for her benefit.

Human conflict is meant to inspire personal growth and soul evolution. If there had been no conflict in our evolutionary process on this planet, the highest form of life would be bacteria. There is a need for conflict to produce evolution and expansion.

In the human experience, conflict is integral to our personal spiritual enlightenment, as well as to our next stage of evolution as a species. Much of the conflict we experience in this life is mental and emotional conflict caused by interpersonal relationships.

The goal, however, is to learn the lessons that these conflicts teach us and to transcend its low vibrational energies.This is because the next stage of human evolution is the attainment of a higher level of consciousness. Each person’s outer world is expressed through their level of inner wisdom and soul growth.

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Envisioning A Better World For All

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMore than a century ago, the great Indian sage Paramahansa Yogananda spoke in his teachings and writings about envisioning a better world for all. He believed in the transformative power of individual and collective consciousness and emphasized the importance of spiritual practices such as meditation and self-realization in creating a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Yogananda stressed that true change begins within each individual. He believed that by working on our own spiritual growth and self-realization, we radiate positive energy and higher consciousness that contributes to a more peaceful and loving world.

He encouraged individuals to envision a new world of peace, harmony, and unity. By holding this vision in our minds and hearts, he believed, we could collectively bring it into being. Yogananda promoted the concept of universal brotherhood, which recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings. He encouraged people to look beyond differences of race, religion, and nationality and to treat one another with love, respect, and understanding.

Yogananda also spoke of the power of visualization and positive thinking. He saw prayer and meditation as powerful tools for individual and collective transformation. He encouraged individuals to live with a sense of purpose and to align their actions with higher ideals.

In a modern world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it is indeed essential that we hold on to a common vision of a better future. We must strive to create a world in which every individual, regardless of background or circumstance, can thrive.

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The Universal Power Of Prayer

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPrayer has become a loaded, even triggering concept in spirituality. The modern notion of this practice has become religified and somewhat sanctimonious. It has mostly been appropriated by dogmatic, organized religion and too often assumed to only belong to the chosen, privileged few.

In my experience, prayer is in fact both a divine gift and universal law that belongs to us all, no matter what our particular spiritual or metaphysical beliefs may be. We all receive what we pray for, both spiritually and on a secular basis. And we all pray in different ways.

Prayer follows the path of least resistance, and the Universe abhors a vacuum. If our heart and mind are in the right place, prayer always works. We get what we pray for. The downside of getting what we pray for requires carefully choosing what we pray for. Time and time again, throughout history, this choosing has caused generations of clean-up. The karmic cleanup is not often successful, because we have not been willing to understand the hindrance of ulterior motives and hidden agendas. Spirit knows all, and there is nothing truly hidden or secret.

So, yes, we do get what we pray for, but we need to also be careful when we pray, because karma is also a Universal Law. We must always pray bearing in mind the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the Golden Rule: as we give, so we receive.

One does not need to be a scientific genius to understand the basic concept of vibratory energy frequency and how it determines what we attract and impacts the quality of our life. A ‘vibe’ is either low or high. This does not only apply to us as individuals, but also to the collective vibrations of our families, communities, nations, as well as the collective frequency of the entire planet, which has been changing significantly in recent times.

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The Evolution Of Your Metron

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith the rapid expansion of digital communication technology we are increasingly coming into an evolutionary shift of consciousness as it relates to relationships between individuals in the human family.

Let’s first look at social and spiritual structures in relationships. I would like to resurrect for the purpose the Greek word metron (μέτρον). Metron is a unit of measure that we can use to explain our sphere of influence, and also the spiritual gifts and styles that we use to influence this sphere.

Many of us have a limited metron, and consistently manifest together with the same grouping of souls on the planet. We each have a family structure that is related to soul agreements before incarnating on the planet. This is why we sometimes meet a person and have the feeling that we have known them our whole lives. What is happening is that our souls are united in the same metron.

We are all inter-connected with one another. Think of it this way: we have the Earth making up one bustling metron of consciousness, or a single metron with many parts. Then we have our solar system making up a greater metron; then the galaxy encompassing the metron units on an even greater scale; next the universe; then the multiverse; and who knows what else is out there compiling greater and greater complexity together.

Our spiritual or soul experience is very similar. We have a small group of people making up our metron, and then we have societal and social structures that increase this metron moving out to a greater and greater expansive experience, until we have the cosmic or universal consciousness.

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A Solstice Resolution For The Love Warriors

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe December solstice is upon us toady. The Sun is currently directly above the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. Traditionally, the solstice is the most spiritual time of the year in many cultures. The solstice season is a time to cultivate our soul purpose and life journey by reflecting on the year that has been, as well as the new year to come.

For me, 2022 has been a year of finding increased divine connection and inner strength and peace by expanding my psychic gifts. This year I have particularly focused on expanded my telepathic abilities to promote compassion, love and peace in turbulent, chaotic situations and an intolerant post-pandemic world.

I am proud to report that I have made significant progress. For example, many months ago, my daughter and I were on a public bus together, when the driver aggressively started yelling at a young passenger. He became so unhinged that he stopped the bus, ordered him to get out, and even started start throwing things after him. However, sending out ‘happy vibes’ was not yet my first line of defense back then. Instead, I resorted to calling 911. The city’s transport authorities ultimately dealt with the driver.

Recently, I was confronted with a similar situation, when a bus driver cussed out a child for not wearing a coat. But this time, instead of reporting the driver, I focused on bringing calm and safety telepathically to the driver and the other passengers. It worked, as she soon focused on other matters at hand, such as the flow of traffic, instead of escalating in her anger towards the child.

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The Paradigm Shift Of An Awakening World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost people respond more strongly to negative than they do to positive news or events. No matter how hard some of us may try to live with grace and gratitude by looking at the brighter side of life, a piece of bad news, malignant gossip, or fear-inducing information is a lot easier to run with than good news. We also react to someone else’s bad behavior much more strongly than their good conduct. We seldom praise or sincerely compliment, but we are quick to judge and criticize.

Case in point is my own experience working as the curator at fine art galleries some years ago. Ten clients would be nice and easy to please, but if the eleventh person was having a bad day they would be the one to get most of my attention. I’ve since gotten a lot better at being able to tune out the negativity and drama resulting from low vibrational frequencies, but it still remains impossible for me not to be affected by it from time to time.

Due to our innate survival instinct as humans beings we are simply incapable of ignoring negativity – or in a more enlightened scope, not give energy to it. This is understandable, as our first instinct is usually to protect ourselves by knowing if bad things may be happening.

But, so many people seem to absolutely thrive on every possible fragment of negativity, fear or drama they can find. From messy family quarrels, feuds with neighbors, and rude, unkind behavior in public places, to the brutal, senseless wars that continue to be fought since time immemorial. Every bit of it is and has been based on human reactions to slights, hurts and trespasses – some of it petty and even imagined.

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Let Us Be Kind To One Another

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a strange world where we place so much importance on who we know, what we own, what we be believe, who we vote for, and (as silly as it is) what we look like. Instead, we all should be placing more value and importance on how we treat one another, and not be so unkind, selfish, and judgmental. Not to mention all the distractions created by modern technology and materialistic pursuits.

It is very hard for anyone to be truly spiritually aware and live a life of higher consciousness in today’s mad world. Living in a holy way, like the Saints of the Catholic faith, is almost completely out of reach these days. The Saints got it right first time around, and they are an example of how to live in a selfless, ‘do unto others’ kind of way.

We will ultimately be held accountable for every thought, word, action and deed. I think it is very egotistic to think that all that is needed is one lifetime around and then ‘ta-da,’ you get granted entry to eternal bliss. Just for claiming your are religious, a ‘good person,’ or spiritually ‘evolved’? Never! Doesn’t work like that.

Do you consider yourself a saint? None of us are. I certainly don’t consider myself one; not by a long shot. But one does notice the self-righteous attitudes of some among us, like they are better than the rest. Spirit doesn’t condone that kind of pride one bit.

Faith and spirituality is indeed a personal choice for every person. But there are some undeniable, eternal truths and universal laws that apply to all of us, no matter what we choose to be believe or who or what we worship.

For me faith and spirituality is about believing and doing what the Bible recommends. But it is not just about attending church services on Sundays, and then going against God’s Word the other six days. It’s about being humble, being pure of heart and mind, and being kind to one another. We are all connected and until we begin treating everyone as our neighbor we shall know no lasting peace or harmony.

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