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Dealing With Negative Energy This Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat do you do when you have to go to a family holiday gathering you have dreaded all year? What is supposed to be a positive, happy reunion this time of the year is often a negative, argumentative and energetically draining occasion!

I know from experience that diverse personalities show up to these types of gatherings and over the years I have learned to keep quiet, and smile, and muster through it. I have helped several of my clients lately find solutions to deal with these challenging situation.

There was the uncle that swears around the children who my client is trying to raise in a loving, Christian environment. I have also helped a client find out why her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law constantly gossip about her behind her back. I have helped bring light to a client’s ongoing problems with her siblings’ argumentative nature.

I want you to know that the choice is yours if you choose to deal with these people. Remember you always have free will, even in the most dire circumstances. You don’t have to be around family members who steal your energy and drop their poison of negative energy and comments on you.

It’s unhealthy to put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable, especially when the environment is saturated with dis-ease. Sometimes you have to exercise your right to say: “No thank you, I will pass!” If you do this, you will find you have more energy for those that do treat you well and don’t talk about you behind your back.

Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty that your not going to attend. Make positive changes this holiday season by saying no to unnecessary stress, negative people and toxic energy. Embrace your own assertiveness for the betterment of your health and mental well-being.

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Dealing With ‘Unawakened’ Friends And Family

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual awakening is a profound shift in our perception that forever alters the way we experience life. But after we have made the shift it can be difficult to relate to less spiritually aware friends and relatives and leave one feeling lonely and deeply isolated.

The following strategies can be helpful in cultivating more harmony between yourself and ‘unconscious’ people without compromising your own energy vibration.


At one time you were also not awakened. Think back to what that was like. What kind of thoughts dominated your mind? How did you feel about your life? How did you feel in general? The truth is, although you’ve gone through a spiritual awakening, you can still relate to those who have not. You have a point of reference for this.

Someone who is unconscious typically doesn’t have a pleasant inner world, because they aren’t intentionally governing it. Think back to what your life and most importantly – your relationship with yourself and your mind – looked like before your awakening. What did your own resistance look like? At some point your perspective shifted. But prior to that point – how receptive were you to changing your views and ideas? Especially when a family member came to you and said, “Hey, you’re doing it wrong.”

Put yourself in their shoes. Now that you’ve awakened you have the pleasure to start putting it to use in a way that serves the highest and best good of all. Remember that every soul is a spiritual being, and just because you have awakened to this fact, does not make you ‘better than’ anyone else. This is a trap that the ego likes to throw up early, and often along the spiritual path.

The ego is something we must constantly be mindful of. You are not more spiritual because you are vegan, or because you meditate, or because you do Yoga. If you are living in judgment of others through these practices, you are trapped in ego. Be mindful of yourself and come back to a state of compassion and empathy. Allow people to awaken in their own time.

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Telepathy Is Our True Spiritual State

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI can read other people’s thoughts. It is known as telepathy, or the direct transference of thoughts from one person to another without using the usual sensory channels of communication. It is a psychic ability, or what parapsychologists refer to as extrasensory perception (ESP).

My first awareness of being telepathic was around age three. As a child I thought everyone could read other people’s thoughts. It wasn’t until my early teens that I realized this was not the case.

Being a telepath is not necessarily fun. I sometimes hear, for example, people judging me in their thoughts. These brief telepathic perceptions can be so sudden and unexpected that they completely stop me in my tracks for a moment.

For instance, I could be teaching a class, and suddenly I ‘hear’ one of the students thinking something hostile, disparaging or disturbing about me. When this happens, it can make it difficult for me to continue speaking or functioning for a few seconds.

I have become much better at dealing with this as an adult, but it was very difficult for me as a child. I would often glare at the person, which I think freaked them out. I have since come to understand that their ‘mean thought’ is very fleeting, and that people have many other thoughts at the same time. They normally do not even notice or remember the thought they had about me, so they would not know why I was glaring at them.

Consider your own thought patterns and self-talk habits for a moment. Most people have a lot going on in their mind all at once. Imagine how overwhelming this can be for someone else – to get into your head and hear some of that chatter. Some of it can actually be quite alarming or upsetting. Being telepathic can be both a blessing and a curse.

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Becoming Aware Of Psychic Signs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe often get so caught up in the technical aspects of divination, in the textbook definitions of our methods and tools, and in the intellectual pursuit of spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge gleaned from scholars, teachers and gurus, that we forget to employ the most basic of all techniques: our own awareness and observation of signs and synchronities in our environment.

Now, I’m not questioning book-learning, and the like. Studying our metaphysical craft is a necessary scaffolding on which to build a solid practice. It takes many years for the apprentice to become an expert. And after much practice, the diviner finds a comfortable stride, with their unique voice and style of practicing being sought after by clients who resonate with their unique skills.

The more we practice the esoteric arts, the more intuitive and attuned we become, and a wonderful blending occurs between right-brain and left-brain awareness. This is how we increasingly deliver powerful messages and truths to our clients. This is why it is indeed important to have the foundational training, and the necessary skills and life experience, to offer solid advice and guidance.

But, it also extremely important to be mindful and pay attention to our environment at all times. Not every moment in a reading can always be a profound channeled truth for the client. Sometimes the messages come in much subtler tones that we must tune into in order to appreciate their significance.

Something as simple as the sunlight bursting through a cloud at the moment a question is asked, or the sudden twinkling laughter of a neighbor, can deliver increased awareness to the diviner from her environment.

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The New Earth Children

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA phone reading with a long-standing client just a few days ago made me particularly aware the special souls incarnating in recent years.

The client used to be a regular at my home office years ago, until I relocated. Now we consult by phone. In those days she was approaching forty and in a high-powered job. She had been told by specialists that she had little hope of becoming pregnant.

However, about 12 years ago, the possibility of a pregnancy came up particularly strongly in her reading – more insistently than ever before. She dismissed the possibility after years of disappointment. Her sister came to me for a reading two weeks later and told me my client was still in shock after finding out that she was actually pregnant!

It was no easy pregnancy and at various stages she would come to visit me for readings, because she was curious about the little soul who seemed so determined to join her and her husband in this life. The readings revealed the old soul personality of her child and how he would be wise beyond his years. Her boy is now eleven years old and indeed wise beyond his years. He also has a master number 11 as his life path number.

Her reading recently reminded me of so many similar readings I´ve done for other parents who were to be parents of New Earth Children.

Over the years, I have encountered many spiritual teachings suggesting these ‘special children’ are playing an important role in the current global shift in consciousness and New Earth awakening. These new children have been arriving on the planet for several decades now.

In the late 80´s, a colleague of mine complained about the love-hate relationship she had with her husband. She also mentioned her eight-year-old son who was such a “wise little man” and how he would counsel them with profoundly sage remarks. “I cannot begin to imagine how this child was made by the two of us with all of our baggage,” she confessed.

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Spiritual Awakening And The Segmented Sleep Cycle

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most commonly experienced symptoms of spiritual awakening is frequently waking in the early hours from 3am to 5am. It’s important to rule out any medical reasons this could be happening. However, if you are in good health and you have been regularly waking up this early, then you may be experiencing this due to spiritual awakening.

You may have found by now in an online search that you are waking up at 3am because it is ‘the witching hour’. You may also have read that 3am is an auspicious time to wake, or the opposite, that it is a ‘time of dark magic.’ Or that during your spiritual awakening you may be ‘spiritually attacked’ and this is why you are waking in the wee hours. While some of this may be true for some people, I am going to have to say that it probably has nothing to do with your waking up at or around 3am.

Yes, it is a sign of awakening! And a very, very common one too.  But the reason you are waking at 3am is not metaphysical; it is biological. It is biology which is influenced by your spiritual progression. But essentially it is a return to your natural state of being – your natural sleep cycle. This is called the circadian rhythm.

Most people just accept that we sleep naturally for about eight hours a night. But there is a great deal of evidence that this is not actually the natural sleep cycle for human beings. In fact, evidence suggests that prior to the industrial revolution, our sleep cycle was very different.

To demonstrate this point, we must return to the concept of awakening and what awakening really is. We call it spiritual ‘awakening’ for a reason – we are waking up. Waking up means being conscious in an otherwise largely unconscious world. During the process of awakening people often find themselves becoming very sensitive to things that never really bothered them before. This is because they are suddenly present and hyper-aware when things are out of alignment with the natural order.

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The Powerful Practice Of Eye Gazing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEye gazing, also known as ‘soul gazing,’ is a powerful meditative practice that can be done on your own, or with a partner. Eye gazing is an ancient tantric practice of looking deeply into someone’s eyes to foster a spiritual connection.

Eye gazing is a potent means of connecting with yourself and others to build genuine connection in your life. It is also an exciting way to build meaningful intimacy with a romantic partner. If you have trouble opening up to others, eye gazing can be an effective tool to help you get comfortable and confront any fears you may have around being seen. It can be done alone, with a friend, or with a romantic partner.

It is also a powerful tool for discovering how past lives may be helping or hindering you in your current incarnation, and for receiving messages directly from Spirit. It can be used as a method for communication with your guides and higher self.

Anyone can eye gaze, and I feel everyone should try it at least once! Whether you do it alone or with a partner, eye gazing can offer some profound insight and create potent shifts in our perspective that allow you to break limiting patterns in your life.

Eye gazing requires no special equipment or paraphernalia to set the mood, although it can be pleasant to light some incense or candles if desired. You can also use music but ensure that it is meditative, gentle, instrumental music without lyrics that will not distract you. The only thing you really need is a timer, as well as a partner, or mirror if you are gazing by yourself.

Typically, I encourage people to start gazing for just a few minutes at a time, but as you become more comfortable you can certainly increase the length of your gazes.

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