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Cutting The Toxic Cords That Bind Us

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn every relationship – romantic, platonic, professional – there is a metaphysical cord of attachment that exhanges energy from one person to the other.

These energy cords can be thought of as WiFi signals, electrical circuits, or even surgical tubes that transfer mental, emotional, and spiritual energies between individuals. They are the invisible ties of love that keep us connected to our loved ones.

I remember reading an article years ago about the intense grief of famous American singer Dean Martin after the tragic death of his eldest son. His boy was a fighter pilot in the California Air National Guard and lost his life in a plane crash during a training flight in 1987.

Martin described the loss as feeling as if his “heart had been ripped out.” This vivid description is a testament to the reality of these ties that bind us. The intense pain the singer felt was essentially his heart chakra feeling ‘broken.’ The loss had a profound impact on the remainder of his life and career.

The concept of these cords may seem abstract, but their effects are very tangible. They are not just symbolic; they are very real and have a profound effect on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being on a daily basis.

When we engage in any kind of relationship with someone, these energetic cords extend from our chakras, or energy centers, to those of the other person. While these soul-to-soul cords feed us with all the good energies that come from being connected to others, such as love, nurturing, and belonging, they can also have the opposite effect.

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The Spiritual Power Of Choosing To Forgive

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Forgiveness is a much-discussed topic in spiritual circles. It is also often deeply misunderstood.

Forgiveness does not mean condoning wrongdoing or accepting abuse or cruelty. Instead, it involves choosing not to carry the darkness and negativity that has been inflicted upon you, and refusing to allow it to affect your well-being, either physically or emotionally.

While it’s ideal to find compassion for those who have wronged you, it’s not always possible. Understand that those who caused you harm are often suffering themselves.

Happy and fulfilled people are naturally kind, generous, and honest. In contrast, those consumed by self-loathing and misery tend to spread chaos and cruelty. Their relationships are full of conflict and dissatisfaction.

I once worked with a man who was clearly struggling with mental illness. Circumstances placed us in a business relationship that I initially tried to avoid, preferring to distance myself from unhealthy situations. However, I was compelled to help him because I was told that my true role was to support his children and providing help where it was needed most.

This unfortunate man is consumed by rage from his own traumatic past-abuse by his mother, mistreatment by her successive husbands, and conflict with his first ex-wife. His life is a testament to the destructive power of unresolved anger and lack of forgiveness. His toxic energy is rooted in past hurts and a cycle of inflicting pain on others.

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The True Meaning Of Being Balanced

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spiritual teachers often emphasize the importance of achieving and maintaining balance as a fundamental aspect of well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development.

But what does it really mean? Is it about having a healthy work-life balance? Is it about a balanced diet or exercise routine? No, these are just some of the smaller elements of achieving true balance.

Balance refers to being holistically balanced in all aspects of our existence: body, mind, and spirit. Achieving and maintaining balance means creating a harmonious and integrated life in which all aspects of our being support each other, leading to overall well-being and a deeper connection with our true self.

We are more than our physical health, appearance and fitness levels. We are more than our thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. And we are more than our spiritual beliefs and practices. We are a wondrous compilation of all these things that make up our body, mind, and spirit. When any part of us is unhealthy or dysfunctional, it disrupts our alignment with our higher self. This is the true meaning of being out of balance.

Striving to be true to your higher self should always be your priority. Your higher self is the real you, the you that exists in harmony with the universe and is an expression of the divine. It is only when we are in alignment with our higher self that the world truly opens up for so much more to flow into our lives…instead of out of them.

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Free Yourself From Karmic Debt

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!One of the most important things we must do before we leave this life and embrace the next is to ensure that our karmic debts are completely resolved. By doing so, we leave this world unburdened and ready to embrace our next existence with complete bliss.

Now, if the consequences you may suffer in the afterlife are not of much concern to you, and you feel that karma is not really your problem, you may want to reconsider.

Carrying the heavy burden of karmic debt can also cause considerable misery and struggle in our present daily lives, manifesting as recurring negative patterns and obstacles that hinder our progress and well-being.

Our unresolved karma often leads to dysfunctional relationships, financial difficulties, health problems, and emotional turmoil as past harmful actions generate corresponding negative consequences. An ongoing state of karmic debt fosters feelings of frustration, helplessness, and despair, making it difficult to achieve happiness, joy, fulfillment, and peace.

By carrying the weight of unresolved karmic debt, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of suffering, unable to break free and achieve the positive, fulfilling life you desire.

Karmic debt is a concept rooted in the spiritual principle of karma, which is a fundamental belief in many Eastern philosophies and religions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma refers to the universal law of cause and effect, whereby every action has a corresponding reaction. Our poor choices and negative actions create a spiritual debt. By acknowledging this debt and resolving our past mistakes, we achieve a state of inner peace, higher consciousness, spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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The Seven Angels Of The Planetary Week

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with the idea that the angelic realm watches over us. Angels are divine beings who constantly protect, guide, and support humanity.

Each of us has a guardian angel assigned to us at birth, who remains by our side throughout our lives, providing constant protection and guidance.

While guardian angels have a more intimate and personal role in our lives, archangels oversee broader aspects of our existence and can provide specialized support, guidance, and assistance. For example, Michael offers protection, Raphael provides healing, and Gabriel helps us communicate.

It is often assumed that archangels are a purely Christian concept, when in fact they are deeply rooted in various religious, mystical, and cultural traditions. Our modern knowledge of the archangels can be traced back through a complex interplay of mythology, theology, and mysticism across many civilizations and time periods.

Early accounts of such powerful celestial beings can be found, for example, in the mythologies of Mesopotamia and Canaan. These cultures had divine messengers who can be seen as precursors to the concept of archangels. One of the clearest early influences on the development of archangelic figures can be found in Zoroastrianism. The Amesha Spentas, or “Holy Immortals,” are divine beings who serve Ahura Mazda, the Supreme God. These beings resemble later archangelic figures in their roles and attributes.

What is also not commonly known about the archangels is that each day of the week is traditionally associated with a specific angel. This tradition is rooted in a fascinating blend of ancient astronomy, mythology, and religious mysticism, including Kabbalistic teachings, Christian mysticism, and angelology. It is the result of associating the days of the week with the seven classical planets, which in turn are traditionally associated with seven archangels.

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How To Recognize A Genuine Psychic Medium

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Consulting a psychic medium to communicate with your loved ones in spirit is something I can wholeheartedly recommend. The readings I have had with gifted mediums have brought me much comfort and closure in my own life, as well as new insights and karmic understanding in my spiritual journey.

People often turn to psychic mediums as a way to find closure and healing from the loss of a loved one. The ability to receive messages or insights from the deceased can bring great comfort and inner peace.

A gifted psychic medium can convey specific details or messages from the deceased that confirm the existence of an afterlife and provide confirmation that our loved ones and ancestors are still connected to us. This can be especially comforting when we are grieving.

The experience of feeling connected to deceased loved ones can also alleviate feelings of loneliness or separation by fostering a sense of an ongoing relationship beyond physical existence. Sometimes messages delivered through a medium can also address unresolved issues or unfinished business with the deceased, facilitating healing and forgiveness that may not have been possible during the person’s lifetime.

Mediumship sessions can also provide spiritual guidance and insight into life’s larger questions. Messages from the spirit often include advice, encouragement, or perspectives that help us navigate our own spiritual journeys. Working with a psychic medium can be part of exploring one’s own spirituality and beliefs, opening doors to new understandings and perspectives on life and death.

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Your Divine Duty To Not Be A Goofus!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Why are some people so rude, unkind, emotionally immature, foolish? Are we not all spirit beings in human form who should know better? I recently asked my wise grandmother in spirit this question. As one of my ancestral guides, I always turn to her for help in dealing with complex life issues.

The person who inspired my recent spiritual inquiry is a very problematic, mean-spirited neighbor who I have seen and heard verbally abuse people, as well as his own dog, in ways that would infuriate anyone.

This man seems to enjoy verbal abuse as a means of self-aggrandizement and is very immature and unkind. I have also seen him damage a security camera after being asked to stop his dog from relieving himself on the steps of the building where we live.

I connected with my grandmother during my morning meditation and asked her why some people are so disrespectful and unkind. Her answer seemed strange at first because she showed me a mental image of Highlights, the children’s magazine she used to subscribe to for me when I was a child. It is a well-known kids’ magazine full of fun, educational stories, games, puzzles, and crafts that has been around for decades.

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