Protect Yourself From Toxic Emotional Influences
A client I read for once told me that he chose to be a loner because people always wanted something from him. “People either want money from me or they want to bend my ear with their problems,” he said. This statement struck a deep chord with me.
Over the years, I have noticed a significant increase in clients asking how to protect their energy. I find more people are becoming aware of how they are spiritually affected by others, especially those who bring negativity into their home or work environment.
I have had callers tell me how they come home from work exhausted – not from work, but from a toxic work environment. Even a simple telephone conversation can be draining if the person on the other end is met with an outpouring of worry, complaint, or anger. I dare not even mention the many toxic energy pitfalls of today’s dating scene!
I firmly believe that the influence of toxic energy on our systems is vastly underestimated in our daily lives. Our endocrine and nervous systems are particularly affected by our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. A lack of emotional balance and a concern to avoid unnecessary toxic energy has undoubtedly become a priority.
Years ago in South Africa, I consulted a brilliant homeopath for what turned out to be an overactive thyroid. He diagnosed my condition using reflexology and his medical intuition. After the diagnosis, he said to me: “I’m going to give you some muti (a Zulu word for traditional medicine used in southern Africa). But until you sort out your emotional situation, it’s probably not going to make much difference.”
“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind ~ Aisha Mirza
He explained that the thyroid is what he calls “the gland of emotions.” He also reminded me that when we take on other people’s emotional burdens, we are taking on their life journey and karmic responsibilities. I will never forget this. His wisdom has stayed with me and has been reinforced as I repeatedly see some people suffering the physical consequences of unchecked emotional stress and energy imbalances.
The Topography Of Human Tears
Did you know that different types of tears look different under a microscope? Photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher has done fascinating research on this phenomenon. Her project, Topography of Tears, uses powerful microscopes to capture the unique patterns of dried human tears. She found that tears from different emotional states, such as sadness, joy, and irritation (like peeling an onion), have different structures due to their different chemical compositions.
Scientifically, tears are divided into three types: basal tears (which keep the cornea lubricated), reflex tears (triggered by irritants like onion fumes), and psychic tears (caused by strong emotions). Each type contains different molecules and biological substances that contribute to its unique microscopic appearance. It’s a tangible reminder of how our emotions and experiences directly affect the chemical balance in our bodies.
Our bodies are telling the stories we have avoided or forgotten how to hear ~ Hillary L. McBride
Positive Emotions And Their Health Benefits
Our emotions have the ability to harm and heal, both physically and psychologically. A 2003 medical study has even shown that people who experience high levels of positive emotions are three times less likely to succumb to viral infections. Below are well-documented effects of various emotions on our health and well-being:
Forgiveness: Studies by Dr. Frederic Luskin suggest that practicing forgiveness can increase longevity, strengthen the immune system, improve cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure.
Gratitude: Research by Dr. Robert Emmons suggests that practicing gratitude improves emotional well-being, improves sleep patterns, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and speeds healing.
Contentment and Love: Dr. Paul Zak‘s work on oxytocin shows that feelings of love and spiritual connection increase oxytocin levels, improving tissue oxygenation and overall well-being.
Acts of Kindness: Studies, including those published by Stephen Post in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, show that positive social interactions and kindness can lower cholesterol and improve heart health.
Laughing: Research by Dr. Lee Berk of Loma Linda University shows that laughter significantly increases beta-endorphins, increases human growth hormone levels (which support sleep and cellular repair), and reduces stress.
Being in love: Dr. Pierluigi Politi‘s study at the University of Pavia found that being in love increases levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), which improves memory and promotes emotional stability.
Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind ~ Bruce Lee
The Harmful Effects Of Negative Emotions
Various studies have shown that negative emotions can be just as harmful to our health and well-being as positive emotions are beneficial. While occasional stress or sadness is a natural part of life, persistent negative emotional states can create a cascade of physiological imbalances, affecting everything from sleep quality to cardiovascular health.
Understanding the profound mind-body connection can empower us to cultivate more positive emotional states, ultimately enhancing both physical resilience and overall well-being. Here are some documented findings:
Stress: Dr. Bruce McEwen‘s research shows that while short-term stress can boost immunity, chronic stress disrupts the body’s ability to repair itself, leading to long-term health consequences.
Anxiety: Research by Dr. Jan Kiecolt-Glaser and Dr. Ronald Glaser suggests that anxiety can double the severity of allergic symptoms by over-activating the immune response.
Sadness: Dr. William Frey discovered that emotional tears contain stress hormones that help the body release accumulated tension.
Conflict: Another study by Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser found that couples who argue frequently experience slower wound healing due to elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are linked to conditions such as arthritis and diabetes.
Jealousy: A study by Marazziti et al. suggest that jealousy heightens the fight-or-flight response, increases stress hormone levels, and raises blood pressure.
Depression: Research by Dr. Alex Korb links depression to low levels of serotonin and dopamine, contributing to a downward cycle of poor emotional and physical health.
All of these findings underscore the powerful connection between our emotions and our physical health. Emotions can significantly influence various physiological processes, from immune response to cardiovascular health, underscoring the importance of emotional well-being for overall health.
All stress, anxiety, depression, is caused when we ignore who we are, and start living to please others. ~ Paulo Coelho
10 Practical Ways To Protect Your Emotional Energy
For optimal health and a more peaceful way of living on your spiritual path, it is crucial to learn how to protect yourself from toxic energy and emotional disruption. While it is impossible to avoid all negative interactions, there are several methods for maintaining energetic balance and well-being.
Not everyone deserves access to your inner world. Surround yourself with people who uplift you rather than those who constantly drain your energy. Learn to recognize energy vampires – people who leave you feeling emotionally drained after an interaction.
It is perfectly okay to say no to situations or people that drain your energy. Protect your well-being by setting firm yet compassionate boundaries. Recognize when you are overextending yourself and honor your need for space and self-care.
Regularly practicing energy protection techniques can protect you from negative influences. Visualize a protective bubble of white or golden light around you. Wear protective crystals such as black tourmaline or amethyst. Invoke spirit guides, archangels or deities for energetic shielding.
Connecting with nature is one of the most effective ways to release accumulated negative energy. Walk barefoot on grass or dirt. Sit under a tree to absorb its calming energy. Meditate with grounding stones such as hematite or black tourmaline.
Cleanse your aura and living space regularly to remove stagnant or toxic energy. Smudge with sage, palo santo, or cedarwood. Take salt baths with Epsom or Himalayan salt to detoxify and relax muscles. Do sound healing with singing bowls, tuning forks, or bells.
As my homeopath wisely advised, taking on other people’s emotional baggage is akin to taking on their life journey. Offer support when possible, but recognize the importance of maintaining your own energetic balance.
Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and spiritual insights to process experiences and promote personal growth. Listen to guided meditations to calm the mind, reduce stress, and deepen your spiritual connection. Practice saying daily affirmations while looking in the mirror to reprogram negative thoughts and set positive intentions. Intuitively move your body to music to express emotions and connect with your spirit. Express your feelings and spiritual experiences through painting, drawing, or crafts.
Explore techniques that promote energetic balance. Use crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, or black tourmaline to support emotional and physical well-being. Engage in visualized meditation to align and balance your chakras. Use breathwork exercises to increase oxygen flow and release tension. Explore energy healing modalities to release blockages and restore harmony.
Nature is a powerful healer. Spend time in nature to rejuvenate your spirit. Walk in the forest, by the ocean, or your local parks to absorb the calming vibrations of the earth. Choose nourishing foods and eat with awareness to honor your body’s needs. Light a symbolic candle to center yourself and set intentions for the day ahead.
Gratitude and mindfulness are transformative energy protection tools. Think about or write down what you’re grateful for each day. Take slow, mindful walks, focusing on your breath. Periodically unplug from technology with a digital detox to clear mental clutter and reconnect with your inner self.
By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a strong, balanced energy field that allows you to navigate life with clarity, resilience, and peace.
The energy to which we are exposed has a profound effect on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By cultivating awareness and implementing protective measures, we can create a life that is more peaceful, balanced, and fulfilling. Your energy is precious; protect it wisely and allow only that which serves your highest good to enter your auric space.
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