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The Life-Long Journey Of Self-Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-love is essential for mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It is vital to have a positive, loving attitude towards yourself and take care of your own needs. Not only is this essential for living a happy and healthy life, but it also empowers you to be more loving and caring towards others.

Self-love is often misunderstood. Many people think that self-love is only about pampering oneself, indulging in extravagance, or buying yourself expensive things. It is much more than that. It is not about being selfish, self-indulgent, or narcissistic. Instead, it is about accepting yourself, taking care of yourself and understanding your true worth.

Truly loving yourself is therefore about knowing your worth, appreciating your unique strengths and abilities, and treating yourself with compassion and kindness. It is also about taking personal responsibility for your life, making choices and decisions that serve your highest good, and letting go of negative thoughts and self-destructive behaviors.

It is also important to realize that self-love is a journey, not a destination. It is a life-long process that is part of our soul purpose in this lifetime. It is a state of being that requires patience, dedication, commitment and effort.

Cultivating self-love begins with understanding yourself, accepting your flaws, and learning to forgive yourself. It involves setting boundaries and taking responsibility for your own needs and happiness. It is also about cultivating positive relationships and learning to trust yourself.

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Should You Get Back With Your Ex?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGetting back with an ex can be challenging, especially if it ended badly the first time around. On one hand, it can be an opportunity to repair the damage and make things work, while on the other it can be a difficult decision with a variety of potential pitfalls.

Should you get back with your ex? It depends on you, your ex, and your unique situation. The pros and cons of getting back together varies depending on the people involved, the nature of the relationship, and the current circumstances. The advantages, opportunities and challenges of getting back with an ex may include the following:


One of the main advantages of reconnecting with your ex is the familiarity. You already know each other, so you don not have to start from scratch. This can be a great advantage, as it allows you to jump deeper into the ‘new’ relationship without having to first discover each other’s likes, dislikes, habits, quirks, expectations, hopes and dreams.

Getting back with an ex can be a great way to re-establish a comfortable relationship. You already know how to communicate with each other, you know what the other person needs and wants, and you know how to make each other happy. This familiarity can be very comforting, especially if it’s been a while since you last saw each other.

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Healing From A Relationship Break-Up

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBreaking up with someone can be one of the most difficult experiences in life, especially when it is a long and deeply meaningful relationship. It can feel impossible to see any future without that person and very difficult to move on and find joy in life again.

I find many of my clients do not realize that dealing with a break-up or divorce is very similar to processing the bereavement and grief associated with the passing of a loved one. It is often accompanied by agonizing sorrow, intense feelings of despair, and an all-encompassing sense of loss and confusion.

According to clinical psychologist Dr. Tricia Wolanin it is actually “the death of a relationship, hopes and dreams for the future. The person we are losing was a big part of our world and therefore has taken up so much of our mental and heart space.”

It is however possible to recover, heal and move on after any breakup or divorce. In my work I have found the following strategies to be helpful for clients who go through this kind of life challenge.

Avoid Major Life Decisions

It is usually not a good idea to make any important life decisions if you are working through the aftermath of a breakup. This includes changing your job or career, relocating, or making other drastic changes to your life. It is vital to take some time to heal and reflect on the situation before making hasty life-changing decisions that you may later live to regret.

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Waiting On The World To Change

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWaiting On The World To Change is not just a great John Mayer song, it is also a devastating pattern in many people’s lives. Too often people are waiting for some outside force to come along and bring them the happiness and fulfillment they want. Living one’s life ‘on hold’ in this way can become a incapacitating habit that will only serve to make us eternally stuck and unhappy.

When we are waiting for a change from someone or something other than ourselves, we are not taking control of our own power. More importantly, we are also not taking personal responsibility for our God-given free will choices, nor are we holding ourselves accountable for our own actions (or inaction).

We all have that friend who is always saying how great her relationship would be ‘if only’ her partner would change a certain habit, or do something differently. Or that colleague who never gets the promotion, while she keeps blaming others as to why she is constantly overlooked. Or the diseased relative who ‘cannot’ improve her health and wellness, because making better lifestyle choices just doesn’t fit into her busy work schedule and social life.

The worst one for me is people waiting for that amazing soulmate relationship to finally materialize, when they are not making even the least bit of effort to put themselves out there and meet new people.

Some people spend a lot of time constantly setting new goals or intentions, making wish lists, creating vision boards, or doing visualizations or rituals, to manifest the changes they want to see in their lives. But what if the thing they need to change is actually themselves?

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Helping Children Navigate Divorce

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen parents get divorced it is always difficult for the entire family. Navigating through this time is usually challenging. There is also no manual or guidebook for how to do things the right way, so parents have to figure it out as they go.

Same with the children. It can be very scary for them not knowing what to expect and sometimes feeling obligated to take sides. It can be a very sad, stressful time for children, especially when parents are so caught up in their disputes and drama that they lose sight of what is best for their kids. The kids are not the ones getting the divorce.

However, I believe most parents really do try to do their best to soften the blow and make it work for everyone involved.

Children tend to want to please their parents and not cause further upset. So, tend to not speak up. They sometimes suppress their feelings of hurt, resentment or fear. Sometime children feel like they need to choose one parent over another.

Everyone needs to feel they are being heard and their needs considered. It is therefore best to listen to all sides before making decisions. Going through this process can be tricky. You do not want your child to feel neglected or abandoned in the process.

Understanding your children’s needs and feelings, and dealing with it, is the first step into helping your child get through it with the least amount of trauma. If a parent finds this difficult to ascertain, then it is wise for them to get some professional help and guidance.

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Mistakes Are Necessary For Spiritual Growth

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt like you made a wrong choice or bad decision that caused everything to fall apart or steered your life went in the wrong direction. Maybe you knew it was the wrong choice, but you did it anyway? Well, every mistake is an opportunity for growth. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. Without mistakes, there is very little personal and spiritual growth.

Let’s say you choose to date a guy with a bad reputation. Then, as your gut feeling had warned and your psychic advisor had predicted, he cheats on you, and ultimately dumps you for someone else. Your inner guidance told you it was not a good idea; spirit advised against it. Yet, still you chose to find out the truth the hard way, by experiencing it for yourself.

But then you still do not learn the lesson. You go and do it again. You take him back and trust that he has changed as he has promised. Then he does the same all over again. Do you continue to stay and have him hurt you and take advantage of you? If you do, you still have not learned the lesson.

So, what is the lesson here? Well, the first thing you would have to recognize is that the lesson is not about him. It is about you. It is about establishing your self-worth and building your self-esteem. It is about accepting the fact that you, like anyone else, deserve to be loved and to be happy. And it is about learning to trust your inner guidance and pay attention when spirit guides you.

I have worked with many clients over the years who find all kinds of excuses and justifications for staying in a bad relationship, a toxic workplace, or a dysfunctional family environment.

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Are You Consciously Guided By Spirit?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Our guides are constantly directing us toward our highest good and the fulfillment of our soul purpose, whether we are aware of it or not. Their guidance is all the more effective and efficient when we are consciously aware and open to it on a daily basis.

We are all here to fulfill our soul’s mission in this lifetime. We have agreed to come to Earth for a specific purpose or calling. I also believe that if that mission is not accomplished, we will keep coming back to this plane of existence until it is.

Our spirit guides are with us every step of the way to assist and support us in achieving these life goals. These non-physical beings are an essential part of our spiritual journey. Just as we have teachers, mentors and protectors in the physical world, our guides provide support and encouragement in the metaphysical realms.

Everyone has one or more spirit guides assigned to them. These guides are aware of our life’s purpose, challenges and lessons, and they help us navigate these aspects of life. Every day our guides nudge us in the right direction with signs, synchronicities, gut feelings, hunches, ideas, dreams, visions, inspirations, insights and warnings as we navigate life’s challenges and pursue our goals. They are also sources of unconditional love and understanding.

There are several types of spirit guides, all of which have different roles and functions. Some are the spirits of deceased loved ones and ancestors, or even nature or animal spirits. Others are guardian angels, ascended masters, or other spiritual beings or entities who have lived many lifetimes and reached a high level of spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

Spirit Guide Teachings & Traditions

The concept of spirit guides or similar beings who assist us on our spiritual journey is found in various spiritual and religious traditions around the world. While the specific names, forms, and functions of these beings can vary widely between cultures and belief systems, the underlying idea of benevolent spiritual beings providing guidance, protection, and support to individuals is a common theme. The following are some of the promiment teachings and traditions:

Shamanism: Shamanic traditions from various cultures, including Native American, Siberian, African, and South American traditions, often involve working with spirit guides. Shamans communicate with spirit helpers, often in the form of animals or ancestral spirits, to receive guidance, healing, and insight.

Indigenous and folk traditions: Many indigenous and folk traditions around the world believe in spirit helpers or guardian spirits to assist individuals in their daily lives and spiritual endeavors. These traditions often involve rituals, ceremonies, and prayers to invoke the help of benevolent spirits.

Neo-paganism and witchcraft: Modern pagan and witchcraft traditions, such as Wicca and Druidry, may include the concept of spirit guides, familiars (spiritual animal helpers), or deity guides. Practitioners may establish relationships with these beings through ritual, meditation, and spellwork.

Spiritualism: Spiritualism, a religious movement that emerged in the 19th century, emphasizes communication with spirits of the deceased, including spirit guides. Spiritualists believe in the existence of spirit realms and advocate mediumship to connect with spirits for guidance and messages.

Esoteric traditions: Esoteric traditions, such as Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and Rosicrucianism, often include the concept of spiritual beings or guides. These traditions explore hidden or mystical aspects of spirituality and may include practices for communicating with spiritual beings for enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Occult practices: Occultism encompasses a range of mystical and magical practices that often involve contact with spiritual entities. Occultists may work with ceremonial magic, divination, or astral projection to connect with guides or entities for spiritual insight and empowerment.

New Age spirituality: New Age beliefs encompass a wide range of spiritual practices and ideas, many of which include the concept of spirit guides. In New Age spirituality, spirit guides are seen as wise and loving beings who assist individuals on their spiritual journeys through intuition, dreams, and synchronicities.

Eastern spiritual traditions: Certain Eastern spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, include a belief in celestial beings, or bodhisattvas, who serve as guides and protectors. Followers may invoke these beings for help and blessings on their spiritual path.

Judaism: Angels (malakhim) are considered divine messengers and servants of God in Judaism. They are believed to carry out God’s will, deliver messages, protect individuals, and assist in spiritual matters. Although they are not personal guides in the same way as in some other traditions, angels play a crucial role in Jewish theology and mythology.’

Islam: In Islam, angels (malāʾikah) are considered beings created from light who serve as messengers of God and guardians of creation. They perform various tasks at God’s command, including delivering revelations to prophets and recording the deeds of human beings. Angels are believed to play a role in guiding and protecting believers.

Christianity: In Christianity, angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve as intermediaries between God and human beings. They are often portrayed as messengers, protectors, and guides. Some Christians believe that each person is assigned a guardian angel for protection and guidance throughout life. Christians also believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s presence and power active in the world, guiding believers, inspiring spiritual growth, and providing comfort and wisdom. The Holy Spirit is seen as a personal divine guide who dwells within believers, helping them to understand God’s will and empowering them to live the Christian life.

Are You Consciously Guided By Spirit?

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the daily guidance of spirits and do not recognize the messages they send. Often the messages our guides send are lost on us because our lives are too busy and our minds too busy. To make matters worse, we also tend to ignore signs, synchronicities, and intuitions. This often leads to poor choices and decisions, and sometimes to disastrous, even life-threatening situations!

Spirit can only suggest, encourage and recommend. Our guides cannot force us to do anything against our free will. Nor can Spirit interfere in our lives and direct our choices without our participation and consent. In other words, our guides can only help us if we are willing to help ourselves. For the best results, we must ask for guidance and support, and then be open to receiving it.

When we are consciously and willingly guided by Spirit, we become more empowered and begin to believe in ourselves and our ability to make the best choices. Once we begin to believe, our highest good begins to unfold and we begin to manifest what we need to fulfill our mission and live our best life.

When we are open to Spirit’s guidance in making the right choices and decisions, more things begin to fall into place easily in our daily lives. Spirit can provide the pieces of the puzzle that we need. All we have to do is ask and then pay attention when the answers come.

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

It is important that we strengthen our connection to our guides through spiritual practice and increased metaphysical awareness. We will be better for it in the end, in this life and the next.

Cultivating stronger and clearer communication with your guides involves developing your spiritual awareness, openness, and sensitivity to subtle energies and messages. Here are some spiritual practices and techniques that can help strengthen your connection with your guides:

Automatic Writing: Sit quietly with pen and paper and allow yourself to write freely without consciously directing your thoughts. You may receive messages or insights from your guides through this practice.

Candle or Crystal Work: Light a candle or hold a crystal with the intention of connecting with your guides. Focus your attention on the flame or crystal and invite your guides to communicate with you.

Divination: Use divination tools such as tarot cards, oracle cards, runes, or pendulums to communicate with your spirit guides. Develop a personal practice of divination that feels resonant and meaningful to you.

Dreamwork: Pay attention to your dreams. Before going to sleep, set the intention to connect with your guides. Keep a dream journal by your bed to record any guidance you receive during dream states.

Intention-Setting: Clearly state your intention to connect with your guides. Affirm your willingness to receive their guidance and support. Setting clear intentions helps to align your energy and focus your attention on connecting with the spiritual realm.

Intuitive Development: Engage in exercises that develop your intuition, such as guided intuition meditations or workshops. Trusting your intuitive senses can strengthen your ability to perceive your guides.

Journaling: Keep a journal to record your spiritual experiences, dreams, and any intuitive insights you receive. Writing down your thoughts and experiences can help you identify patterns and messages from your spirit guides over time.

Meditation: Regular meditation practice is key to quieting the mind, enhancing intuition, and deepening spiritual awareness. Set aside time each day to sit quietly, focus on your breath, and create a calm inner space where you can be receptive to the guidance of your guides.

Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness throughout the day helps you stay present and aware, making it easier to notice subtle signs, synchronicities, and intuitive feelings that may be messages from your guides.Prayer: Set aside time each day to pray or speak directly to your guides. You can use traditional prayers or just speak from your heart. Ask for guidance, protection, and clarity as you connect with them. Prayer is a beautiful way to express your intentions and gratitude to your guides, fostering a deeper connection and sense of awe in your spiritual exploration.

Prayer: Set aside time each day to pray or speak directly to your guides. You can use traditional prayers or just speak from your heart. Ask for guidance, protection, and clarity as you connect with them. Prayer is a beautiful way to express your intentions and gratitude to your guides, fostering a deeper connection and sense of awe in your spiritual exploration.

Self-reflection: Spend time in nature or in quiet spaces where you can reflect and connect with your inner self. Being in a natural environment can increase your receptivity to spiritual energies and messages.

Signs & Synchronicities: Make it a habit to ask your guides for signs or symbols that they are present and guiding you. Be open to receiving these signs in unexpected ways, such as song lyrics, animal encounters, or meaningful coincidences.

Visualization: Listen to guided visualization meditations to invite your guides into your consciousness, or do your own visualization exercise in which you imagine a sacred space where you can meet and communicate with them.

Before connecting with your guides, invoke spiritual protection and set clear boundaries. State your intention to communicate only with benevolent and loving energies that have your best interests at heart. It is also important to express gratitude for your guides and their presence in your life. Thank them for their support and guidance, even if it’s not always obvious. I like to start with a prayer:

My beloved Spirit Guides, I open my heart and mind to your presence. Please guide me with your wisdom and love. Help me to recognize your signs and messages. I am grateful for your support on my spiritual journey. Thank you for being with me always.

Remember that developing a strong and clear connection with your guides is a personal journey that unfolds over time. Be open to experimenting with different practices and approaches to discover what resonates most deeply with you and strengthens your spiritual connection. Trust your intuition and inner guidance as you explore the realm of personal spiritual guidance and communication.

Your guides are always with you and working for your highest good, even if you don’t immediately sense their presence. Cultivate patience and openness to receiving guidance in divine timing. Consider working with a trusted psychic advisor, spiritual teacher, or intuitive mentor who can offer guidance and techniques for strengthening your connection with your guides.

Spirit Guides In Psychic Reading

One of the best ways to receive messages and guidance from your spirit guides is to request a reading with a psychic, medium, or trance channeler. Many of my clients seek guidance from spirit guides for personal growth, healing from trauma, or making important life decisions.

Spirit guides play a significant role in authentic psychic and medium readings by providing valuable assistance and information for the reader to pass on to the recipient of the reading. Spirit guides are involved in readings in the following important ways

Facilitating communication: Spirit guides act as mediators or facilitators during psychic and medium readings. They help connect the psychic or medium to the spirit realm and the energies of deceased loved ones or other spiritual entities.

Provide information: Spirit guides relay information, insights, or messages through the psychic or medium during a reading. This information may come in the form of thoughts, feelings, images, or symbols that the reader interprets and communicates to the client.

Interpretive assistance: Spirit guides also assist the psychic or medium in interpreting the information received from the spiritual realm. They may provide additional context, clarification, or guidance to ensure that the messages are accurately conveyed and understood.

Protection and guidance: Spirit guides play an important protective role during readings, ensuring that only benevolent and helpful energies are allowed to communicate. They also guide the psychic or medium in maintaining a safe and respectful connection with the spirit realm, and help to create a sacred and harmonious space in which to conduct readings, infusing the environment with positive energies and spiritual protection.

Professional guidance: Spirit guides serve not only the recipients of readings, but also the readers. They provide ongoing guidance and support to psychics and mediums in their spiritual development and professional practice. My guides continually assist me in honing my reading skills, expanding my psychic awareness, and deepening my connection to higher consciousness.

Setting boundaries and ethics: Spirit guides help establish ethical boundaries and guidelines for conducting readings. They help ensure that the reader approaches his or her work with integrity, compassion, and respect for both the living and the deceased.

Overall, spirit guides play an integral role in psychic and mediumistic work, serving not only as sources of information and guidance, but also as supportive allies and teachers for readers, channelers, healers, and other spiritual practitioners. Their presence and assistance enhance the quality and authenticity of readings and foster meaningful connections between the spirit realm and people seeking divine guidance or communication with loved ones beyond the physical world. Working in partnership with spirit guides allows psychics and mediums to offer profound insights, healing messages, and spiritual guidance to those they serve.

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