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Just Let The Universe Work Its Magic

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As spirit beings in human form, we tend to be subject to our willful ego. Many of us can be particularly stubborn when there is something (or someone) that we desperately want, causing us to lazily focus on that thing or person and nothing else.

Even when Spirit gently nudges us in another direction and the Universe patiently whispers, “No, that is not what is meant for you,” we stubbornly cling to our obsessions.

God, Source, Spirit, the Divine wants only the best for us and the Universe will never deny us those things that serve our highest good. In the readings, the messages from our guides, angels and ancestors always come from a place of love and never from a place of withholding, exclusion, punishment, revenge, fear or neglect. Spirit wants us to live our best lives, to experience lots of love, and to grow both personally and spiritually.

Psychic advisors like myself are sometimes “the messengers who get shot.” We sometimes read for people who get very upset with us when the guidance we receive from Spirit is not what they had hoped to hear. Continue reading

Let Go And Embrace The Cosmic Dance!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is a mystical dance where the things we know and the mysteries we’ve yet to discover dance an intricate tango. And the universe invites us to let go and groove to the enchanting rhythm of this dance.

But here’s the thing – we often get tangled up in our own threads of attachment and resistance that interfere with our divine energy flow. In order to dance our best dance, we must learn to let go of what does not serve our flow. Letting go, releasing, surrendering is like untangling a messy knot that allows our mind, body and soul to boogie more freely!

In this dance of life, a psychic, medium or energy healer is like a cosmic DJ who can help you drop the limitations of the ego to participate more fully in the cosmic symphony. We help people transform their baggage of attachment into the gold of spiritual joy and fulfillment.

Whether it’s material possessions, toxic thoughts and feelings, dysfunctional relationships, or limiting fears and beliefs, attachments are like veils covering the radiant essence of your soul. You are potentially a spiritual alchemist who can dissolve these veils with the elixir of surrender. When we release our ego grip, we reveal the hidden sparkle of our soul in the divine light.

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Breaking The Pattern Of Relationship Trauma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday I did two consecutive readings for clients who are obsessed with a relationship from a long time ago. They both wondered why the relationship ended and what could have been if things had gone differently.

In retrospect, there have been many similar calls recently. I have even had clients who have had vivid dreams and nightmares about a particular ex-love, lost friend or estranged family member.

In all cases, I find that Spirit consistently offers the same guidance. These haunted thoughts and obsessions are due to a lack of closure and unresolved trauma. Spirit has also indicated that there is a growing epidemic of loneliness in the world. Because of this, more and more people are dwelling on old relationships and their regrets.

This has even happened to me recently, with people from my past that I have not thought of or seen in years coming to mind more and more. It can be surprising and disconcerting to have such random memories pop up. Spirit gave me exactly the same wake-up call. These memories are a sign that there is a need for forgiveness and healing. It is essentially a form of delayed grief, when instead we should be having happy and fond memories of the people in our past.

I find it helps to remember that they, like me, were just doing the best they could with what they knew and had at the time. When someone has shown signs of unkindness or aggression, I have also come to realize that it was the result of their own hurts, losses, or disappointments.

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The Inner Truth Of External Clutter

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are almost a month into the new year, the time when most people begin to flounder in their resolutions. For me, resolutions are like empty promises, so my only resolution every New Year is to not make any resolutions.

Instead, I try to simply live my life with a few consistent rules. I have found that staying true to these personal and lifestyle guidelines eliminates the need for major resolutions each New Year.

Clutter is a big one for me. I make it a point to clean out the clutter in my life on a regular basis, whether it is physical, material, emotional, or spiritual.

Material clutter is the easiest to deal with because it is tangible and visible. It is hard to ignore a pair of shoes that you never wear anymore and have to move around in your closet over and over again.

It is also hard to ignore all those old clothes from another era that you have held on to in the hope that one day they will come back in style. Equally difficult to deal with are those old spice jars and other pantry items past their expiration date that you should have thrown away years ago!

These small lifestyle annoyances may seem insignificant on the surface until you consider that material clutter goes hand in hand with mental, emotional and spiritual clutter. The way we live, the way we manage our environment, and the way we organize our outer existence are a reflection of our inner being. The resulting clutter then becomes a recurring pattern that leads to more clutter, chaos, and dysfunction in our lives.

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Don’t Let Your Ex Jinx Your Love Life!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just did a phone reading for a Psychic Access client whose first words were, “Do you think my ex put a curse on me to jinx my love life?”

As always, I turned to the spirit realm for guidance. A very close friend of the client, who had crossed over just a few months ago, then came forward with the answers.

“A recently deceased friend of yours says you are jinxing yourself,” I replied. “He says you cannot expect things to change for the better if you keep repeating the same old patterns, looking for love in all the wrong places, with all the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons.

“Um, I don’t see how I’m the cause of the problem here,” my client countered. “I’ve met many women since my last relationship, and all of they seem to want from me is financial support, or to fix their house, or to solve their legal problems, or to somehow take care of all their problems.”

“Well, what do you expect?” replied his friend from the spirit realm. “The first thing you always tell women is how much money you make because you feel the need to compensate for your lack of self-worth. Your ex made you feel you were worthless without all the money you spent on her all the time. But you have so much more to offer than your financial success. You are a good man with a good heart. You don’t have to lead with money all the time,” his friend said.

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The Keys To Manifesting Success

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the book The Law of Attraction, authors Esther and Jerry Hicks write, “The more you come to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more interest you will have in deliberately directing your thoughts — for you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.”

Many people practice various manifestation techniques in an attempt to get the Law of Attraction to work for them, including visualization, journaling, prayer, vision boards, focus wheels, affirmations, dreamwork, and so on. Some succeed spectacularly, while others, sadly, fail miserably at manifesting their desires.

If this has been your experience, know that there is always a solution! Since the universal Law of Attraction definitely works for some people, it surely must work for everyone. All that is usually required are a few adjustments to one’s approach to the manifesting process.

Consider the following practical strategies as potential keys to your manifesting success:

Be Relaxed

Try to be as relaxed as possible when doing any kind of manifestation exercise. Stress and tension make us negative, but to manifest we need to be relaxed and positive. We can only attract what we resonate with, because like attracts like. You cannot attract positive things into your life if you are in a negative state of mind. Do your manifesting work in a grateful, joyful mood in a comfortable, quiet environment. Continue reading

Seven Powerful Ways To Attract True Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFor the metaphysically aware single person there are powerful, tried-and-tested ways to create, attract and manifest romantic love. Many of my clients have attracted their life mate using these techniques, and it has also helped some of my single friends to find love and romance.

The following are ways to open up and allow your heart to connect with someone who is your vibrational love match.

Alignment. First, you need to understand that we cannot attract anyone or anything into our life unless we are on the same frequency with that person or thing. We need to align our energy vibration with that which we are hoping to attract. Attuning ourselves to what we feel worthy of manifesting is key.

Higher Vibration. We also need to raise our vibration to a level of consciousness where we are consistently in greater alignment with the energies of unconditional love, compassion, kindness, tolerance, patience, gratitude, peace and joy. Why? Because true, long-lasting love of the ‘soulmate’ variety is found in these higher realms of vibration.

Non-Resistance. An important ingredient is to not create resistance by being too intensely attached to the outcome. If we put too much focus or emphasis on our intentions and goals, we create resistance. God, Source, Spirit, the Divine wants all of us to experience happiness and fulfillment, and live our best life. But if we want something too badly, we delay or deflect it from coming into our life. Being overly attached creates self-defeating energy roadblocks.

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