Miracles Happen When We Release Attachment
We tend to hold on to things and people that no longer serve us. Fear keeps us attached, as does the comfort of the familiar.
The unknown can feel unsettling, even when we know deep down that letting go is the best way forward. Our attachments, whether to relationships, material possessions or past experiences, often come from emotional bonds that make letting go feel impossible.
Some people cling to relationships, even when they have been treated badly, because they do not believe they are worthy of anything better. Their self-worth is so wrapped up in the presence of the other person that the thought of leaving feels like losing a part of themselves.
Others cling to material possessions not because they need them, but because these things give them a false sense of security or define their identity in some way. The more we hold on to something, the more our energy becomes wrapped around it, creating an invisible barrier that prevents new blessings from entering our lives.
This was a hard lesson for me to learn and overcome. Years ago, I put my father’s house on the market. It had been on the market for over a year and not a single offer had come in. At first I couldn’t understand why. The house was structurally sound, in a good location and fairly priced. But despite my best efforts, no buyers came forward.
Later I realised that my own energy of resistance was preventing the sale. I was not emotionally or spiritually ready to let go. My attachment – rooted in resentment, anger and unresolved emotions – created an energetic blockage that kept potential buyers away.
Without realising it, I was subconsciously telling the universe, ‘I don’t want this house to sell.‘ And so it remained unsold.
To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit ~ Jack Kornfield
The house was a burden to me. I didn’t love it, in fact I despised what it symbolised. The weight of past pain and negative memories had left a deep imprint on me. But even though I didn’t want to hold on to it, my unresolved emotions kept me tied to it.
Then something changed.
One day, I went to visit the tenants who had lived in the house. These people had really been a blessing to me. They had moved in shortly after I took the house off the market and for the first time in over 50 years I walked into the house and it felt… peaceful. It felt like love. The energy had changed and suddenly I was at peace with it.
Around the same time I had found a new estate agent – a Reiki Master. Unlike my previous agent, this person was aligned with my energy and understood the deeper aspects of energy flow and intention.
The situation now felt right. The timing was right. I was no longer holding on to the house with bitterness or regret. Instead, I saw it as a home that someone else could love, and I wanted to pass it on with gratitude in my heart.
My new agent met me at the house and we discussed the options. She took pictures and when we looked at them we both saw the truth: nothing needed to be done to sell it. The house was ready. The problem had not been the property – it had been me. My energy blocked the sale, but now I was ready.
In that moment I made the decision to sell. I signed the papers and my tenants, who were already planning to move into the city, fully supported my decision.
The “For Sale” sign went up and the next day it was sold. Exactly one day from the sign going up to the sale. Just one day!
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday ~ Steve Maraboli
When I brought my sales papers home, I did Reiki on them and said, “Thank you for selling this house quickly and at a good price.” My agent and her husband also did Reiki on their copy of the papers. The result? The sale went through for only $1,000 less than my asking price.
There was one last concern, however – at least from my human perspective. The terms of the sale required possession within a month. Legally, I was required to give my tenants two months’ notice. I didn’t know how I was going to manage, but once again the universe was on my side.
I explained the situation to my tenants and assured them that I would not evict them. To my surprise, they responded with grace and trust, telling me to do what I needed to do and that it would all work out. That same day they found a new place with an early move-in date – two days before the house sale closed.
Everything fell into place perfectly. The universe once again had my back.
Not only was my own needs taken care of, but my tenants were also led into a wonderful new opportunity. They moved into a lovely townhouse and soon became managers of the entire complex, a financially advantageous situation for them. The universe had orchestrated a perfect win-win solution to ensure that everyone involved was supported.
I share this story to illustrate the power of manifestation, alignment and letting go. That experience was a turning point for me – a time of learning how to co-create with the Universe.
For six years the house had been a heavy burden, an emotional weight I had carried all my life. But when I changed my perspective and released my negative attachments, everything shifted instantly. The moment I decided to let go and surrender, the universe stepped in and miracles happened.
I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go ~ Jeffrey McDaniel
We all have something in our lives that we want to change. We all have goals, dreams and intentions. Are you actively working towards them or are you allowing doubt and fear to hold you back? Are you stuck in a cycle of ‘what if’ and ‘it will never happen’ thoughts?
Nothing is impossible when you focus on the positive. Nothing is out of reach when your intentions are aligned with love, trust and faith. When we let go of fear, when we let go of our old narratives, when we open up to the flow of divine timing…miracles happen.
If you are holding on to something out of fear, I invite you to examine it closely. Ask yourself: Is this attachment serving me? Or is it holding me back? When we let go of those things that no longer resonate, we create space for new blessings to enter.
Letting go is not about loss or giving up; it’s about making space for something greater.
The universe is always there to support you. Trust it. Believe in it. And most importantly, believe in yourself. If you do, you may just witness miracles unfolding in ways you never expected.
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