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The Powerful Magic Inside

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery human being has powerful magic inside, and part of my job is to teach people how to use that magical energy. I understand the term ‘magic’ is somewhat of a loaded word, so let me re-frame it. Jesus called if faith and told us that with a small amount of faith we can move mountains. Buddha called it thought manifestation and explained that our conscious thought produces our reality.

How we focus our energy will eventually manifest in one way or another in our lives. For some people this implies ‘darkness’ or ‘evil.’ Darkness does exist, but I believe that it exists only as a catalyst to increase our vibrational frequency if we are ready to do so.

My personal belief is that darkness cannot ‘stick’ if there is nothing for it to stick to. This is why, when discussing lower vibrational frequencies, the best action is to increase your vibration. In my view there is really no war of light versus dark, or good versus evil. We can turn on the lights and then if there is something that needs to be cleaned up, we can clean it up. The darkness does not struggle when the lights come on. It just goes away.

For nearly all problematic circumstances our primary goal should be to change our consciousness and increase our vibrational frequency. It is quite rare that we are we taught to use this magic in everyday life.

There have been many spiritual teachers that have talked about it in the past, as I stated above. Jesus had enough magic (faith) to walk on water and Buddha could exert his magic (consciousness) to tame a wild elephant.

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Prophets, Or Time Travelers?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCould some of the famous prophets, such as Nostradamus, or the prophets of the King James Version of the Bible, or the prophet Mohammad, actually have been time travelers?

And is it merely coincidence that the Oracle of Delphi used a brass seat for visions of the future? As did Nostradamus, the 16th Century French poet and visionary. Nostradamus writes, “I will be seated at night, in my secret study. Alone sitting upon a stool of brass, a flame shall leap forth from the solitude, granting that which is not to be believed in vain.”

And, in the 1895 HG Wells fiction novel, The Time Machine, the protagonist of the story uses a black and polished brass time machine to gain mechanical control over time. Is there something about sitting on brass that allows one to see into the future? Or, could they possibly be talking about a brass seat on a sort of vehicle?

There is a mystic figure called Khidr in Islamic exegesis. Khidr is said to have met Islamic figures and prophets at different times and places. It is difficult for scholars to understand how that could be – unless Khidr was a time traveler or an immortal being. Khidr was said to have met with Moses, Abu Zur’a al-Razi and Elijah. It is also believed that Elijah and Khidr may be the same person.

The scriptures say that Elijah did not die that he ascended into heaven (time travel) and would return as one of the two witnesses of the Great Tribulation period that would precede the Second Coming of Christ.

Enoch, from the Biblical scriptures is said to have taken many trips to heaven to meet the pre-existent Son of Man, whom Enoch prophesied would judge the souls of all men. Is this too, another instance of time travel? Interestingly, the book of Enoch was omitted from the King James Version of the Bible.

In several instances of supposed time travel a “storm” or a “ball of fire” or even a “chariot of fire” is mentioned. As in the book of Ezekiel, when he has a vision of the future, he mentions a whirl wind coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire, engulfing itself – this being the first of the prophet’s visions.

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The Fierce Journey To The Heart Of The Goddess

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are many divine beings around us throughout our lifetime. When I do a reading, a variety of angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and goddess archetypes may show up to lend their wisdom, love, and guidance to my clients, for whatever situation they are going through.

Not only do we have guardian angels constantly with us, but we also have various ‘inner band’ and ‘outer band’ spirit guides who interchange through different periods and cycles in our lifetime. We also have deities or higher-level beings with us during certain times.

Recently I have had many encounters with the goddess Kuan Yinin during readings. She is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion and was first known as the ‘goddess of mercy’ among Jesuit missionaries in China. Guanyin, Guan Yin or Kuan Yin, is short for Kuan-shi Yin, meaning she who ‘observes the cries of humanity.’

She is a popular goddess in Chinese folk religion and worshipped in many communities and cultures all over the world. In the mid-17th century outlawed Christians in Japan created statues of the Catholic Virgin Mary disguised as Kuan Yin, known as the ‘Maria Kannon.’

I have always associated her with compassion, kindness, and forgiveness, but I was recently reminded that Kuan Yin rides a dragon! This makes a lot of sense to me, now that I have examined her legend more closely.

Kuan Yin is teaching us by example. To arrive at a place of compassion and kindness, we must first piece through some uncomfortable feelings of anger, sadness, and fear, to arrive at the ‘heart of the goddess.’ Kuan Yin rides her dragon of fierce bravery through stormy waters and scorching fires. She follows through with the journey to a place of completion and does not avoid the challenges that confront her along the way.

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Working With Ariel, Raziel And Metatron

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Ariel has an ‘Earth Mama’ energy. She feels like freshly tilled soil and smells like the air after it rains. She works with the fairy realm, and I often see her around clients who work in a creative field, especially music.

Archangel Ariel is wonderful to call on if you are working with the Earth, exploring creative projects or need to manifest financial prosperity.

She is passionate about working with individuals who need healthy boundaries in their relationships or must find ways to stand up for themselves that won’t compromise their sensitive nature or force them to be confrontational or aggressive.

Ariel is also wonderful to work with if you often feel like you were abandoned on this planet without a rule book and struggle to make sense of people and life in general. She can help you understand how to manifest and better flow with the energies of the earthly realm.

Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel has a sorcerer or wizard energy. He is sometimes mistaken for an Ascended Master because he has a similar energy. When he appears around a client, I know that they are probably working on remembering how to manifest from Source energy all they need and desire. Raziel helps them to establish a greater connection with the Source.

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The Who’s Who Of The Spirit Realm

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCommunicating and working with Spirit can become confusing when you need to discern who exactly it is that you are engaging with. Terms like Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels, Ancestors, among other, are often used in this context, but the distinction between these entities is not always made clear. It can be very confusing. For this reason, I have compiled a quick guide to the ‘who’s who’ of the spirit realm, and how to best work with each group of spirit energies.


Angelic beings are pure Love and Light. Angels have never experienced a human incarnation. They serve as our guides and protectors. Angels are our constant guides, steering us on our journey through life and helping us to achieve our dreams and goals.

They gently nudge us forward along our life path and deliver to us unconditional love from the Divine, but only if we ask for their support.They never overstep the Law of Free Will, unless it is a life-threatening situation that demands divine intervention.

You know you are in contact with an Angel if you feel warm ‘tingles,’ and a sense of unconditional love, inner peace and well-being.

Ascended Masters

Unlike Angels, the Ascended Masters are loving teachers. They are guides who have experienced human life on Earth. These beings have achieved self-actualization, enlightenment, or an ascended state of being. They have come into full alignment with their Higher Self.

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My Near-Death Experience

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAbout 12 years ago, right before Christmas, I had a lot going on in my life. I was taking care of my two kids and my brother. My cousin had a three-month-old baby, whose mother was in the hospital with complications due to diabetes. He brought me his new baby and asked if they could stay with us, and if I could care for his son while he worked. He was working the night shift, from around 7pm till 4am. Of course, I said I would help in any way I could.

Between my kids’ and my brother’s schedules, and now this new baby who was colicy, I was exhausted at the end of the second week. Somehow, I also got food poisoning. Never having had food poisoning before, I didn’t know the symptoms and thought I had a touch of stomach flu. Being so tired, I hadn’t realized how sick I actually was. After about 18 hours of fluid loss, I become so dehydrated that I had a seizure. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I fell down. Apparently, I was clinically dead for around 1½ minutes.

I did not experience all of the typical near-death phenomena. There was not any floating over my body; there was no white light, no tunnel. I was simply here and then I was there. The first thing I remember is walking along a sort of grassy path. I don’t remember turning around to look behind me, but, I just knew that there was a darkness from which I came, back there.

There were two people there to greet me. A woman and a man, the woman spoke to me first, and the man was a little ways behind her. Today, I could not tell you who these people were. But, when I was there, I was so glad to see them. It was like when I had sent my kids to summer camp, and they were gone for all those summer months, and I missed them terribly. It was the same feeling I got when seeing my children for the first time returning home. I had a deep love and bond with these two people.

The next thing I remember is that I was taken to the top of a mountain. There was no journey to get there, I was just there. The only way to describe the mountain is that it was like standing on top of Pikes Peak and looking out. I was so high up that the only thing I could see was blue sky.

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Now Is The Time For Love, Joy And Serenity

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have been given a unique opportunity by the Covid-19 pandemic: we have free time. Many people are feeling frustrated or anxious right now, but the sages of the ages gave us unique tools to deal with such things.

The great teachers, prophets, gurus, avatars and ascended masters taught us that the experience of love, joy, and serenity can only truly come from within. They encouraged us to take time each day for prayer and meditation. But many of us did not listen. We have the time now, so don’t waste it!

Before Covid-19, most of us were frantically running around in search of these intrinsic qualities of inner peace, love, joy, and serenity. We attempted to control everything in our lives, so we could feel a sense of stability and security. And we were searching for a sense of fulfillment.

Now, as we are forced to settle down, some of us are beginning to realize that these ‘fillers’ we had been chasing in life, have not really provided an authentic sense of security or fulfillment. The truth is that the answers were never outside of ourselves.

In my career as a professional psychic, I have talked to countless people over the years who were on a crusade to find love, joy, and serenity outside of themselves. I have heard so many people blame their circumstances, or other people, for their many woes. But their misery is usually a product of searching for something that is not there. You see, we cannot find love, joy, and serenity. We can only be it.

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