The Life Lessons We Learn From Children
We can learn so much from children if we really pay attention and make the effort to see things from their perspective. Children embody a purity and wisdom that most adults have lost touch with in the complexities of daily life.
Many women in my age group, known as the “baby boomers,” were so busy trying to have a career and a family. We believed we could do it all, but in the process we missed many of the little things our children had to teach us. I was guilty of that.
But now that I have grandchildren in my life and have had the opportunity to take the time to see things differently, I have learned many profound lessons and insights from them over the years.
In their early years, children are still deeply connected to their spiritual origins and carry with them a high level of soul awareness that has not yet been clouded by the demands of physical life and the challenges of human existence.
This active spiritual awareness allows them to move through the world with an openness and purity that adults often struggle to maintain. Unencumbered by societal expectations, ego-driven desires, or fear of judgment, they are able to express love, joy, and creativity in their most authentic form.
Because they haven’t yet been conditioned by the limitations and constraints of the material world, children serve as powerful teachers, offering us glimpses of the spiritual truths that are easily forgotten in the hustle and bustle of adult life. They remind us of the infinite potential of our own souls and inspire us to reconnect with the deeper, more meaningful aspects of our being.
Are You On The Karmic Path Of Grace?
Every step we take in life shapes not only how we feel, but also where we end up in life and how others respond to us.
Sayings such as “you reap what you sow,” “what goes around comes around,” and “your vibe attracts your tribe” represent the complex interplay between our choices and actions and the reality we experience each day.
This is known as the universal law of cause and effect, also known as the spiritual principle of karma. Every choice we make has consequences, whether seen or unseen. Every action we take – whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – has a corresponding result or consequence.
Nothing in life happens by accident. Our values, beliefs, mindset and attitude all help to shape our life path and destiny. Our choices, behaviors, and even our thoughts have a ripple effect. Our free will choices ultimately determine our life journey and the legacy we will someday leave behind.
In essence, the energy or intent behind our actions affects the results we experience in life. Positive actions attract positive results, while negative actions can lead to challenges or difficulties. Over time, the cumulative effect of these causes and their consequences determines the course of our lives, affecting relationships, opportunities, and personal growth.
For this reason, it is essential that we be mindful of everything we say and do. We must cultivate self-awareness and take personal responsibility because every step we take affects our future and our destiny.
The Day The Angels Saved My Life
I know now that my angels kept me from going to work that day for a reason. I have also learned since that I still had work to do that was important enough to keep me safe from injury or worse.
I will never forget the day of the highway accident. It was September 3, 1999, and I had asked to be excused from work, which I never did. I was an office manager at a tool shop, working under a very arrogant accountant who had control issues with the employees.
I had worked there for several years without ever asking for extra time off, but he said no. He didn’t think I should have the day off because it was already a long weekend for us in Canada. The Labor Day holiday would have given me a four-day weekend instead of a three-day weekend.
He then threatened that I would lose my job if I took the day off because he didn’t approve of it and had no intention of changing his mind. But my gut was telling me very strongly that I simply could not go to work that day, I had to take it off. I didn’t know why at the time, I just knew I had to stay home.
So I did the only thing I could think of since my job security was in jeopardy – I went over his head to the owner and got the day off anyway! I later thanked the angels that I did that.
The accident happened about the same time I usually drive through the area on my way to work. I worked in Windsor, Ontario and lived in Valetta, which is almost an hour away. Every day I would get on the Queensline exit, east of Tilbury, and take the 401 to Oldcastle, where the 401 meets the highway. I have to admit I didn’t always drive the speed limit back then. I shudder to think what would have happened to me if I had driven my usual route to work that day!
A Simple Visualized Meditation To Get Unstuck
Have you ever struggled with a manifestation problem that no matter what you do, say or think, remains stubbornly unresolved?
Whether it’s manifesting much needed money, attracting your soul mate, getting a solid offer on your house, or anything else on your manifesting to-do list, this feeling of stagnation and zero results can be deeply disheartening.
If this resonates with you, spirit wants you to know that you are not doing anything wrong. The universe has heard your prayers, and your dreams are indeed on their way to becoming a reality.
While you may understand this on a spiritual level, it can still be incredibly frustrating to continue to sit in a space of longing and lack while you wait for your desires to materialize.
To help you shift this energy and open yourself up to greater possibilities, spirit has shared with me a simple yet powerful visualized meditation. This exercise is designed to clear energetic stagnation in the areas of your life that feel stuck.
Doing this exercise regularly teaches you to be in the flow and builds trust and faith in the goodness of the universe. It clears your own energy of negativity, positively impacts those closest to you, and blesses the entire planet.
By raising the consciousness of the world, you tap into your inner divine spark and grease the wheels for your desired manifestations. As you move into the flow, you invite grace to work through your life in bigger and better ways.
Reconnecting With Your Inner Light
These days, it’s easy to feel lost, anxious, or just plain drained. We juggle the pressure to succeed, increasing isolation, endless app notifications, and even a creeping sense of loneliness or hopelessness.
It’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed and disconnected from our true selves and the deeper source of wisdom within that illuminates our lives. Instead of feeling alive and vibrant, for many people it’s just a matter of getting through the day.
But here’s the good news: There is a way out of this gray fog, and it doesn’t involve a fancy retreat or running away to join the circus.
It’s about reconnecting with the light within you-the spark of divinity that’s always been there. Once you tap into that, everything changes. You begin to feel grounded, peaceful and purposeful. Life becomes richer, more joyful, and you’ll find yourself smiling a lot more!
The spiritual concept of “light” is central to many Eastern wisdom traditions. In Hinduism, for example, “light” symbolizes divine knowledge, truth, and the divine self (atman). The famous Sanskrit phrase “tamaso mā jyotir gamaya” (lead me from darkness to light) from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad refers to our innate desire for enlightenment and spiritual knowledge.
The concept of enlightenment (bodhi), metaphorically symbolized by light, is also central to Buddhism. In achieving enlightenment, one is said to attain wisdom and freedom from the darkness of ignorance.