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My Spiritual Journey To Artistic Triumph

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the realm of creativity, the road to success often winds through valleys of doubt, self-questioning, and external skepticism. My artistic journey was no exception, marked by over 12 years of struggling with self-doubt about my talent.

Fortunately, the turning point in my career came from a profound spiritual transformation that not only dissolved my insecurities, but catapulted me into the radiant light of artistic recognition.

The Valley Of Doubt

Early in my artistic career, the art industrial art complex echoed with the voices of snooty gallery curators who, with dismissive gestures, suggested that my work lacked that elusive quality called “talent.

My artistic endeavors became a constant battle against self-doubt, a relentless inner saboteur that continually cast shadows over my creative efforts. Meanwhile, the rejection letters piled up, creating a formidable barrier between my aspirations and the artistic recognition I craved.

In the depths of artistic despair, I found solace and inspiration in the words of the iconic Audrey Hepburn: “I was born with an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it.” This resonated with my journey, where the rejection I faced became the catalyst for a personal reckoning. I decided to turn the tables on those who had once rejected my work. Every “no” I received was transformed into my own resounding “no” to doubt and limitation. Continue reading

Finding Your Superpower Within

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWithin you is a secret reservoir of untapped strength, a magical source of resilience, a mental and emotional fortitude waiting to be activated.

This inner strength is not a fixed trait, but a dynamic force that can be cultivated and nurtured through conscious effort and self-awareness. We all have the superpower of a cosmic hero within.


The path to uncovering our inner strength often begins with embracing vulnerability and acknowledging our imperfections and shortcomings.

It’s about recognizing that we are not infallible, but rather perfect spiritual beings in an imperfect human form, each with our unique blend of strengths, weaknesses, and karmic lessons to learn.

This willingness to be vulnerable allows us to shed the masks we wear and connect with our authentic selves, our soul identity, the core of our being where our true strength resides. It’s in this space of authenticity that we can begin to identify and cultivate the qualities that empower us to meet life’s challenges, face our karmic debts, and pursue our soul plan aspirations.

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The Transformative Power Of Vulnerability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that spirit wants to remind us that vulnerability offers us a special kind of magic in our lives. It is a theme that comes up regularly in psychic readings I do for my clients.

Vulnerability can transform lives, careers, relationships and families in profound ways. But for many of us, life has taught us that being vulnerable is a ‘weakness’ that puts us at risk.

Many of us have built walls around ourselves to protect ourselves because we feel we risk rejection, judgment, or failure if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The ego tells us it’s best not to take those risks at all!

Instead, we harden our hearts and keep our distance, choosing to figure out what others might think, feel or do before we are willing to put ourselves out there in any way.

But by shying away from being open, authentic, and transparent with our thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears, and desires, we actually block the very outcomes in life that we hope for.

So, how do you get more comfortable opening up and allowing yourself to be authentic and vulnerable? And how does that open you up to the very results you want to manifest in your life?

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The Dealbreakers And Dealmakers Of Dating

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDating has changed a lot in recent years, especially with the advent of social media and dating apps. But one thing that has not changed is that most people still want to meet someone special to share their lives with.

I had to venture back into the dating scene myself after my husband passed away several years ago. At first, I had absolutely no interest in meeting someone new, but after a long period of grieving, healing, and self-reflection, I finally realized that I did not want or need to be alone for the rest of my life.

I remember so many people giving me dating and relationship advice after I became a widow. They particularly advised me not to remarry, especially at my age. “Trust me, you don’t need the headaches and drama,” they all said. “You’ll never find someone as good as him,” one predicted. “It’s a toxic war zone out there,” lamented another. Relatives, friends, and even neighbors all had something negative or skeptical to say.

While I appreciated everyone’s concern and well-meant intentions at the time, I decided to stay true to myself and trust my inner guidance. You see, I already knew something they did not.
Spirit revealed to me toward the end of my grieving period that I would eventually meet someone new, but that I would have to take the necessary steps to make it happen. My future partner was not going to miraculously show up at my door. I had to put myself out there to meet him.

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Embracing Growth Challenges In Your Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAt some point in a romantic relationship, we all face challenges that test our connection with our partner or spouse. People disagree, make mistakes, and experience conflict. It’s human nature.

However, it is important to realize that most problems in a developing relationship are often not inherently negative or catastrophic. Instead, they present valuable opportunities for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery.

If you believe that your happiness in a relationship depends on finding the perfect partner, it’s time for a new perspective. The key to a happy relationship is to remove personal barriers one at a time. By doing so, you can fully immerse yourself in love and become a magnet for attracting the right partner into your life.

Consider the following five common issues that many new couples face and how you can learn from them to foster a stronger, more fulfilling connection with your significant other.

The Happiness Myth

Some people go into a new relationship expecting their partner to bring them the complete state of happiness, joy, and fulfillment they have always sought. But others cannot make us happy, joyful, or fulfilled because achieving this is always an inside job. It starts with us.

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The Twin Flame Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe concept of a twin flame relationship has gained much popularity in recent years, as more people seek to understand the nature of their romantic relationships.

Twin flames, also known as ‘mirror souls’ or ‘karmic lovers,’ are essentially two halves of one soul. Our twin flame is therefore the other half of our original soul that has been split into two different bodies in this lifetime.

Twin flames share a deep spiritual bond that goes beyond physical attraction or emotional connection. Our twin flame is our perfect counterpart, and once we are reunited with them, we experience the ultimate expression of divine love and spiritual connection.

A twin flame is however not exactly the same as a soulmate. While soulmates are also souls with whom we have meaningful spiritual or karmic connections, we only have one twin flame with whom we are connected on a much deeper level. Soulmates are therefore distinct souls that are separate from us, while we share the same soul with our twin flame.

This soul bond is said to be unbreakable and eternal over many lifetimes and in other dimensions. Twin flames are destined to fulfill a higher purpose together and to help each other grow spiritually.

Recognizing your twin flame can be difficult, as it is not always obvious initially. Twin flame relationships are characterized by intense attraction that goes beyond mere physical attraction, as well as a deep sense of familiarity and a feeling of finally being ‘home’ when together. There is usually an indescribable feeling of completeness or wholeness.

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Facing Our Shame Leads To Spiritual Growth

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was recently reminded of a hasty set of predictions I made a decade ago for a former colleague, when I had just started my psychic career. At the time, his wife was pregnant with twins, and I foolishly attempted to forecast when, where and how they would be born. Some of my predictions panned out, while some didn’t. At least I correctly predicted they would be born under the sign of Leo!

Looking back on it, I realize I was overly giddy in wanting to share my impressions with him. I certainly overstepped boundaries as a developing psychic, when I chose to impulsively send my predictions to him by email, without him asking for it. This kind of unsolicited psychic advice is seldom a good idea.

In those early days, I wrongly assumed it was the right thing for me to do. I presumed it my duty as a psychic to share whatever I perceived. Not only did I later regret sending that unwelcome email, but I also felt very embarrassed and ashamed. It also shook my fragile ego at the time.

Today, I see it very differently. That hasty email has since served as a valuable lesson in humility, patience, and vulnerability. In fact, it made me a better psychic. These days, I am much more measured and circumspect in my approach, and I no longer feel pressured to share absolutely everything that comes to mind, especially not if it is uninvited.

We all make foolish mistakes sometimes, but we live and learn. This is, after all, what our life journey as a spiritual being in human form is all about. Sometimes my clients say things like, “I shouldn’t have said that,” or “I wish I had never done that.” I then gently remind them there’s never a black-and-white line in the sand that, once you have crossed it, you’ve forever made yourself a ‘loser’ or a ‘fool.’

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