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The Art Of Aura Reading Made Easy

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!All living beings have not only a physical body but also a metaphysical body. This energetic body is most commonly known as our aura or light body and emanates from and surrounds our physical body.

The aura is a subtle energy field made up of luminous colored layers of energy that radiate from a few inches to a few feet around us.

It is known by various names in different spiritual and esoteric traditions, such as psychic atmosphere, biofield, odic force or etheric body.

Our aura reflects our health, emotions and mental state. Its energetic colors change according to our mood or well-being. Some traditions describe the auric layers with specific meanings, while others focus more on the different colors and their interpretations.

The aura is made up of subtle energy, also known as prana, chi or qi, or life force energy. This energy flows through the body through channels or pathways that correspond to the energy meridian system in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the chakra system in Hindu, Buddhist and Yogic traditions.

The aura has several layers or fields of energy, each with its own qualities and significance. These layers include the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. However, different traditions interpret the number and composition of these layers differently.

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New Audio Features On

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We are thrilled to announce the launch of our innovative new audio features that will elevate and enrich your experience with our live psychic advisors at

In response to a fast-evolving digital landscape, we are now offering audio profiles for our expert team of psychics, mediums, and diviners, along with audio versions of our most popular articles on spirituality, metaphysics, energy healing, and psychic ability.

In an age where smartphones and portable devices dominate online interactions, taking the time to read in-depth articles and other content can sometimes be challenging. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and user-friendly experiences, Psychic Access is now offering you a more convenient option by incorporating audio elements into our platform.

When you visit our website for a psychic reading, you can seamlessly listen to the bios of our team of psychics and gain a deeper understanding of their unique skills, specialties, and professional background.

You can also access cutting-edge psychic insights and spiritual guidance without compromising your on-the-go lifestyle because we are introducing audio transcripts of our featured articles that you can easily stream or download while commuting, exercising, or multitasking.

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The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPendulum divination, a practice steeped in ancient mysticism and esoteric wisdom, has found its place in various areas of spiritual exploration. Often associated with answering yes or no questions, the swinging motion of the pendulum taps into the energies of the universe and guide those seeking answers.

However, the pendulum’s capabilities extend beyond a binary response, encompassing diverse applications in psychic readings and energy healing practices.

One of the most common uses of pendulum divination is to answer yes or no questions. The pendulum, held by a seeker or psychic, swings or rotates in response to the energies surrounding a particular situation. The intuitive movement manifests unseen forces that provide insight into the seeker’s question. Whether exploring matters of the heart, career decisions, or spiritual inquiries, the pendulum serves as a conduit for connecting with the ethereal.

Beyond simple yes or no inquiries, the pendulum is a powerful tool in energy healing practices, especially chakra balancing. Chakras, the energy centers within the body, are crucial to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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The Basics Of Chakra Balancing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know that we have two bodies? Not only do we have a physical body, but we also have a light body.

Our physical body is our visible and tangible form, made up of bones, muscles, organs and other tissues. It is our physical manifestation in this earthly realm and is subject to the laws of physics and biology.

Our light body, on the other hand, is the subtle energy system underlying to the physical body. It is the energetic bridge between our physical body and our higher, soul existence beyond the physical body. The light body is invisible to the naked eye and is subject to metaphysical or universal laws.

The concept of the ‘body of light‘ or ‘luminous body’ is found in various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings and is also known as the aura, human energy field, astral body, subtle body, spirit body, radiant body, sidereal body, or celestial body.

The main feature of the light body are the chakras, an intricate network of energy centers or vortices that play a vital role in our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. According to some teachings there are as many as 114 to 88,000 chakras, but this is not a commonly accepted understanding in the fields of yoga and energy healing.

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Crown Chakra Meditation For Mental Health

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThese days, many people face mental health challenges. In a world where so many demands are placed upon our time and energy, there never seems to be enough time for relaxation and proper self-care. One way to improve one’s mental health and gain greater clarity is to regularly do some energy work focusing on the crown chakra.

The chakras are a system of energy centers that regulate our physical health, mental acuity, and emotional well-being. Chakra (cakra in ancient Sanskrit) means ‘wheel’ and it is essentially a ‘spinning disk’ or vortex of energy. The chakras represent the flow of life force or pranic energy through the mind-body.

There are seven primary or major chakras in the subtle or light body, spanning from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. Each chakra has its own frequency, symbolism, color, and function. For optimal health and well-being, the chakras should be kept activated, open, balanced and aligned.

The seventh chakra at the crown of the head, also known as sahasrara padma, is the highest of the primary chakras. It is depicted as a 1000-petal lotus flower and represented by the color violet. This chakra is the energy center of our spiritual connection to the divine, from which all the other chakras emanate. The crown chakra is where we connect to God, Goddess, Source, Spirit, the Divine. It is also my experience that it is at the crown where we engage with our guardian angels and spirit guides.

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Chakra Clearing Using Stones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients often want to know what methods I use in my psychic readings. With the assistance of my spirit guides I usually pick up the energy around the person I am reading for. Sometimes names or events can come in, depend on what my guides are telling me. I also use meditation and stones to connect and keep my chakras open to receive message from the spirit world.

From a very young age I have been collecting crystals and gemstones to help keep my chakras clear and improve energy flow around me. Keeping your chakra system open and your energy field grounded is very important to obtain accurate inuitive information from your inner guidance system.

Speaking to my clients I aslo tend to find that people who do meditation and take care of their spiritual well-being often have happier lives and less stress. It also contributes to a longer life span.

To keep your seven chakras open I recommend the use of some of the following gemstones and crystals.

The Root Chakra is the base and grounds the spirit force that is in your body. A strong, clear base chakra ensures the ability to work more lovingly on the physical planes. Recommended stones: Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz.

The Sacral Charka is a conduit for creative utilization of forces leading into all aspects of the inner being and high soul procreation. It direct the self towards devotion. Recommended stones: Tiger Eye, Orange Calcite.

The Solar Plexus Charka expresses our personal power and helps us to manifest our goals. Recommended stones: Topaz Citrine

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The True Role Of The Spiritual Healer

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual healing is the healing of the human body through spirit power by means of mediumship. Healing comes under both the mental and physical phases of mediumship. The sending of healing vibrations mentally, and the healing forces applied without the laying on of hands, all come under the heading of mental mediumship.

Some marvelous things have been accomplished by the sending of healing vibrations through the power of thought. As you know, prayer is the sending of thought vibrations to a Higher Source. So, we can easily understand how one might be healed this way.

Faith enters largely into a demonstration of mental healing, and it is almost impossible for a healer to accomplish much, unless the patient works with the healer in faith. Thoughts of hatred and jealousy are most destructive, and a body poisoned with thoughts of this nature cannot be healed until this destructive force is overcome.

Vibration always plays an important part in all healing, both mental and physical. All matter is spiritual energy at different rates of vibration, an emanation from Divine Mind. The lowest vibration of color of what we are conscious of comes to us in the shades of red and the highest in the violet and purple shades.

The spirit healer use knowledge of the laws of vibration. Mental disturbances are caused by too rapid a vibration and physical disturbances are caused by too low a vibration.  The one must be lowered, and the other raised, in order to effect a cure.

For the sake of convenience, I sometimes refer to myself simply as a ‘healer.’ However, I do not heal others myself. My task is to listen, and open myself up to receive the energy, the light, and the information that allows me to become the catalyst for the healing and transformation of my client. I am simply a conduit. The healing is not performed by me, it merely comes through me. Healing is a decision between my client and Spirit, God, Source, the Universe.

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