tarot readings
How To Get More From Your Psychic Reading
I can’t count the number of times I have been consulting with someone who says, “I’m so confused, I’m hearing so many different answers from different psychics, I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
First and foremost, remember that different psychics have different methods of reading. Depending upon the psychic and the reading method used, different aspects of the situation will be revealed. You can clarify the information that is coming forth very simply by asking a direct, specific question. After all, it is your time and your money.
When you ask a specific question it allows the psychics to focus on that particular energy. If you are not clear about your goals for the psychic reading, then all the significant energy affecting your life at that moment comes to the surface. The question that is most important may just get lost and go unanswered among all the other information comes through.
You shouldn’t have to go into great detail with the psychic. Asking a clear question is very different from feeding your psychic information. If the reading is on track the psychic will be able to pick up on details or aspects that will verify for you that the right person, place or situation is being brought forward. If this isn’t happening, or your instincts tell you the connection is not good, then stop the reading. Psychics are either linked in and on target, or we are not.
Having said that, remember that most of us have had more than one relationship in our lives and for many, more than one significant relationship. The heart remembers them all and holds them for us to remember, learn and grow from. Sometimes in a reading a past relationship will come up, because it has great bearing on the current relationship. If there is still resentment, fear, or hurt, or we haven’t completely let go of the past, this energy tends to come up in the reading.
It is important that relevant information come forward pertaining to your question, so that you can see how your past is affecting your present. This is true of business relationships, career, finances, family and romance.
Connecting With Your Pets Energetically
I am the proud pet mama of two cats who could not be more different from one another. Francis is fearless. She’s an agile huntress who is always catching dragonflies and darting around the house. Merlin on the other hand, is slow and lazy. More content to make friends with mice and munch on leaves, he is a cat who just loves to love.
There was a time when Merlin went missing for some time. I was devastated! At first, I simply couldn’t believe it. We had just moved a considerable distance, so he was not at all familiar with the area and his new environment. He is an indoor cat that is afraid of grass and any kind of large moving objects (like boughs of trees moving in the wind). I was terrified for him.
After many days of fruitless, I was beginning to lose hope. I had put the word out with the local animal control and missing pet boards. My partner and I knocked on doors and wandered the neighbourhood nightly, calling out his name, but there was no sign of him at all.
In my heart, I knew Merlin was still out there. As the second week of his absence ended, I just had to try something new. I was willing to try anything at this point!
So, I consulted the Tarot. I asked where I might find him, or when he would come home, but my intensely clouded emotions made a clear, sensible reading impossible. Reading for oneself is generally not a good idea, much less when you are as distraught as I was at the time. The Tarot is also not the ideal psychic tool for these kinds of questions.
Then I began researching energetic methods for finding a lost a pet. This is when I discovered an energy meditation known as the ‘golden thread,’ or the ‘golden cord.’ It is a simple visualization technique for connecting energetically with a pet.
The Secret To Attracting A Magical Relationship
Prior to calling a psychic, you may have a certain level of worry or anxiety around a particular topic, or you might be given a nudge by your spirit guides to get insight and clarity to help you move forward toward our goal. Many people ask me in readings if I see something manifesting in their life they have wanted for a long time, or the successful outcome of something they are currently hoping to achieve.
A psychic advisor can confirm if you are on track and anchored in our power. When I do a reading, I can see a person’s soul purpose and where they currently are on their spiritual path. I can also see the likelihood of an event happening or not, based on previous events they’ve been through, or perhaps a current spiritual lesson they are undergoing. However, what I find callers don’t always realize is that for some of the questions they ask in readings they already hold the key to not only the answers, but also how to make things happen that they may be leaving up to fate.
Whether something is going to happen in your life, or not, is mostly determined by your own thoughts and actions. For instance, if someone calls me for a reading and wants to know if things will move forward with a particular person they are romantically interested in, there are many ways the situation can potentially play out. And the outcome will depend mostly on the caller’s own thoughts, ideas, beliefs, fears, energy frequency, and behavior patterns.
The early stages of a relationship and dynamics of love can be a funny thing. I liken it to ‘reverse psychology’ in the etheric world. I say this because what I find works most often in attracting the love of our potential partner and get their attention is somewhat counter-intuitive to what we might assume.
For example, the old saying it is best to ‘play hard to get,’ holds far more value than we may think. Granted, it does take a lot of self-discipline to pretend we’re not as interested in someone as we really are, but I can guarantee you that energetically it will pay off.
Combining Cartomancy With Pendulum Dowsing
Every psychic is different on how they do readings using divination tools. I like to challenge myself and push the envelope. I have developed my own divination method by combining the use of a regular deck of playing cards and a pendulum to do psychic readings.
A pendulum is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain and it can be used for both dowsing and divination. The ‘bob’ of the pendulum is usually a crystal, piece of metal or some other gemstone. Pendulums have different sizes and shapes and they come in many colors. I use a quartz crystal pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Divination with a pendulum can be done in many different ways, including using charts. You can even use a simple chart you draw on a normal sheet of paper.
The idea to use a pendulum and deck of cards at the same time came to me many years back, when I felt the need for a new psychic challenge. When I do psychic readings with playing cards, I find it helps to open up my psychic abilities even more.
You may wonder how anyone can use an ordinary deck of playing cards, instead of the Tarot or oracle cards, to do readings. Well, I can feel the energy or ‘vibes’ better by using ordinary playing cards when I do a reading.
When I was younger I used to give readings to friends, and I discovered the cards give off a very strong energy for me. I am guided by spirit when I read, and when my psychic abilities kick in I feel a ‘heat’ or I feel my hand drawn to certain cards. I get an even more accurate result when I use a pendulum, instead of my hands.
A Psychic Reading Brings Order To Chaos
In a typical lifetime the sun will pass over us twenty-five thousand times. If you were to walk just one mile due west each and every day of your life (if such a journey by land were possible) your life would end at the place it began. Just one mile every day, at a most comfortable stroll, you will have experienced more than anyone, and lived the dreams of most. Instead of merely waiting and watching the sun and time pass by.
If we walk slowly through life, but with purpose, we will see more, travel farther on less energy, and allow others more time to get out of our way. But occasionally, we will meet immovable objects in our path, and a decision on which way to turn must then be made.
Having a precise destiny in mind is challenging in itself, so making the right decisions along the way is essential to ensure our safe arrival at our intended destination.
In my own journey, I remind myself to smile demurely at those skeptical of what I do, even if their cynicism always surprises me, as we all foresee the future all the time.
For example, watching a carefree child at play, unaware in the midst of their joy of the likelihood, the inevitability of a fall sometimes becomes apparent and very clear to those with experience looking on.
The fact that some of us are able to see more, and in more detail, and further into the future, should therefore not be so impossible to conceive – as disconcerting or uncomfortable as this may be to the doubter.
Most reasonable people accept graciously the facts established by modern scientific method, often with little understanding of the reasoning or validity behind such conclusions. We do not have to understand the nature of everything in our lives, as long as it is evident and proven in our own experience.