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An Unusual Spirit Visitation From Grandma

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have a very vivid memory from when I was a little girl of my grandma teaching me how to pray the rosary. I didn’t really remember much of the prayer at that age, but as I grew older I made an effort to learn it by heart and do it correctly.

It has since become an essential component of my spiritual practice and has helped me to manifest many miracles in my life. In fact, one of the promises of praying the rosary is to receive miracles.

When grandma died, I made it my goal to properly learn the rosary. I prayed it every night and asked for her to visit me from the other side. I wished for us to communicate while I was awake and fully conscious, instead of in a dream. And that is exactly happened.

Recently, I was thinking of my grandma and I got down on my knees to make another special request for her to come visit me. While I was meditating, a helium balloon I still have as a keepsake from Valentine’s Day 2020, began moving along the ceiling into my general space.

I knew that this had to be grandma’s doing because there weren’t any windows open and there was no draft. The heating was also not turned on or anything like that.

I then said out loud, “Grandma if it is you moving the balloon, is there anything you would like to tell me? Please communicate with me telepathically. Give me a sign, move the balloon towards me. Something, anything!” The heart-shaped balloon almost instantly started to make its way down to me. Lower and lower it came until it was hovering right in front of my face.

Then the balloon started moving towards the door. I stood up and followed it. It went out into the kitchen, then around the corner and into the living room. Then it hovered over my altar. I have an altar where I keep pictures of my ancestors. After grandma passed, I also placed a picture of her on it.

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Miracle Moments In Mediumship Readings

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMediums are a mouthpiece for the spirit world, or the ‘telephone’ in the middle. In a mediumship reading spirit may come through with a short, simple greeting or a full hour reading. The medium is merely the messenger and does not control the process. It is a three-way conversation between the client, spirit and the medium.

It is, of course, important for the sitter or client that spirit gives validating information or evidence that the medium could not possibly know or guess. This ‘seals the deal’ so to speak. The best way to receive these validations is to allow spirit to just take the lead and let the miracle unfold. The medium or the client trying to take charge and steer the reading is never a good idea.

Some typical examples of spontaneous evidence may include their birthname or nickname, their dates of birth and passing, how they passed, their personality and physical appearance when they were in this life, their career or business, their favorite hobby or sport, and even a beloved song, a saying they may have used a lot, or a family inside joke.

An unusual reading I will never forget was the time spirit kept showing me a yellow kayak that had rolled over in the water, to indicate his cause of death. Someone dying in a hospital bed is generic, but there is no way anyone could have guessed such an unusual fatal event. That is what I mean by authentic evidence in a reading.

I love it when a client gets that ‘ah ha’ moment, when they know without a shadow of doubt they are talking to a loved one. It is a beautiful miracle for all involved. Most of the time it is also a deeply healing experience.

I recently had a father come through with the unusual nickname he used to call his daughter. She did not ask me at the beginning of the reading what her father used to call her. He just revealed it to me unexpectedly. This is the best way to approach mediumship readings. In my experience, skeptical ‘test questions’ seldom succeed with spirit. In fact, there is usually no response to such ‘tests.’

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A Conversation With Your Spirit Guides

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I first began to converse with Spirit, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was receiving these messages and listening to them, but I never really put much thought into it.

It wasn’t until I consciously acknowledged the conversation was happening, that the momentum really started to build. It was then that I realized my guides had been with me all along!

In my experience, the most important step you can take in opening a conversation with Spirit is to acknowledge that it is your intent. Your angels and spirit guides are always with you, but they need your permission for them to help you.

Remember to ask them often to be near you and to help you and guide you. When you need direction, ask them for a sign. Then be patient and watchful.

Spirit communicates in many ways, such as using repeating number sequences that constantly show up, for example, or a song you hear again and again wherever you go. Spirit will try to get your attention any way it can and will typically use signs, symbols and synchronicities that will be meaningful to you personally.

It’s important to be open to receiving these signs and messages, and not to dismiss any ‘coincidences’ you may encounter. Coincidence is an expression of synchronicity in the Universe. Once you start flowing with it and moving with the guidance of Spirit, you will likely start to experience many of these synchronicities. Your guides want you to be in the flow, because it is in this state that you are walking the path toward fulfilling your ultimate potential.

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Once, Twice, Three Times A Synchronicity!

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSynchronicities seem to be coming fast and furious these days! These magical ‘coincidences’ in our everyday world open us up to the Divine Flow, making us feel like we have the key to the ‘Matrix.’ Is it because our spiritual DNA is changing, or is it simply that our focus is now where it had not been before?

The more we become aware of something, the more it enters your daily experience. But it’s also like a boiling pot of water and constantly looking for synchronicities can begin to feel like a guilty obsession.

Of course, many of us are going somewhat ‘nuts’ these days during the pandemic, and we’re searching for deeper meaning while waiting out the crisis. When synchronicities occur these days, they indeed feel like gifts from the gods, and one should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

But that’s precisely what I did about three weeks ago.

My daughter is a young and gifted writer and actress. She recently graduated from a prestigious performing arts school, and her first novel was published this year. She also began working as a theater critic just before the pandemic hit and Broadway went dark, stalling career before it could even properly launch!

I urged her to return home for the lockdown and stay with me, while we waited out the pandemic together. She used this time to write articles for online publications and even landed an acting gig on Zoom. She also successfully pitched a project to a female producer in Hollywood, who graciously took her under her wing, slowly mentoring her with a promising script.

All of this was great, but she feared her trail-blazing would soon grow cold again, and she was hoping to find additional opportunities or prospects.

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A Missed Call From Heaven

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know a deceased loved one can contact you from the other side using a telephone? I know this from firsthand experience. This happened to me twice, 35 years apart.

In 1976, after coming home from church one day, I received a phone call from my grandfather, who had passed away earlier that day. When I answered the phone I had no clue that my grandfather had died. It was a silent phone call from the afterlife to say his goodbyes.

Recently, 35 years later, I have had a repeat experience of this exact same experience. This time it was on my cell phone. I was on the Interstate 70 highway, driving back from Indiana to Ohio. It was an exhausting and stressful journey. On the way, I noticed that my phone showed that I had missed a call. It was kind of weird, because the phone never rang. I did not give it a second thought and rather concentrated on my driving.

When I finally did get to Ohio, I was relieved that the long drive was finally over – until my gas light came on. I really didn’t want to stop at that point in time, but I had no choice. So, I figured I might as well get something to drink.

When I walked in the store to get my drink, I smelled a familiar odor of cigar smoke that I have not smelled since the 70’s. It was the distinctive smell of the cigars that my grandfather used to smoke. And it was very, very strong. It was so intense that I had to stop what I was doing. To be honest, it gave me a cold chill down my back – to such an extent that I even turned around to see who was there. But there was no one else around.

When I got back to my car, I noticed that the battery on my cell phone was blinking. I knew for a fact, when I left the car, that my battery was almost fully charged. I picked up the phone and it showed that I had two missed calls from a person called Perry Anderson. My grandfather’s name was Perry Anderson, but his contact details are not stored on my phone…because he died decades ago in 1976!

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The Spiritual Power Of Sweet Solitude

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a meditation circle the other day, there were many of us who got the same message from spirit: that solitude is of vital importance for soul growth and for tapping into our spiritual well-being and psychic potential.

It reminded me of my childhood. I was expanding my psychic awareness and started tapping into my psychic abilities at a very young age. I remember vividly spending time in a tree house, meditating and feeling so free and relaxed.

As I grew older, I began recording my psychic perceptions and spiritual insights in a journal, which at the time I simply thought of as ‘my diary.’ Reading back in later years, I discovered that I had unknowingly recorded many predictions that came to pass.

I would spend a lot of time in solitude and quiet contemplation. I would focus on a certain things or persons that were important to me at the time, and I would then receive intuitive flashes about what needed to be done, as well as what would come to pass, or not.

Discovering the power of solitude and quiet contemplation at such a young age made all the difference in my psychic development and personal spiritual growth. I can hardly imagine where I would be without it today, had I not cottoned on to this in my youth.

If you can spend just a few minutes in sweet solitude every day, or even a few times a day, you will boost your mental and physical health and reduce your stress levels. You will find you will hear your body better for what it needs for healing and well-being.

Spiritual practice in solitude will also empower you to become more creatively inspired and you’ll receive more insightful messages and guidance from spirit. If you want to connect with your intuition and psychic abilities, it is vital that you spend more time in alone in meditation.

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Asking ‘Why’ When A Loved One Is Lost

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you lose someone you love in a sudden, unexpected way, such as suicide, a car accident, murder, or domestic violence, it always seems so unfair and tragic. It is usually so difficult to understand why this had to happen?

The truth is that we will never truly know the ‘why’ of things. The biggest regret that I hear from so many bereaved people is that they never had a chance to say goodbye.

Someone passing due to old age or illness usually affords us the time to prepare for the loss and to say our goodbyes. Typically, you will haves some time with the person, to be kinder, to be compassionate and to let them know how much they are loved. A sudden passing robs us of all of this.

I am personally very aware of the emotions, feelings and experiences that come after a loved one’s life is lost so suddenly and unexpectedly. More than a decade ago, I lost my stepson to suicide. He was only 32 years old.  Within 2 days of this tragedy, a another local young man also took his life. He was only 22.

The widespread trauma of the pandemic over this past year has brought back many of these feelings for me. Many people I know, all men, have taken their own lives because they have lost their jobs, businesses or life partners. Some of these men were successful business owners, but the lockdowns triggered something inside of them that led them to think suicide was a better way, or the only way out.

I talk to an abuse counselor at least two to three times a month and we discuss the unavailability of abused women to get help, because the shelters that are there to protect them are usually full to capacity.  I personally know two women whose lives were tragically ended by an abusive partner or ex-partner who they just could not get away from. You read about these cases almost every day. It makes zero sense if you try to find the logic in it.

And accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Yesterday, it was two locals snowmobiling in our area, who hit each other head on. One passed instantly, the other suffered only minor injuries. The week before it was a tractor trailer hitting a car that pulled out in front of it. The truck driver is fine, but the car and passenger is no longer with us. Continue reading

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