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Showing Up When Spirit Calls

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany years ago, while working in a clinical practice, I was called to lead a group of women who were survivors of domestic abuse. At that time, my role within the organization was strictly administrative. I had no clinical experience and quite frankly had serious misgivings about how well these women would be served through our agency’s poorly-funded, piecemeal program with severe limitations.

As we were on the verge of losing our contract altogether, the executive director burst into my office one morning and announced that I would be the interim director of the domestic violence program, in order to save the contract. I sat motionless, with a look of deep concern on my face.

Before I could respond verbally, my executive director began reviewing a county contract that outlined the qualifications of the new program director. As she flipped through the pages of the lengthy contract, my hope was that somewhere in bold writing there might be a job description that required a clinical background in Psychology or Social Work, but this was not the case.

I recall that same day reaching out to my dear friend and confidant, a fellow psychic and spiritual counselor who always helped me find clarity, especially when I felt completely lost in a situation. While my friend’s words were comforting and reassuring, she also shocked me out of my comfort zone. I wanted to hear from her an easy way to get out of my new job assignment, but she announced that I had a calling to help a group of women whose lives desperately needed to be changed.

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Choose Your Tribe Wisely

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe need to face the fact that some people are unfriendly, heartless, and simply rude! I discovered recently why someone I know personally acts so unfeeling and uncaring towards others. She always seems so wrapped up in her own world and shows no regard for anyone else. This has brought about much dis-ease in her own family and she has also gone through numerous failed romantic relationships.

During a recent family gathering, I was observing her aura and noticed that she suffers tremendous guilt and envy of others. Meanwhile, she is always looking for acceptance and comfort from her many boyfriends, who only stick around until they find out how manipulative and vindictive she really is.

Spirit showed me that she truly hates herself and projects it onto others. She is just not happy and slowly drains the energy of those around her. They usually do not realize this until it is too late. I do wonder how those who orbit around this person can manage to stick around at all, as it seems dis-ease and drama just follows her everywhere she goes in life.

Before her sister’s funeral, she was even snapping and yelling at her youngest daughter for something as trivial as a puzzle piece accidentally dropped on the floor. I asked one of her other children how she grew up to be so loving and sweet, having been raised around that kind of negativity? She said the credit belonged to her grandparents, as well as a few other family members.

I refuse to be unkind to anyone. It is in my nature to be civil and courteous to everyone I meet. It is my motto to leave others feeling better than they were before I interacted with them. But many people, will not even smile, no matter what you say or do. Spirit says this is due to their ‘spark’ being blown out by their own bad life choices and negative thoughts. It’s a matter of free will.

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Guidelines For Spiritual Growth

Click Here for a free psychic reading at Psychic Access!Spirituality is a wide-ranging concept with many diverse perspectives. In essence it is the process through which our inner being seeks to relate to something bigger than ourselves. It is the search for the meaning and purpose of our human existence. Spirituality is about our soul or spirit, and the unseen realms, as opposed to material things and physical life. It is also the life-long pursuit of inner peace, unconditional love, and existential wisdom and understanding.

Many people believe that the secret to spiritual growth and development can only be found in a book, a lecture, dogmatic belief system, or some other product or service that will magically unlock the doors to spiritual insight, happiness, joy and fulfillment. However, spirituality is a unique, personal path that each of us can explore on our own, from within. The following guidelines may be helpful on your journey towards spiritual fulfillment.


The first step in personal spiritual growth is reflecting on your life journey.  To be spiritual is to be questioning and inquisitive. Spiritual growth is a process of constantly learning and improving. One must be willing to open yourself to personal and spiritual growth, and by doing this your world opens up and things become less scary.

Holding on to past events keeps us from experiencing new adventures, and the emotional baggage will only weigh you down. Accept your past mistakes and learn from them. Reflect on what changes need to happen for you to move forward.

We are all teachers. We are either teaching someone, or they are teaching us – both good and bad. Learn from your experiences and move on with life.

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Finding Your Inner Wisdom

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow does one find inner wisdom? How does one accurately access your intuitions? How does one receive guidance from spirit? These are typical questions that can emerge when we begin to seek deeper answers in the quest for spiritual growth and soul knowledge.

Inner wisdom is a natural gift, given to us by God, in order to have the connection between our soul and our physical body while we are in this world. Our intuition is operating in our lives every day, with or without our knowledge or perception of it.

Meditation and prayer can help us achieve a more conscious connection with the spiritual realm and our inner wisdom. When we take a moment to become quiet and listen to the inner voice of spirit, we can receive profound messages and guidance.

However, tapping into our inner wisdom is not always simple or easy. When life gets in the way, that is when you can get off track and people tend to be more scattered. We then tend to no longer listen to our inner guidance. Our spiritual guidance can also be thrown off course by distorted inner blockages or pain that we carry. It takes patience and courage to find healing and develop a greater capacity for clear intuition. Meditation and other forms of spiritual practice is the best way to achieve this.

One of my spiritual mentors used to say that inner wisdom and intuition speaks very quietly, with the voice of love and warmth. Inner guidance often comes with feelings of comfort and joy. We all contain the spark of God’s inner light and love in our heart.

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Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach of us has spiritual guides on our side, whether we know it or not. These beings, whether they are angels, spirits of loved ones, or even animal spirits, are there to comfort, guide, nurture, and assist us.

Because we can’t see them, their communication tends to be more subtle, and they are always trying to give us messages in small ways. But we can also connect directly with them. However, because we can’t call them on the phone, or send them a quick text, there are other methods we can use to reach out to them.

The first method I often recommend is to use a set of oracle cards. The Tarot or Angel cards work well for this purpose, although there are many other oracle decks available these days. Choose one that feels right for you.

Ask your spirit guides a question, the more specific the better, and then choose a card randomly from your oracle card deck. This will serve as the answer you seek. Let your intuition guide you when interpreting the card’s message.

You can also do a three-card spread, with one card each to represent the past, present, and future. Learning more about the meanings of your chosen cards will help you better interpret communications from your spirit guides.

Another method you can use to communicate with your guides is to dowse with a pendulum. A pendulum is any solid object connected to a string, chain or cord. As with oracle cards, you will want to find one which you resonate with, and feels in tune with your personal energy frequencies.

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Seeing The Real World Of The Heart

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a woman and mother, I have questions about things happening in my world. As an intuitive empath, I receive questions that others have about things happening in their world. A recent experience sums up what I consider to be the most reliable source of inner wisdom, and where answers can be accessed by all of us.

I was awake one night with the energetic sensation of a specific situation permeating my experience. I could feel the energy in each expansion of my chest, as I inhaled. It filled my every breath, my every sense. My mind questioned, but I heard the guiding whisper of God in my soul say, “The real world is in the heart.”

There are spiritual dimensions of reality that are deeper, finer, subtler, more substantial than what is evident on the surface in the physical world. The door that opens to them is within the heart. There is truly more than meets the eye.

This realization reminded me of the illustration plates in the anatomy section of my parents’ encyclopedia, which fascinated me when I was a child. It wasn’t the human body per se that so intrigued me; it was the way the transparencies overlaid one another to form the whole picture.

At the top of them all was the skin, creating a picture of a human the way I was accustomed to see. As I turned the first page, I got a glimpse of something I had felt but never seen directly before with my eye, namely muscles. Page by page continuously showed deeper levels of anatomy beneath the surface, including the circulatory system, organs, and skeleton.

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Cultivating Divine Patience

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring difficult times it can be challenging to quickly change our circumstances, or get out of the eye of storm, because there is often a full plate of responsibilities to already deal with, like work, children and also self-care.

By learning to surrender some of worry and control to a higher power, you can begin to find inner harmony and cultivate divine patience which means you allow things to unfold in their own time.

Too often we want immediate gratification and answers right away, which can create added stress and anxiety in our interactions with others, since our focus is on the results instead of the process.

We forget that many times the answers are already within and all we have to do to access it, is to listen and become more receptive to what our inner voice is really trying to tell us.

The best way to tune into this is by elevating the environment you’re in by removing any negative influences or distractions that are causing imbalance. Even the act of cleaning or reorganizing a section can begin to shift our perspective, and create a sacred space for healing.

Afterwards, you can begin to get centered, quiet the mind and ask the spiritual realm what it wants you to know about your circumstances, so you can take the best course of action.

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