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Finding Your Spiritual Center In A Chaotic World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you were to ask me how I see the world we currently live in, my honest response would be that we seem to be in a state of mass confusion. There is much misinformation, upheaval, conflicting reports, fake news and conspiracy theories these days. And most of us seem to be struggling trying to find our balance amid all this chaos.

Herein lies the problem: how do we reconcile what we are being told by so many contradictory sources, when it conflicts with our own personal beliefs, thoughts and feelings? Do we trust ourselves enough from our inner guidance system, to assess what is right and true for us, even if it does not match the opinions of others?

Are you the type of individual that will always follow the agenda set out before you, even though at times it leaves you with feelings of doubt? Or perhaps you are a person who makes your choices strictly led by your own beliefs, intuition and spiritual awareness?

The only reasonable approach to any threatening situation at hand is to pay more attention to what you are honestly thinking, and how you are feeling, and how you choose to deal with trying events, rather than obsessing about what may, or may not happen.

It would make things much simpler if we could simply hide away in some cave for a while, or live on a desert island, until all the turmoil blows over. However, here is the catch, if these troublesome circumstances and events in current affairs finally find a way to resolve themselves, how do we prepare for the next time?

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You And Your Spirit Guides

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all surrounded by spirit guides and angels. These otherworldly beings have been with us since birth, and it is their mission to protect and guide us. But who are they, exactly?

Depending on your primary energy (feminine, masculine, or non-binary) your guides will likely have similar forms of energies. These guides are loved ones and friends who have passed on and are awaiting rebirth. They may even have been animals or one of your pets in their former life.

Most of us have a main guide, plus others who play a secondary role. Some may be around  us for our entire life, while others are temporary, or stay only for a specific purpose or to teach a specific lessons, or point the way to a specific destination or solution. The one thing all of them have in common is unconditional love and acceptance – the kind of caring that we often seek among the living, but only rarely find.

Guides are around us all the time, whether we are aware of them or not. They know us better than we know ourselves, and they are able to anticipate what we need.

How do we know they are there? For the most part, they are invisible to us, but can be sensed in other ways. Sudden flashes of inspiration, a favorite song playing when we turn on the radio, the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. Those are all a sure signs a spirit guide or guardian angel is speaking to you.

So, is it possible to communicate with these invisible spirit beings? Of course! Each time we pray or meditate, we are speaking to them. Silently asking for help will call them to our aid. Even if we engage in something meaningful to us, like our hobby or a creative pursuit, there is a dialogue with spirit guides, since they are the source of all inspiration. For some people, journaling, especially of their dreams, is a good way to listen to what their guides are communicating.

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The Intuitive Wisdom Of The Human Body

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe more time I spend working in the psychic realm, the more it seems to expand outward and the more it has to teach me. There is a certain magic that happens during psychic readings, where I feel touched by Spirit.

Sometimes, after completing another session with a client, rather than getting back to everyday life, I just stay in my chair for a while, and commune with my guides. I thank them, and also absorb any further messages or information that I need to learn as a spiritual advisor.

However, I find the best time to learn from Spirit is actually in my free time, when I am not working. It is actually in my personal life where Spirit usually has the most to teach me. Those ordinary, mundane moments, when I am doing the dishes, or taking a shower, or cleaning the house, is often where I learn the most. Maybe this is the case because I’m in more of a receptive, relaxed state of mind? It also happens frequently at night, when I’m just about to fall asleep, or upon waking in the morning.

I find it truly amazing how divinely orchestrated everything is in the metaphysical realm. There is very little effort needed to be able to perceive so much. Each year that passes, I learn to trust my inner guidance more and more.

Lately, I have come to recognize once again that the human body is a highly sensitive, intuitive apparatus through which Spirit guides us. My physical body, and how it reacts to being around certain people, and in certain situations, is something I no longer take for granted. What I have observed is that my body is innately aware and instinctively intelligent, maybe sometimes even more than the rational mind.

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Listen To Your Guides And Angels

Click Here NOW For A FREE Psychic Reading NOW at PsychicAccess.comWhen life frustrates you, when people anger you, or the world puts you in a state of fear, stress or worry, take a few minutes to sit quiet and ask your guides and angels to take the weight off your shoulders. Ask them to bring you calm and to just simply let you know that it will be okay.

Your angels and guides are with you each and every day. They speak to you in the pit of your stomach, your gut feelings, your ‘intuition spot.’ Feel their presence around you and inside of you. Feel them tell you that they are surrounding you with white light and love.

Your spirit guides and angels aim to help, never to hinder. They are there to love you and keep your soul filled with loving energy. Feel them tell you that they are filling you with their overwhelming love and peace. And then simply allow them to relieve the negativity that is keeping you stuck.

I’m sure they shake their heads once in a while, and go ‘what the heck!’ But they do not judge you. Your guides and angels never chastise you. Only you tend to judge yourself, so allow that part of you to go as well. You are only to love yourself unconditionally, just as your guides and angels do. You are perfectly perfect as you are. This is a phrase I use often when talking to my clients. Your angels see you as perfect, so why can’t you?

You are always in a state of transition and growth. It is what makes us human and different from other species. A bird simply knows how to build a nest, lay eggs, hatch them. And when their offspring eventually leave the nest, they instinctively go and repeat the process all over again. They do not worry for anything. If they are hungry, they grab a worm out of the ground or a seed from a plant. If it is raining, they simply hunker down in a bush or tree. It is an inborn response.

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Love Yourself, And Don’t Stop Believing

Click Here right now for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I had time to reflect on different aspects of my own life and where it was, or wasn’t going. I was starting to feel self-pity creeping up on me, and had to act to shift my energy out of that negative space, as it would trickle off into other areas of my life.

I was supposed to attend a celebration with family on a Wednesday, as well as a gathering with another group of relatives on the following Saturday. But I wasn’t prioritizing my own needs and well-being, and the Universe decided to put an end to my plans.

To cut a long story short, on the Wednesday, instead of going to the party, I landed in the local hospital emergency room, as my knee gave out and I could not walk. The Universe was telling me to rest – to sit down and get my priorities back in order.

My priorities have always been my children and grandchildren, and that hasn’t changed. However, my views on the recurring family drama, with regards who can go see who, and when, and where, and how, has significantly changed. I have decided to let go of always trying to keep the peace, and please everyone. I no longer wish to expose myself to the unnecessary stress and commotion of it all.

I let it go by simply asking my angels to deal on my behalf with all the stuff that I could no longer hold inside and carry, and take it off my shoulders. And yes, it took me a couple days to realize what was needed, but as soon as I did this, the need for walking with a cane started to disappear and the pain and swelling in my knee has been minimal the last couple of days.

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Take This Time To Find The Future Inside

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe last couple of months have brought out a variety of emotions for all of us. They reach from anger, fear, frustration and anxiety, to kindness, compassion and love. People never see things in the same way, and differing views and opinions about the Covid-19 pandemic are causing confusion, noise and heated arguments on social media, in the news, in politics and in our streets.

One cannot help but be left to wonder, who is actually telling the truth? Whose facts are the most reliable? Is certain news fake? Are some of the things we hear or see just rumors, or weird conspiracy theories? Are some purposely spreading misinformation, or exaggerating what is going on? Is the situation possibly more serious than most of us realize, or less severe than we may believe? There are so many questions right now, not many clear answers, and a lot of uncertainty.

But instead of focusing on all the chaos and drama around you, it may be wise to instead shift your attention to something more important. Especially if you are currently still quarantined at home, this is the perfect time to evaluate what is going on deep inside your soul. It is the perfect time to spend in solitude and silence, go within, and allow your soul, your inner guidance, to speak to you. And if you are sheltering with family or friends, try to find a quiet place or secret corner where you can hide away for a while every day.

Maybe there are many voices out in the world today that we cannot trust. But there is one voice we can always trust – the voice within. Each one of us has a deep consciousness that holds the answers to our fears and life questions. Each one of us has a direct connection with spirit, and this is the best time to truly allow spirit to talk to us. Are you truly listening? Or are you merely flapping your mouth, and creating more fear or anger for yourself and others?

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Inviting The Comfort Of Angels

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNow, more than ever before in our lifetime, angels are here to support, guide and comfort us in these challenging times. Angels always show up during times of great calamity and crisis. Many angel sightings or experiences have been witnessed during traumatic periods throughout human history. It is important to remember that they are ever-present, and waiting to be of service, love and support.

Over the years, I have seen time and time again that some of the key primary purposes of the angels in our lives is to remind and reinforce for us that we are not alone; that we can and will overcome the challenges we face at the moment; and to link us back to the best part of our hearts, which is where our true strength lies. It is that part of us which they hold sacred for us.

The angels have known us since before we were born. They have been watching over us as we have gone through triumph and tragedy, ever-vigilant, always supportive, they are loving and guiding us with signs and feelings towards our hearts desire. Through it all they remain unwavering in their faith in our ability to rise to the full expression of our hearts in all of life’s circumstances.

They are friend to all, regardless of our diverse beliefs and sometimes misguided dogmas. They truly are here to serve all of humankind. More often than not they are subtle in their presence, and their voices come through in feelings of comfort, love, and peace. They also guide us with a deep sense of knowing that a course of action we are about to embark on is either advantageous, or dangerous. They are never judge nor jury; they are always our advocates without question.

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