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Astrology Forecast April 22 – 28, 2024

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Buckle up for some turbulence today! The Libra Moon’s opposition to Mercury in Aries this morning will create some tension between our emotions and our communication styles.

The Moon in Libra tends to promote harmony, diplomacy, and a desire for fairness in our emotional responses. On the other hand, Mercury in Aries is more assertive, direct, and focused on individual needs and desires. This opposition can create a conflict between our need for emotional balance and our desire to express ourselves assertively.

We may struggle today to find the right words to express ourselves, or to strike a balance between being assertive and considerate in our interactions with others. This will be made worse by Mercury Retrograde in its final lap.

This evening, a Libra Moon opposition to Venus in Aries will prolong the tension between head and heart, leaving us feeling insecure and unbalanced. Libra seeks harmony, balance and compromise, while Aries prioritizes individual needs over compromise. This opposition can create tension between the need for emotional balance and the desire for assertiveness and independence. It may not be easy to reconcile your emotions with your rational desires and needs.

There is a Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow, which will have the greatest impact on the water and earth signs. Full moons are a time of release, and with Mercury retrograde about to end, we will see a lot of endings this week as we prepare to enter a new cycle of being. The Scorpio Moon will continue to rule the skies until Thursday, calling us to go inside and examine what no longer serves us and what we want to keep in our lives.

Mercury turns direct on Thursday, but remember to give the lingering after-effects of retrograde a wide berth until at least May 1st, when the shadow period ends and the remaining energies return to balance.

A more lighthearted energy fills the air under the Sagittarius Moon on Friday and Saturday, where we can focus on the joys in our lives. We’ll experience a new sense of freedom and a genuine sense of gratitude that will be evident to everyone around us.

Sunday’s Capricorn Moon may call for a time of reckoning, whether it’s taking stock of our finances or our physical health, both of which could use a rebalancing!

Astrology Forecast April 8 -14, 2024

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The week begins with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries today, marking the beginning of a six-month cycle of renewed focus.

The second of two eclipses this year (the first occurred on March 25th with the full moon), it promises potential breakthroughs and advanced movement.

This eclipse also occurs closely conjunct Chiron and the Moon’s North Node, creating a profound opportunity for healing, introspection, and focusing on emotional wounds in order to move forward toward our soul purpose without repeating the past.

Chiron’s influence offers us a unique opportunity to confront and work through personal and collective pain, potentially leading to profound healing and a renewed sense of purpose.

Chiron, also known as the Wounded Healer, embodies the archetype of healing through overcoming personal traumas and challenges. This aspect encourages us to embark on a healing journey and take bold steps toward manifesting our true self and purpose.

The energy of today’s eclipse is also an opportunity for reevaluation of both personal and professional goals, especially as they relate to the Aries-ruled areas of your chart. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries carries the energy of new beginnings, leadership, and pioneering action. We’ll feel renewed sense of innovation and determination.

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Astrology Forecast April 1 – 7, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe month begins on a fiery note with Mercury going retrograde today until April 25th. This Mercury retrograde may have a greater impact than usual as it occurs in the ardent sign of Aries.

Expect heightened frustration and impatience over the next three weeks as tensions could ignite quickly. The energy of Aries amplifies impulsiveness and assertiveness, which can lead to rash decisions and thoughtless actions or words.

It will be important to practice patience, exercise caution with technology, back up important files, and avoid initiating new projects or making important decisions if possible. Watch out for electronic glitches, last-minute cancellations, and having to start things over at least twice before they stick!

Miscommunications and misunderstandings are also likely to be more common, especially in close relationships where there may be a tendency toward more self-centered or combative interactions.

To mitigate potential conflict, think carefully about how you phrase things and strive for clarity before you react. During this time, focus on listening and reflecting before speaking, as knee-jerk reactions could lead to unnecessary complications!

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Astrology Forecast March 25 – 31, 2024

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The week begins with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra today. This promises to be a powerful astrological event, with potential implications on both a personal and collective level.

Libra energy is about balance, relationships, justice, and harmony, so this eclipse will highlight these areas in our lives, leading to significant changes and personal realizations. It may prove to be privotal in our relationships, as well as decisions or adjustments in areas of our life that have been out of balance.

Since eclipses tend to illuminate hidden truths and bring underlying issues to the surface, this one could prompt a deep reflection on our personal growth, particularly in how we balance our independence with our connection to others. It’s an opportune time for self-discovery and for reevaluating the compromises we make in our relationships.

It may also inspire us to advocate for ourselves or others, or to align our actions and choices with our core humanitarian values of justice, equality, and harmony. On a global scale, this eclipse will highlight issues of justice, diplomacy, and relationships between nations or groups. Movements for peace, equality and fairness may gain momentum this week.

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Astrology Forecast March 18 – 24, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy Astrological New Year! Late tomorrow night, the Sun will enter Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, marking the annual beginning of the astrological year and a brand new season.

This event is known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

It typically occurs on March 20 or 21 each year, although the exact date and time can vary slightly due to the leap year cycle. It marks the point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward.

The Vernal Equinox represents a time of balance between day and night, after which the days begin to become longer than the nights, signaling the beginning of spring and a time of renewal and new beginnings.

Aries symbolizes initiation, action, and a pioneering spirit, making the Sun’s entry into Aries a fitting start to the astrological cycle. This is an optimal time to set intentions, start new projects, and embark on new ventures.

The Astrological New Year encourages us to reflect on the past, set goals for the future, and embrace the energy of renewal and growth. It’s a time to take bold steps forward, assert our individuality, and pursue our passions with courage and enthusiasm.

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Astrology Forecast March 4 – 10, 2024

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This week’s astrological outlook promises the potential for significant personal transformation, creativity and new beginnings, especially in spiritual and imaginative endeavors. It is a great time to embrace change, pursue your passions, and connect with others on a deeper level. However, the weekend holds potential for conflict and relationship drama.

This morning’s Sagittarius Moon is ideal for doing research, asking for help, or putting together an itinerary for an upcoming vacation or celebration. Gathering more information will give any project we are working on a solid foundation.

Additional value will be added to our plans when the Moon enters Capricorn later today, prompting reflection on our direction and possible need for change. Also, Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus this afternoon, encouraging unconventional ideas and enthusiasm for change.

Speaking of solid foundations, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon sets a productive tone, encouraging us to set new boundaries with others in order to move forward more effectively. Don’t be afraid to speak up if someone is trying to steal your energy or block your movement; it’s time to be heard! The Capricorn Moon sextile the Pisces Sun tomorrow morning will increase your confidence to say and do what is necessary.

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Navigating Relationship Conflict With Astrology Humor

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNavigating a lover’s quarrel can range from simple and fleeting disagreements to complex and time-consuming arguments and feuds.

In the midst of such challenges, a sense of humor can sometimes be a good thing, providing a quick relief valve and a broader perspective on the situation. A little humor can even prevent us from saying or doing things we later regret!

A great source of humor is our zodiac sign. Understanding how our partner’s sign and our own might handle relationship conflict differently can actually help one see the funny, lighter side of even a serious disagreement.

Throughout my years as a psychic reader, I’ve certainly noticed the humor in how different clients handle arguments with their partners based on their signs.

Different zodiac signs have different communication styles. Knowing your partner’s style and your own can help you appreciate the differences and find humor in miscommunication. Each sign also has its flaws, and recognizing them can help you approach conflict with a greater sense of humor. Instead of seeing flaws as insurmountable problems, see them as opportunities for growth and laughter.

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