Can A Christian Be Psychic?
I am often asked if I personally have a problem being a professional psychic, as well as a Christian. Some people seem to feel that working as a psychic is against the teachings of the Bible.
Growing up in a Christian, church-going family I was never taught that being a psychic was something considered as being wrong in the Bible.
Not only were we brought up in the Christian faith, but I also come from a long line of psychics in my family. Being both psychic and Christian is something that was never considered strange in my family; to us it was normal.
The Bible has accounts of many great prophets that did amazing things. Not only did some of them contribute to the actual writing of the Bible, but they were also a part of many miracles and wonders. They made a difference in the outcome of important Biblical events. They were the messengers of God.
The calling of a psychic is very similar to the work of a prophet. I guess it is just on a smaller scale? When a psychic does a reading they see many things from the past, the present and the future, the same way the prophets did in the Bible. The prophets were there to help, guide, advise and warn of coming danger, the same way modern psychics read for their clients.
Being born a psychic or medium is a God-given talent and calling. Did you know that one of the world’s most well-known psychics, Edgar Cayce, was also a devout Christian who read through the whole Bible once every year. Why should a psychic, who received his gifts from God, be persecuted as someone who is doing evil?
And he said, hear now my words: if there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream ~ Numbers 12:6
It is sad that people sometimes judge psychics and mediums for helping others to overcome fear, sadness and grief. There is a difference between having a God-given ability and using it for evil purposes. Evil and corrupt people can be found in all professions and all walks in life. People being evil is not due to the talents or gifts they received from God, but due to their abuse of those gifts or talents for their personal, selfish gain.
A client once asked me how I separate being both a psychic and a Christian. I don’t see why it must be two separate aspects of my life. I am a professional psychic who loves God and reads the Good Book every day. It is my belief that God gave me my psychic gifts to help others, the same way he blessed the prophets of the Bible.
I believe we are all here on this Earth to help each other and make the world a better place. God gave us each of us certain talents and abilities to make a contribution and lead fulfilling lives. That is why I do what I do.
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