The Evolution Of Your Metron
With the rapid expansion of digital communication technology we are increasingly coming into an evolutionary shift of consciousness as it relates to relationships between individuals in the human family.
Let’s first look at social and spiritual structures in relationships. I would like to resurrect for the purpose the Greek word metron (μέτρον). Metron is a unit of measure that we can use to explain our sphere of influence, and also the spiritual gifts and styles that we use to influence this sphere.
Many of us have a limited metron, and consistently manifest together with the same grouping of souls on the planet. We each have a family structure that is related to soul agreements before incarnating on the planet. This is why we sometimes meet a person and have the feeling that we have known them our whole lives. What is happening is that our souls are united in the same metron.
We are all inter-connected with one another. Think of it this way: we have the Earth making up one bustling metron of consciousness, or a single metron with many parts. Then we have our solar system making up a greater metron; then the galaxy encompassing the metron units on an even greater scale; next the universe; then the multiverse; and who knows what else is out there compiling greater and greater complexity together.
Our spiritual or soul experience is very similar. We have a small group of people making up our metron, and then we have societal and social structures that increase this metron moving out to a greater and greater expansive experience, until we have the cosmic or universal consciousness.
A Solstice Resolution For The Love Warriors
The December solstice is upon us toady. The Sun is currently directly above the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. Traditionally, the solstice is the most spiritual time of the year in many cultures. The solstice season is a time to cultivate our soul purpose and life journey by reflecting on the year that has been, as well as the new year to come.
For me, 2022 has been a year of finding increased divine connection and inner strength and peace by expanding my psychic gifts. This year I have particularly focused on expanded my telepathic abilities to promote compassion, love and peace in turbulent, chaotic situations and an intolerant post-pandemic world.
I am proud to report that I have made significant progress. For example, many months ago, my daughter and I were on a public bus together, when the driver aggressively started yelling at a young passenger. He became so unhinged that he stopped the bus, ordered him to get out, and even started start throwing things after him. However, sending out ‘happy vibes’ was not yet my first line of defense back then. Instead, I resorted to calling 911. The city’s transport authorities ultimately dealt with the driver.
Recently, I was confronted with a similar situation, when a bus driver cussed out a child for not wearing a coat. But this time, instead of reporting the driver, I focused on bringing calm and safety telepathically to the driver and the other passengers. It worked, as she soon focused on other matters at hand, such as the flow of traffic, instead of escalating in her anger towards the child.
A Brief History Of Astrology
The energies of the planets and stars affect us on many levels every day, whether we were aware of it or not. The earliest humans looked especially to the movements and phases of the Sun and Moon to guide them in their decisions about when to hunt, when to plant and harvest, and when to prepare for winter or migrate.
From this evolved the practice and study of Astrology. The early civilizations of Mesopotamia were the first to observe the patterns formed by stars in the galaxy as long ago as 3000 BC, while Indian astrology began to emerge as far back as 1200 BC.
The original astrologers identified five ‘wandering stars,’ which together with the sun and moon became the seven original ‘planets.’ More planets were of course identified over time, as technology advanced to introduce the telescope and other astronomical devises.
The Babylonians are generally credited for first developing formal Astrology, because they developed astrological charts to predict the recurrence of the seasons and certain celestial events. Centuries later, Ancient Egypt and Greece discovered Babylonian Astrology, where it soon became highly regarded as a science and was eventually also embraced by the Romans, as well as in the Middle East. In time, its popularity spread throughout the rest of the world. Today, we still use the Roman names for the zodiac signs.
Meanwhile, separate systems of Astrology also emerged in India, China, and Mesoamerica. It remains unclear whether the Babylonian, Indian (known today as Hindu or Vedic Astrology) and Chinese systems of Astrology evolved in isolation and independently, or whether they mutually influenced each other. There are many similarities between these systems, but also many distinct differences. Scholars have been studying and debating this for centuries, but the matter remains inconclusive.
Learning To Accept Yourself (Warts And All)
A consistent trend I have noticed doing psychic readings and metaphysical counseling for many years. This trend relates to rejection, and our reaction to being rejected by our human family. It is not natural to abandon or reject loved ones, but in my experience as a pastoral counselor and psychic healer, I have noticed that it is a challenge that many have faced in this life.
Recently, as I was doing a channeling session with one of my clients, this came up and we both had a revelation about our own experiences of rejection. The discussion we had was not only about rejection and how we as humans experience it, but also about how we perceive acceptance. Our experience of rejection comes from only one source, namely our expectation, and also how we resonate with the acceptance we receive from others.
When we are children it is natural for us to allow our parents to be our source. They were the picture of God in our lives, and in ideal situations they were our source of acceptance, providing nurture and stability. Many times, when you see a religious group adopting a vengeful and cruel depiction of the Divine, it stems from a refusal to remove the archetypal depiction from God they experienced with their parents.
Many times, the search for source extends itself outward, and the responsibility of our fulfillment is put on other people or organizations. In some cases, fulfillment is found in substances and can also lead to addictive behaviors. We look to these external ‘sources’ to provide us comfort and satisfaction.
It is natural for us to live in community and relationships, so our endeavors toward fulfillment are often projected outward in our relationships. Unfortunately, since we all have an intrinsic need to identify with and live from Source, we find ourselves continually reaching for fulfillment that we rarely find. This leads to heartache, loss, and broken relationships within the human family.
Ravished By A Sacred Centaur
I have studied healing for many years. Since making a conscious decision to embark on my true life journey, I have experienced many powerful teachers. Much of my work has taken me into uncharted waters and I have learned to welcome diving deep.
As the world speeds up, I have slowed down over this last portion of my life, to recover from an illness that I thought might take my life. This process has brought me to waters so uncharted they seem otherworldly, and perhaps they are. Fortunately, I have fully re-entered the world I thought I might have to leave, and fully accept the entire experience as a blessing.
Over this time, I encountered Chiron, the original Wounded Healer. He is a centaur in Greek mythology who was gravely injured and had the opportunity to forever leave his battlefield for the Garden of the Gods. But he chose to stay on the battlefield instead of going to paradise, in order to assist others who were wounded.
I have known Chiron practically all my life, so having a rendezvous him at a major crossroads in my life was no surprise. What was however totally surprising, was that this time I finally fell in love with this benevolent being.
There were many times, especially this last time, when I ran from Chiron’s embrace. I needed to be back in the world I had left behind, where I am primarily committed to helping others. However, there is also a practical reality to deal with. Our modern world is not an easy place to thrive in. Many barely survive physically, mentally or emotionally.
There is also an unspoken, yet imposed maximum period of recovery from illness, much like the time allotted to grief in our culture – a brief period before we are expected to re-engage with the ‘normal’ world and get on with life. But both healing and grief are highly personal journeys, and how it uniquely unfolds for each person is not for others to dictate, prescribe or judge.
A Rainbow Of Crystals
Few metaphysical tools are as universal as crystals and stones, which are used in cultures all over the world. The color of each stone also carries certain traditional meanings and universal symbolism.
Red is a powerful shade with associations of love, war, fire, sex appeal, and blood. It is also a masculine color. Use stones such as ruby, red jasper, or garnet when you need extra protection or energy.
Orange is also linked to warmth and is thought to increase appetite and vitality. Try orange gems for self-esteem and creativity. Carnelian and calcite are both orange shades.
Yellow is almost always a symbol of happiness, optimism, and intellect. If you need clarity and relief from burnout, pick up a yellow stone like amber, citrine or lemon quartz.
Green, not surprisingly, is the color of nature, growth, and rebirth. It is perhaps the best all-purpose magical color. It can also be used to attract abundance or wealth. There are many popular green stones, among them jade, agate, and peridot.
Blue, the most calming color, was revered in many ancient cultures. Today it is connected to artistic and psychic talents. Use stones such as lapis lazuli or aventurine if you’re in need of some inner peace, or sleep.
Purple was once associated with royalty; it is now a color of spiritual fulfillment and magic. Use it to stimulate your creativity or remove impediments. Amethyst is a popular and widely available purple stone.