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crystal energy

The Spiritual Heart Of Watermelon Tourmaline

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Watermelon tourmaline holds a special place in my spiritual practice, and in my heart! Not only is this captivating stone a feast for the eyes, it is also a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, especially in opening and healing the heart chakra.

As a psychic practitioner, I have witnessed the transformative power of this gemstone in opening the spiritual heart.  From a psychic perspective, its energy is a bridge to the heart center, helping us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others.

Watermelon tourmaline is a unique and visually striking variety of tourmaline that features a color gradient resembling the interior and exterior of a watermelon. This gemstone typically displays a vibrant pink or red center, surrounded by a green outer layer, mimicking the look of a watermelon slice. This distinctive coloration is due to the natural zoning of different trace elements within the crystal as it forms.

Its unique coloring symbolizes the harmonious blend of heart chakra energies, with the green representing the nurturing and healing qualities of the heart chakra and the pink embodying love, compassion and emotional warmth.

The heart chakra, or anahata, is the fourth primary chakra, located in the center of the chest. It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, connecting our physical existence with our higher spiritual aspirations. When balanced, the heart chakra emanates unconditional love, empathy and emotional balance. However, energy blockages in this chakra can lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment and emotional instability.

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The Vibrational Alchemy Of Crystal-Infused Water

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I love using crystal water as part of my spiritual practice. Crystal-infused water is an alchemical elixir for harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit.

Using the vibrational properties of crystals, this practice involves infusing water with the subtle energies emitted by carefully selected crystals and gemstones. Drinking crystal water is a powerful healing tool and wonderful for maintaining holistic balance and inner harmony.

I like to drink crystal water only once a week. I do not want to interfere with the body’s energetics every day. This is also a great way to get more water into your body and hydrate.

The use of crystals for healing and spiritual purposes dates back thousands of years, originating in the ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece and China. These cultures believed in the energetic properties of crystals and used them for various purposes, including healing, protection, and spiritual connection.

While there is limited historical documentation that specifically mentions crystal-infused water in ancient traditions, it is evident that the ancients held a deep reverence for both crystals and water in their spiritual, healing, and ceremonial practices. Over time, as the awareness of the metaphysical properties of crystals evolved in modern times, the practice of immersing crystals in water for drinking emerged.

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Moonstone Connects You With Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Do you often wake up in the morning with the feeling that something significant happened in your dreams, but have no recollection of what you actually dreamed? Or maybe you’re one of those people who believe you don’t dream at all?

If this is true for you, you may want to consider the mystical properties of a humble yet powerful ally: the moonstone.

Yes, try putting a moonstone under your pillow before you go to sleep! Many of my clients have thanked me for this suggestion. These magical stones enhance your dreams and help you remember them.

Why would you want to dream more vividly and remember more of your dreams? Because paying attention to our dreams is one of the most healing and empowering spiritual practices available to us. In my opinion, anyone who is serious about their spirituality should keep a dream journal.

When we are in the dream state, a lot of spiritual inspiration, energy healing, divine guidance and soul growth takes place. Each night when we enter the dream state to immerse our soul in the astral realm, it is like a “little death” or temporary departure from the material world. It is a mini prequel to what our soul will experience one day when we we depart from this physical life and return to our spirit form.

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The Anchoring Vitality Of The Root Chakra

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The chakras play a pivotal role in our energetic well-being. These energy centers, rooted in ancient Eastern philosophies, govern various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual functioning and health.

At the very base of this intricate energy system lies the root chakra, an energetic foundation that holds the key to our sense of security, stability, and connection to the world around us.

The root chakra, also known as the base chakra or muladhara in Sanskrit, is the first of the seven main chakras at the base of the spine. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it is the energetic anchor for the entire chakra system. This energy center is associated with red, symbolizing vitality, strength, and the life force that flows through us.

At its core, the root chakra is linked to our most primal instincts and survival needs. Its activation is crucial for establishing a solid foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life. When the root chakra is in harmony, it fosters a sense of security, grounding, and a deep connection to the physical world.

One of the primary functions of the root chakra is to address our basic survival needs, including food, shelter, and a sense of safety. When this chakra is balanced, we feel secure in our environment, enabling us to navigate life with confidence and stability. On the contrary, an imbalanced root chakra may manifest as fear, anxiety, or a constant sense of insecurity.

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Spiritual Living Begins With Electromagnetic Health

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYour mind-body is electromagnetic. The human brain and body generates and responds to electrical and magnetic fields in ways that science does not yet fully understand.

This electromagnetic activity in our mind-body is particularly prominent in the brain and nervous system, where neurons communicate with each other and with other cells using electrical impulses. It is critical to various mind-body functions, including our thoughts and sensations. The electrical nature of the human body also extends beyond the nervous system. The heart, for example, generates electrical signals.

Why is this important to know? Because our modern lifestyle and the technologically-charged environment in which we live negatively affects our spiritual awareness, intuitive perception, and holistic health.

While many spiritual seekers and psychic students invest a great deal of time and effort in the pursuit of sophisticated spiritual practices, complex energy work modalities, and fancy intuitive development techniques, what they should be paying more attention to instead is the electromagnetic health of their mind-body. Not only is this fundamental to heightened spiritual awareness and healthy living, it is also quite easy and simple to achieve by making some practical changes to your daily lifestyle.

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Mystical Ways To Develop Your Intuition

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIntuitive awareness is our inner pathway to the unseen. It is a constant whisper from the spirit realm that beckons us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

Intuition is our direct connection to our higher self and the wisdom of our ancestors. It is the primary channel through which we receive divine guidance and spiritual messages. The more intuitively aware we are, the better we are able to align ourselves with our higher purpose and divine plan.

Developing our intuition leads to greater personal growth and transformation. It is a tool for self-discovery and enlightenment, helping us to better navigate our life journey and make wiser decisions that align with our soul purpose. It also enables us to distinguish between what is truly aligned with our spiritual path and what isn’t.

Throughout history, intuitive awareness has been a common thread across diverse cultures and spiritual traditions, reflecting humanity’s perennial quest for direct, transcendent experiences beyond the limits of ordinary perception and everyday understanding.

We are all born with intuition, but some people are more intuitively aware than others for a variety of reasons, including genetic predisposition, personality traits, early life experiences, upbringing, supportive family dynamics, cultural environment, educational background, spiritual habits and practices, and so on.

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The Best Crystals For Intuitive Development

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals have been used for centuries as a powerful tool to enhance various spiritual, metaphysical, and divinatory practices, but there are so many different types that it can be overwhelming to figure out which crystals to use for what purpose.

Crystals work by interacting with our own energy field and the energies around us. Each type of crystal has its own unique vibrational frequency that enhances, amplifies, or stimulates different energy frequencies of our body, mind, and spirit in specific ways. Some crystals and stones also neutralize, absorb, or balance certain energies.

Understanding the specific properties of different crystals can help in choosing the right ones for specific intentions, goals, and practices.

The energy of crystals is particularly conducive to intuitive perception and psychic development. It is no coincidence that psychics and diviners are traditionally associated with the crystal ball.

Contrary to the popular belief that psychics see actual images inside the ball or reflected on its surface, the true reason psychics traditionally use crystal balls in readings is because it enhances the psychic channeling practice known as scrying.

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