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The Magic Of Crystals And Gemstones

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many of my clients light up when you mention the magic of crystals and gemstones, and they usually have a story to tell about a particular stone they own or carry with them for specific intentions, healing, added strength, protection, and so on.

How do crystals and gems work for you? Well, in many magical ways. When you are attracted to a particular stone, whether it’s color, texture, shape, or other qualities, the attraction you feel to it is the first step in the magical process. This attraction is actually the stone’s way of calling you to it, to make contact.

Sometimes a stone may be given to you by someone, or it may just find its way into your hands in one way or another. The circumstances under which you found it, or perhaps how it found you, is just the beginning of a new and magical relationship.

There are many metaphysicians who believe that crystals and gemstones are our ancestors or ancient beings or life force crystallized from history. Some people believe that certain stones you come in contact with are stones you had in a past life.

They could be pieces of land or rock that surrounded you in past lives here on Earth and are showing up in your life today as a friend or ally. This is pretty cool to think about! Imagine a stone that you have now that you also carried with you before, from another time. Would you still see that stone the same way when you looked at it?

Researchers and historians have hypothesized about pre-Christian cultures and civilizations that considered the standing stones to be the ancient sages or ancient gods. There are unusual theories about sites like Stonehenge and how these large stones got there, as there is still no logical explanation. Some say that Merlin the Magician brought them to Wiltshire, England from a town in Wales called Maenclochog.

Mystical stones have embodied the hopes and fears of seekers for thousands of years. Some are regarded as special due to their unique physical appearance while most appear relatively ordinary. Nevertheless, each has been imbued with extraordinary attributes ~ Andrew Gough

The many standing stone sites in Ireland and Scotland attract thousands of pilgrims each year who come in search of a lost time, to touch the stones of magic and mystery, to connect with an ancient past that somehow lives on in their memories today.

In modern times, crystals and gemstones are readily available from retailers and wholesalers around the world. Some business owners take pride in the sources and areas from which the stones come. I recommend people use only ethically and sustainably sourced crystals and gemstones in their metaphysical practices. This is important for several reasons.

First, the mining and extraction of crystals can have a significant impact on the environment if not done responsibly. Unsustainable mining practices can lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and soil erosion, affecting local ecosystems and communities.

By choosing ethically sourced crystals, practitioners support methods that prioritize environmental stewardship and the well-being of affected communities, thus aligning their spiritual practice with a commitment to global sustainability.

In addition, ethically sourced crystals often come from mines that ensure fair labor practices and equitable working conditions. This ethical stance supports workers’ rights and helps combat exploitative practices that are unfortunately common in the industry. When practitioners choose crystals from responsible sources, they contribute to a marketplace that values human dignity and environmental health, and integrate these principles into their metaphysical work.

This conscious choice can enhance the spiritual experience, as the practitioner can engage with their crystals knowing that their origins reflect values of respect and care for people and the planet. Always be sure to find out where your crystals come from and how they got there.

Many Pagans and other people in the metaphysical community use crystals and gemstones in their magical and spiritual practice. There’s practically an endless list of stones you can use, for just about any need, and many of these stones actually make us feel good ~ Patti Wigington

Some people are drawn to the stones in their raw form, where they are rough in texture, while others prefer polished stones. Of course, much of this depends on what you intend to use the stones for.

If the stones are to be used for jewelry, such as pendants, a raw or rough stone may be easier to wrap in copper wire, but a gemstone energy healer may prefer smooth, polished stones to use for chakra healing for a client. This is a process where the patient lies on a massage table and stones are placed in alignment over specific chakras to activate meridian points in the body for healing and spiritual growth.

Another incredibly magical and fun way to work with crystals and gemstones is to create crystal grids. Grids come in all sorts of sacred geometric patterns that you can easily find online. Some of the most popular include the “Flower of Life,” Mandalas, Healing and Abundance Attraction Grids, and so on. This is the fun part, where your intentions and creativity come to life and manifest on the physical plane.

Going online and searching for crystals and gemstones is one way to find them, another is to visit your favorite gemstone or metaphysical shop in town. If you find yourself drawn to a stone or two, be sure to look up the magical properties of that stone when you get home. You may be pleasantly surprised to see how the definition of the stone’s uses fits with what you may be going through in your life, or helps to attract to you what you need at that time.

Crystals and gemstones are powerful, but the true magic is always within you.

About The Author: Isadora

Known as The Psychic's Psychic, since 1998, Isadora has read for thousands all over the world, her impressive list including clients from the Obama administration, Fortune 500 CEO's and notable names in Hollywood. Her detailed (Gemini) accuracy is nothing short of astounding, with her ability to see people at the Soul Level and clearly answer questions on a wide range of subjects, from relationship matters, business decisions, to past lives, etc.—anything that requires clear answers and pin-point insight. She has the ability to identify hidden patterns that run beneath your current situation, providing you with information to positively change your future. If you'd like a reading with this compassionate, straight forward, laser-accurate and dedicated Psychic, you can find Isadora at

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