Don’t Panic, It May Just Be A Divine Intervention!
From the beginning of my spiritual career, my guides taught me that we are given three things in life: opportunity, choice, and free will. Simply put, when we choose from the options that are presented to us, we exercise our right to free will and largely determine our own future.
While this is quite an empowering thought for most of us, there are times in our lives when Spirit feels that we are very much on the wrong track and will actually change our circumstances for us. While this does not happen very often, I will use my own situation as an example of why they do sometimes interfere with our free will.
Back in 1984, when I was 24 years old, all I wanted to be was a stenotypist. I was so determined to get what was then considered a very prestigious job that I went to college, worked hard, passed my exams, was proactive, and finally got a job with the local government.
I could not believe my luck, as the salary was about £5,000 per year, which is about $6,300 – certainly not bad almost 32 years ago! I thought I had struck gold, but things got even better when I started dating the man who worked in the office next door. Life could not be better (or so I thought) as I had the man, the career, the money – everything! Unfortunately, disaster soon struck.
My boyfriend left me, the girls in the office made fun of me, my boss and his secretary bullied me, and finally I lost my job. Suddenly I found myself in the middle of a recession, with no relationship, no job, no money, no prospects, and I couldn’t even get a reference!
Why, oh why, did this happen to me? I didn’t deserve this! I had worked so hard. I am a good person. I always strive to be a decent friend and colleague. Yet, I was being treated so unfairly.
The Divine Timing Of A Soulmate Connection
A dear client I have been reading for many years called me the other day to finally confirm what I always knew was going to happen. As much as I was not shocked or even surprised, this event “blew her mind,” as she bluntly put it.
You see, for years she had sworn up and down that she would “never, ever, ever in a million years” hear from her soulmate again, but now she has!
From my perspective, it was always just a matter of time. For years I told her not to lose faith and to hold on to the mystical love they shared because one day he would come back to her. But she kept shrugging and rolling her eyes and muttering things like “in my dreams” and “when pigs fly.” She just couldn’t accept the fact that he would one day be coming back into her life.
I must confess that while I was not surprised by this long-anticipated outcome, I was a bit intrigued by it for the simple reason that I thought for sure that her constant negative thoughts and feelings about the situation would eventually create so much energetic resistance that it would prevent her from reconnecting with him at all! But not even her constant self-sabotage and negativity could stop the turning of the wheels of destiny and divine timing. If we are meant to connect with someone who is our soulmate, it’s bound to happen one way or another, whether we trust the process or not.
The Meditative Art Of Sumi-e Painting
As a spiritual advisor and artist, I’ve always been drawn to the ways in which art and spirituality intersect to offer pathways to deeper self-awareness and tranquility.
One such path that has had a profound impact on my life is Sumi-e painting, also known as suibokuga or ‘ink wash painting.’ It is a traditional Japanese painting technique that uses black ink, typically in varying concentrations, to create brushstroke-based works of art.
Sumi-e is characterized by its minimalism, simplicity, and emphasis on capturing the essence or spirit of the subject rather than its literal representation.
Paintings often feature subjects such as landscapes, flowers, birds and other natural elements. Artists use various brush techniques to create different textures, tones, and depths using only black ink on absorbent paper or silk.
The art form has deep roots in Zen Buddhism, which emphasizes spontaneity, simplicity, and harmony with nature. Practitioners often meditate before painting to cultivate a clear and focused mind, which they believe enhances their ability to express the essence of the subject.
Sumi-e painting has had a significant influence on various art forms, including calligraphy and other East Asian brush painting styles. It continues to be practiced and appreciated for its timeless elegance and ability to evoke profound emotions with seemingly simple brush strokes.
Moonstone Connects You With Your Dreams
Do you often wake up in the morning with the feeling that something significant happened in your dreams, but have no recollection of what you actually dreamed? Or maybe you’re one of those people who believe you don’t dream at all?
If this is true for you, you may want to consider the mystical properties of a humble yet powerful ally: the moonstone.
Yes, try putting a moonstone under your pillow before you go to sleep! Many of my clients have thanked me for this suggestion. These magical stones enhance your dreams and help you remember them.
Why would you want to dream more vividly and remember more of your dreams? Because paying attention to our dreams is one of the most healing and empowering spiritual practices available to us. In my opinion, anyone who is serious about their spirituality should keep a dream journal.
When we are in the dream state, a lot of spiritual inspiration, energy healing, divine guidance and soul growth takes place. Each night when we enter the dream state to immerse our soul in the astral realm, it is like a “little death” or temporary departure from the material world. It is a mini prequel to what our soul will experience one day when we we depart from this physical life and return to our spirit form.
The Value Of Anger In Manifesting Your Desires
A client recently talked about her struggles with anger and that no matter what she did, she could not get rid of her ‘anger issues’. She was concerned that her anger would inevitably attract and manifest more negativity in her life.
Spirit’s response was that there is value and wisdom in anger. The reality is that sometimes we get smoking hot, furious, explosively angry! It is a human response to events that go against our wishes and desires. If it were not a natural reaction, the experience of anger would not be part of our physical life journey.
The truth is that all negative emotions are actually a dear friend who is there to tell us something. It indicates that we are out of alignment with our Higher Self, Spirit and the Divine. When we experience fear, anxiety or anger it indicates that we are out of alignment and no longer in the flow.
A common “pain-causing” tendency is the stories we tell ourselves about the future. One of the most common narratives I find when working with clients is the one that begins: “I will be happy when…”
We create a story about the fulfilment of certain desires and then focus more on the result or outcome rather than the process and the present moment. When our happiness depends on the future fulfilment of a story, we are no longer in resonance with the present reality and out of alignment with the universal flow. We are no longer living fully, we are merely playing an impatient waiting game.
Connecting With Your Spirit Animal
The concept of animals serving as spiritual guides and symbols for personal growth has deep roots in human culture, stretching back to ancient indigenous societies and persisting through to modern spiritual practices.
This enduring belief stems from the profound connection humans have observed and felt with the animal kingdom throughout history.
In many indigenous cultures around the world, animals traditionally hold a sacred significance and are believed to possess spiritual wisdom and powers. Many cultures also have animal symbolism in their myths, folklore, rituals, and everyday life.
For example, Native American tribes traditionally attribute personal qualities and character traits, such as strength, courage, wisdom, and cunning, to various animals, viewing them as embodiments of these virtues.
Acoording to these indigenous teachings our animal totems or spirit animals offer us guidance, protection, and insight on our spiritual journey.
We can connect with our spirit animal through meditation, dream interpretation, or rituals. By aligning with the characteristics of our chosen animal, we can gain strength, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our path in life.