Energy Protection 101
Energy protection is something I practice daily and has been a cornerstone of my health and self-care routine for decades.
Over time, it has become more than just a personal practice, as it is an integral part of my daily professional life as a psychic. It is also a spiritual necessity that I often emphasize with my clients.
In a world where we’re constantly interacting with different energies, maintaining our auric boundaries is essential.
Many of my clients, like me, find themselves drained by encounters with certain people, and I love sharing my tools and techniques to help them stay energetically protected. This is especially important when they are forced to share space or interact with those they would prefer to avoid.
We all experience times when we can’t avoid being around people who don’t have our best interests at heart. From personal experience and the stories my clients tell me, I’ve found that these challenging relationships most often occur in close-knit groups, such as family or neighbors – people with whom we must coexist despite underlying tensions.
But why does this happen? Based on my observations, it often comes down to control issues or unresolved emotional issues.
For example, family dynamics can bring out hidden tensions. Siblings may become resentful if they feel one isn’t doing enough to help an aging parent. It’s easy to assume someone isn’t pulling their weight without looking at the bigger picture.
Astrology Forecast October 21 – 27, 2024
The week begins with lots of curiosity and lively communication today under the Gemini Moon. The conjunction with Jupiter early in the day will reinforce our desire for exploration and new ideas, making it an excellent time to engage in discussion or pursue learning opportunities.
As the day progresses, however, the square with Neptune in Pisces may introduce some confusion or idealistic tendencies, urging us to remain grounded despite our lofty aspirations. The trine to the Sun in Libra that follows will return some harmony and balance, encouraging you to express your thoughts clearly and cultivate connections with others.
As the Sun moves into Scorpio tomorrow, we enter a season that invites depth, intensity, and transformation. Ruled by the enigmatic planet Pluto, Scorpio encourages us to delve beneath the surface, uncovering hidden truths and exploring the depths of our emotions.
The month ahead will be a time for introspection and self-discovery, where we may feel drawn to confront our fears and desires. Relationships may deepen, and we may find ourselves more attuned to the undercurrents of connection, seeking authenticity and intimacy. Embrace this transformative energy as it offers the chance to shed old patterns and emerge renewed, allowing for personal growth and empowerment.
With the Sun illuminating the passionate energy of Scorpio, this transit also encourages us to harness our power and embrace our shadow-side. The focus on transformation can inspire us to engage in meaningful conversations and uncover layers of understanding that have remained hidden.
Astrology Forecast October 14 – 20, 2024
Be prepared to navigate a volatile week with a series of planetary aspects that could prove to be an emotional roller coaster.
The ride begins early today with the Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer causing conflict, especially in relationships or family dynamics, as the nurturing energy of Cancer clashes with Libra’s need for balance and fairness.
We may find ourselves caught between taking action and keeping the peace this morning. The key is to lean on the diplomatic energy of the Libra Sun and the emotional sensitivity of the Pisces Moon. Seek compromise without ignoring your personal needs or letting frustrations fester.
The Moon’s transit through Pisces today can also challenge us to honor both creative freewheeling and self-discipline at the same time. Emotion, intuition and imagination are at the center of today’s Moon in dreamy Pisces, inspiring us to tap into our creative side and let our imaginations flow freely.
However, the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in Pisces reminds us that no matter how freely we dream and imagine, there is always a need for structure in order to turn our ideas and inspirations into action and practical results. Saturn’s grounding energy highlights emotional boundaries and responsibilities, urging us to balance our creative aspirations with practical limitations.
The influence of Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus adds an unpredictable layer to the latter part of this manic Monday, especially when it comes to love, finances, or personal values. Relationships may experience sudden shifts or revelations, and emotions may feel intense, so stay calm and grounded, with an open heart and a steady mind.
Astrology Forecast October 7 – 13, 2024
Today’s Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius ignites a spirit of adventure and optimism, encouraging us to expand our horizons. With Venus quintile Pluto, deep emotional connections may also emerge, urging us to explore the transformative power of love and intimacy.
Meanwhile, Mercury’s bi-quintile with Saturn invites disciplined thinking, making this a perfect day to set intentions and strategize your goals. As the week begins, embrace this mix of exploration and depth, and use your newfound insights to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Jupiter goes retrograde on Wednesday, inviting us to turn inward and reflect on our beliefs, aspirations, and the larger themes of growth in our lives. This retrograde prompts a reevaluation of our goals and encourages us to assess what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.
As the planet of expansion slows down, we may find ourselves revisiting past opportunities or unresolved issues that need our attention. It’s a time to embrace introspection, allowing us to realign our paths and clarify our intentions, ensuring that the pursuits we engage in are truly aligned with our core values.
During this retrograde phase, it’s common to experience a shift in perspective. Where Jupiter typically encourages bold action and expansive thinking, its retrograde energy can lead to moments of doubt or hesitation. However, these challenges can be invaluable; they provide an opportunity to deepen our understanding and cultivate wisdom. By navigating this introspective journey with patience, we can emerge from retrograde more enlightened, equipped with fresh insights that will help us pursue our goals with renewed purpose and clarity once Jupiter resumes its forward motion.
Toxic Friendships: End It, Or Mend It?
Like all relationships, friendships have their ups and downs, testing the bonds that bind us together.
A true friend is someone who genuinely wants the best for you, celebrates your victories, and supports you through challenges. They offer encouragement, share your joys, and lend a sympathetic ear during difficult times.
The presence of true friends adds value to your life and fosters growth and positivity. You have a healthy friendship that thrives on mutual respect and care, where both parties feel uplifted and inspired to be their best selves.
In stark contrast, a toxic friend is often self-absorbed, putting their own needs and desires above all else. They manipulate situations to get what they want, with little regard for how their actions affect your happiness.
This type of friendship can feel draining, leaving you emotionally drained and questioning your self-worth. Instead of celebrating your achievements, a toxic friend may resort to jealousy or criticism, undermining your confidence.
Toxic friendships can deeply affect our emotional and mental well-being, often leaving us feeling drained and undervalued. These relationships are characterized by manipulation, constant criticism, and lack of support, creating an environment where one party consistently takes more than they give.
The dynamic can include jealousy, competition, or even emotional abuse, making it difficult to feel safe and authentic. Over time, toxic friendships can lead to diminished self-esteem and increased stress, underscoring the importance of recognizing and addressing these unhealthy connections.
The Ancient Art Of Facial Reading
Physiognomy is an ancient belief system that the face reveals the hidden truths of the mind, body, and spirit. In many cultures, the face is seen as a reflection of the soul or inner self.
This belief that a person’s physical characteristics, such as the shape of their face, eyes, or nose, can reveal something about their inner nature has roots in various ancient cultures and has been practiced for thousands of years. In some esoteric traditions, facial characteristics are believed to also reveal past life influences and karmic imprints.
The face is more than just a reflection of our emotions; it is a map of our physical health, life experiences, and even our spiritual state. By observing our facial features and learning to interpret their subtle messages, we can gain valuable insights into our health and well-being.
One of the earliest and most detailed systems of face reading comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Chinese face reading, or Mian Xiang, dates back more than 3,000 years. Practitioners view the human face as a map of a person’s life, health, and destiny. They divide the face into different areas, each corresponding to different internal organs and emotional states. Facial analysis is used to diagnose imbalances in the body and mind.
Physiognomy was also practiced in ancient Greece. The philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) wrote about it, arguing that certain facial features could indicate personality traits and that there was a connection between a person’s appearance and their character. Greek scholars believed that external features, such as facial structure, could provide insight into a person’s moral and psychological makeup.