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psychic shielding

Practical Ways To Cleanse And Protect Your Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe often blame other people or circumstances for feeling tired, burdened, overwhelmed, or depressed, while in truth it is due to our own choices and actions.

When we do not take care to maintain a raised energy vibration, lower or ‘dense’ energies begin to affect us in a negative way. It typically manifests as general physical and emotional exhaustion, or feeling drained. There may also be recurring episodes of ‘bad luck.’

How do we cause this lowered energy frequency? The main cause is negative thoughts and limiting, false beliefs. Our daily reality experience is the result of our thoughts and beliefs. We are personally responsible for the vibes we exchange with our surroundings and the rest of the world.

No matter what belief system or religion you subscribe to, energy protection is always necessary. Every day we are exposed to etheric energies imbued with despair, conflict, hatred, and anger, but nothing can get into our energy field if we do not allow it to enter. So, always protect yourself and shield your energy.

True spiritual protection and energy shielding is however never about fear, insecurity, or paranoia, nor is it about focusing on the negative. On the contrary, it is a way to keep our lives open to the blessings available to us every day. By protecting our energy, we make sure that we are open to every good thing that moves around us and to every soul that wants to vibrate in a key of joy with us.

There are many spiritual and metaphysical practices for achieving and maintaining energetic security and a raised vibration, such as prayer, meditation, visualization, cleansing rituals, and invoking guides, saints, or a particular deity. The following practices are also useful to incorporate in your everyday lifestyle.

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Keep Your Love Light Shining

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou must have experienced the feeling of being in a great mood, and then encountering someone who is just not having a great day. You often feel in these situations that your heart is in the right place, but there is nothing you can do or say to raise that person’s vibration to a happier, healthier one.

There are some people that you can help and give them a reality check, because you know them so well. You connect with them in a way that you can remedy their bad energy or mood, with a funny joke or something that will speak to their soul – if you know the person well enough.

If not, and nothing you can do can bring that person into a better mindset, then you must for your own personal well-being you must learn to just walk away to protect your own energy. Do whatever you need to do to get away from negative people you cannot help, especially if they are doing nothing but bring you down. You must learn to stay above it!

You must learn to not let anyone drag you down, because it will bring everyone else down that you encounter. If you stay around this negative person you will also put yourself at risk to have ‘little negative ones’, as I like to call them.

I am referring to those negative entities that can attach themselves to you and who love to seek, ruin and destroy anything positive and good. They feed on the souls of those that have energy and love in their lives. They seek out all that is good – that is how they get their survival power to wreak even more havoc.

It is therefore important to keep your energy at an altitude that cannot be messed with. Learn to protect yourself and shield yourself from negative people and energies. You want to keep that positive domino effect going in your life, so that you can be a part of making a positive change in the world.

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Be Mindful Who You Allow Into Your Energy Field

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all know someone who is personally so miserable they want everyone around them to be equally miserable too. You can usually tell by how they talk, behave, and treat others.

Due to a recent encounter I personally had with a relative who is acts like this, I decided to ask spirit for insight and guidance on how to deal with such people. How does a spiritually conscious person handle someone who makes us feel as though we need to walk on eggshells whenever we are around them?

Spirit showed me that we all have those relatives or friends who are obviously very unhappy and choose to take it out on others. Spirit says the first step is to not participate in any argument they try to initiate. Simply don’t respond. To argue it takes two people. So simply do not buy their drama.

It can get very uncomfortable when such a negative, toxic individual engages with you. They can make us feel really bad – often for no reason other than wanting to bring you down to their low frequency. Don’t allow them to push your buttons. By not giving in to their ploy, you remain connected to the Light,

Understand that some people are in a very fragmented place of spiritual disconnect and emotional dysfunction, often because they never dealt with their emotional issues on a deeper level. So, because of that they take it out on others.

Spirit says we must seek to create some healthy space and set boundaries with these people. We can be compassionate and understanding, without becoming their victims or emotional punchbags. It is your spiritual right to take back your power.

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Integrity And Trust In Psychic Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all are born with gifts and talents that are our responsibility to nurture and grow. Those gifts are given by the Divine to be shared with others, and to do our part in making this world we live in a better place.

Before I decided to join an online psychic network, I did a lot of research and then decided to apply to Psychic Access, because it was the most reputable. The negative feedback on some of the other sites, and the scams of spell work and other dubious practices, shocked me. Some sites actually encourage what I refer to as ‘baiting,’ which is sending emails telling people that ‘dark energy’ or an impending problem was coming and they should contact the reader immediately.

Some sites I explored also could have cared less if I had any mediumship or psychic ability; if I had a pulse and was breathing, I would have been hired to do psychic readings there. I was horrified and disgusted.

Wounded hearts can have many dark and tender places and my desire with the work I do is to be of service, to clarify, empower, encourage and inspire all who reach out to me and open their hearts and lives. My great grandmother taught me that with my psychic ability came tremendous responsibility. This is no game to me, no hobby, and I was not going to be associated with any website or company that encouraged such values or behavior.

Integrity is vital to me. I like to think of integrity as armor. We face many challenges, or battles if you will, in our day to day lives and the right armor in any battle is crucial. Chinks in our armor weaken us and can lead to ‘spiritual rust’. Chinks may appear in the form of dishonesty, revenge, resentment, lack of  forgiveness, bitterness, judgment. The list goes on.

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Dealing With Negative Energy This Holiday Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat do you do when you have to go to a family holiday gathering you have dreaded all year? What is supposed to be a positive, happy reunion this time of the year is often a negative, argumentative and energetically draining occasion!

I know from experience that diverse personalities show up to these types of gatherings and over the years I have learned to keep quiet, and smile, and muster through it. I have helped several of my clients lately find solutions to deal with these challenging situation.

There was the uncle that swears around the children who my client is trying to raise in a loving, Christian environment. I have also helped a client find out why her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law constantly gossip about her behind her back. I have helped bring light to a client’s ongoing problems with her siblings’ argumentative nature.

I want you to know that the choice is yours if you choose to deal with these people. Remember you always have free will, even in the most dire circumstances. You don’t have to be around family members who steal your energy and drop their poison of negative energy and comments on you.

It’s unhealthy to put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable, especially when the environment is saturated with dis-ease. Sometimes you have to exercise your right to say: “No thank you, I will pass!” If you do this, you will find you have more energy for those that do treat you well and don’t talk about you behind your back.

Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty that your not going to attend. Make positive changes this holiday season by saying no to unnecessary stress, negative people and toxic energy. Embrace your own assertiveness for the betterment of your health and mental well-being.

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Into The Eyes Of Pure Evil

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever known someone whose energy is so extremely dark and evil, because they are so deeply wounded that there is no way anyone can bring them joy, love or light? No matter how much kindness you show them, it is always met with the opposite?

When I pulled up to a condo complex recently, where I had been asked to clear the presence of negative energy, I had a strange sense that the troublesome ‘spirit entity’ I was supposed to deal with was in fact still very much alive. Yes, I clearly sensed it.

Normally, there are clear signs that an earthbound spirit is present and active at a location because they typically make their presence known. At times I have even found them waiting for me right outside or in the entrance, guarding and claiming their domain. But this time there was no sign of a ghost, or spirit, or anything of the sort upon my arrival.

Intrigued and puzzled, I parked my car and walked into the building. The first thing I heard was loud yelling coming from a short woman down the hallway, who then hobbled back to her condo and slammed the door. I wondered who she was yelling at and why?

Another women came down the stairs talking on her phone. I asked her of she knew why the woman was so upset and she said, “Oh, she is ‘upset’ with me. She is always yelling and causing a fuss. She likes to harass whomever she is currently targeting around here, and right now that person is me.”

I then explained to her that I was called in to pinpoint the source of the negative energy in the building and do a cleansing, and that I suspect I have already found it.

“Thank goodness,” she exhaled, “I just needed that confirmed!”

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Sometimes It’s Okay To Keep Your Distance!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us have that one relative we do get along with. In every family there is a ‘Cousin John’ or an ‘Aunt Lydia’ who we simply cannot stand. Try as we might, we just cannot find it in our hearts to love them unconditionally.

In my case it is an uncle who’s views and opinions I just cannot tolerate. I despise all forms of racism, misogyny, and bigotry, and I am also an avid supporter of the LGBTQ community. I have no patience with people who criticize or belittle others for who they were born to be. It is unacceptable and despicable.

For many years now I have been consciously practicing healthy boundaries with relatives and people in general. I preach it! Healthy boundaries are vital for one’s mental health, personal growth and emotional well-being.

My Grandmother and I got along so well when she was in this life. We were like two peas in a pod. When she eventually came to live with us later in her life, there was however one issue that caused tension between us – her son.

My uncle was so out of line, in so many ways that I just could not tolerate having him anywhere near me. He is an extremely hateful man who has no qualms about freely spewing his vitriolic prejudice, verbal abuse and bigoted views in front of anyone who cares to listen, including the children in the family.

My grandmother stubbornly remained loyal to her son through it all, and she could now understand why I could not accept him. She said that it was such a shame that we could not all get along, while I felt it as a shame that he is so hateful. She would make excuses for him, saying for example that he was bullied in school. But I felt he should work on himself, instead of hating on other folks for no reason. She could not see my perspective from her way of thinking. Continue reading

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