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Spirit Channeling In The Trance State

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe term ‘trance’ is sometimes misunderstood in psychic mediumship. The trance state is an altered state of consciousness that enables a medium to communicate with spirit. This shouldn’t be confused with spirit possession, as depicted in some Hollywood films and television shows. There is nothing evil or demonic about mediumship and trance channeling!

In a trance state, the psychic medium’s consciousness serves as a conduit for spirit. It is a two-way communication, and the purest and most trusting form of partnership between the physical and spiritual worlds.

There are essentially two levels or types of spirit channeling, namely mental mediumship and physical mediumship.

Mental mediumship, sometimes also called ‘telepathic mediumship,’ is what most people are familiar with namely to communicate with spirit while fully conscious. Mental mediums use various levels of trance to channel spirit messages.

One of the most famous mental mediums was as the American psychic Edgar Cayce, also known as the ‘sleeping prophet,’ who channeled his higher self while in the trance state. Cayce was a devout Christian who in in a trance state with his eyes closed would answer questions on a variety of subjects, such as healing, dreams, the afterlife, past lives and reincarnation.

While mental mediumship is communication experienced only by the medium or channeler, physical mediumship is also evident to everyone who is with the medium. Mental mediumship involves only the mind of the medium, while in physical mediumship the body of the medium is used to channel information from spirit.

Physical mediumship can involve various physical manifestations of spirit energies, such as the moving of objects, table rapping, and spirit materializations. These phenomena usually occur during séances. There are not many physical mediums these days because this form of channeling requires extensive training and is a psychic practice that can take many years to develop.

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The Divine Source Of Psychic Awareness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my favorite Vedic hymns is the Absolute mantra which can be translated this way:

That is Absolute (Divine), this is Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) rises out of Absolute (Divine). 

If Absolute (Divine) is taken out of Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) remains.

It is my personal belief that this mantra is a key to understanding our existence, and also gives us insight into where psychic phenomena come from. We are all interconnected through a Divine matrix, but the daily perception of our experience is that of duality or separateness. We do not consciously share our awareness with trees or other people, but the Divine matrix is still present whether we recognize it or not.

So, how does this explain psychic phenomena? These are my theories, but that being said, they are theories that have their roots in various spiritual traditions. We may never fully understand psychic phenomena, but it is my personal conviction that it happens when a level of the Divine consciousness seeps through into the consciousness of an individual.

Some psychics experience intense empathic impressions, where they  experience the emotions of another individual, while others communicate with spirits or ultra-terrestrial beings, such as the angels and guides that observe and influence our everyday lives.

The veil of duality is slightly removed for people who have these abilities and they can therefore interact with these beings on a higher plane of consciousness. Gifted psychics can also see into the past and the future, because they are able to transcend the duality of time. This is also a manifestation of the Absolute, since the Absolute transcends even time itself.

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Start Your Lifetime Of Happiness Today

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat does it take to be truly happy? This seemingly simple question is one of the most difficult to answer. As a psychic advisor who has been relaying guidance from spirit for over wo decades, I have come to understand that happiness is determined by several factors. Spirit has repeatedly shown me over the years that true happiness is a holistic thriving of the mind, body, and soul. It is also a unique state of being for every person.

Sometimes people are also more, or less happy than they might realize. And in my experience reading for people all over the world, many folks also have no idea what would truly make them happy. Have you ever asked yourself what makes you happy, or will make you happy? It certainly is not fame and fortune…that much I do know.

In the many relationship and career readings I do, I also find some of my clients tend to put their own needs aside to take care of others. They prioritize other people’s happiness, instead of their own. This is at times very kind and noble, but spirit says it is always important to remember that you matter most in your life, because if you are not happy…you can also not offer others very much for very long.

Too many people give, and give, and compromise, and sacrifice, yet never get much, if anything, in return. Which in turn leaves them feeling empty and miserable to the extent that they are no longer able to be there for themselves, nor anyone else. Taking care of yourself first is not a luxury, but a necessity…and a spiritual duty.

Ask yourself today: Am I happy? If the answer is ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ then ask yourself why? What seems missing? Which of your needs are not being met? When was the last time you felt content or fulfilled, and why? Carefully consider what changes you can make in your life to fill in your happiness gap. This might seem silly or simplistic, but do give it some thought…you might just surprise yourself.

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Letting Go Heals Our Silent Pain

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToo often we are not aware of the emotional pain in others. We are blissfully ignorant of the invisible pain that they are suffering. This is the secret pain of grief, of tragedy and loss. It is often the silent pain that many of us carry inside, a pain we secretly endure every day.

Our grief and sorrow is something we hide from the world, because we tend to feel ashamed, embarrassed or guilty for not being ‘stronger.’ The fast-paced modern world we live in has little patience with those who need time to mourn and heal. Life goes on, they say.

Those who are grieving must get through their pain as best they can, often without having anyone to talk to or no one wo cares to understand. They must simply put on a happy face and get through the day.

Sometimes people are having a hard time processing a loss or disappointment because they do not want to let go. Why would anyone choose to hold on to the pain, you may ask? Well, there is sometimes a strange comfort found in a state of holding on. When our world feels upside down and the future seems uncertain, we tend to hold on to the familiarity of the past, of the life we once knew.

The energy of such an ongoing state of silent pain soon becomes an imbalance in the throat chakra and blocks our ability to heal. The throat chakra plays a very big part, because it is our energy center of truth, the seat of our power to communicate our free will and talk about our true feelings.

Suppressed mental and emotional pain in time manifests itself in our body in many debilitating ways, such as migraine headaches, stomach aches, physical discomfort and a variety of other symptoms and potential health problems. Only when the pain is addressed and processed, will it go away and will our well-being improve.

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How To Find Your Direction In Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a professional psychic, I have done readings for many people over the years who have lost their sense of direction in life. They usually ask questions about where there life might be going.

“Where do you want it to go?” I then reply.

“To a better place!” is the frequent response, although they typically do not know what they really want, or why they even want it!

The purpose of a psychic reading, I then explain, is to look at what possibilities and opportunities life has to offer each person. However, being co-creators with the Divine, God, Source, Spirit, the Universe, we first need to get clarity about what we actually want from life. After all, how can the Universe send you what you wish for, when you don’t know what it is yet?

Once we are fully aware and clear about what we want, we can begin asking for it and align our energy to the desired end result. This is how we ultimately attract what we desire and deserve – more often than not with greater speed and abundance.

Have you been tossed and turned by the storms of life to such the extent that you no longer quite know where you are heading, or need to be? If so, then you need to find a sense of direction. To set your internal compass towards a more fulfilling, meaningful life blessed by the Universe, consider the following strategies:

Go From Inactive To Proactive

Stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is easier said than done. However, to find new direction in your life you must end the procrastination. Figure out what you really want in life and start taking measurable action steps to begin achieving it.

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The Spiritual Path Of The Wandering Nomad

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA recent chat with a relative about my plans for the future reminded me of a first cousin who once remarked on my nomadic lifestyle, “You really don’t seem to stay in one place for more than ten minutes!” A friend once also pulled my leg about needing to buy a new Rolodex, because I was filling hers up with all my constantly changing addresses from all over the world (those were the days before contacts could be more easily stored on a smart phone).

According to Astrology, I was supposed to get settled early in life as a Cancerian, by creating a permanent home and haven, and having a family with several children. Well, this was never the case. I thought the desire to settle down might come as years passed, but it never happened.

I also never became broody. I would become motherly over a puppy, kitten or other young animal, but I never felt the desire to have children of my own.

Over many years of personal growth and spiritual exploration, I have gained a deeper understanding and greater clarity regarding the choices I have been making in this lifetime.

Astrologically, for example  there is a strong Gemini influence in my natal chart which is contributing to my restlessness, as well as Leo fueling my creativity and my sense of determination. I am not am expert astrologer by any stretch of the imagination, but the way it was explained to me by a professional astrologer made perfect sense.

A past life regression session also revealed that I had conceived many children in previous incarnations and that the desire to have offspring of my own this time around was not a part of the blueprint.

I found the matter particularly challenging when I was younger. I would be dating a wonderful guy who really wanted to settle down with me and longed to have a family, but the mere thought of having my wings clipped by marriage and motherhood was always unthinkable to me. So, many good relationships ended because we really were not on the same page about settling down and having children.

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Plucking An Eyelash Changes The Universe

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe decisions you make today will decide the outcome of your life tomorrow. No matter how small or big these decisions may seem to be.

We have all been in those situations where we had to make an important decision. Should I leave, or should I stay? Should I pursue a new relationship, or should I stick with the one I am currently in? Is all this effort really worth it? One of the most difficult things you will ever have to do is make that all-important life changing decision.

When my grandpa was in the hospital, we had to make the tough decision to either turn off his life support or keep him alive and let him keep on taking morphine. We made the decision to let him go. Fortunately, he made it easy for us to decide, because it was his wish in life that it should be done, if ever it had to come to that.

Afterwards he did come to me in spirit and shared that he was grateful we did it after all. I knew we had made the right choice, but it was still nice getting that confirmation from him directly.

But such are not the only challenging decisions we face in life. I deal with people every day who face difficult choices or are at a crossroads in life. Sometimes they face what may appear to be a simple decision, but it is not. They ask me things like, “Should I go with this new guy, who contacted me on Facebook, or should I work things out with my marriage of 25 years?”

I always tell people to let their intuition be their guide. I get a lot of people, women mostly, asking me how do they know to trust there intuition; how do they know it is guiding them in the right direction? I tell them to spend some time just being quiet, and to really meditate and feel what their Higher Self is telling them to do.

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