Have Faith In A Better Future
I received a vital message from spirit today during my daily meditation. Spirit showed me that many people have become extremely anxious and worried in recent years. Many souls are making themselves sick with stress, apprehension, and fear about the state of the world and what the future may hold.
But spirit reassured me that there is absolutely no need for us to do this. My guides also reminded me that most of the things we worry about never end up happening. We live in an abundant, benevolent universe that always returns everything to balance and harmony. The sun will always come out again tomorrow, or the day after.
So, how do we deal with our overwhelming worries and concerns? It starts with our spirituality. If we choose not to believe that the universe is a safe, generous place that rests in the palm of God, Spirit, Source, the Divine’s hand, then it is very difficult to have hope and trust in the future. And when we have no faith, hope or trust, we feel we must try to be in control of everything ourselves. This need for control leads to negative thoughts, constant worry and anxiety, and even paralyzing fear.
The answer is to let go and let God, focus only on the now, and only attempt to control those things that you can control. Trying to constantly change and control the rest of the world and ‘play god’ in our mind is pointless and energetically draining.
Instead, we should direct our focus and attention to positive, uplifting things that we can change and control. Rather than lament everything we feel may be wrong in the world, we can find ways to help make it better.
Instead of dwelling on everything that is not working for us, we can take a new perspective and start doing some things to contribute. We have the power as spiritual beings to become part of the solutions, instead of just adding to the problems.
Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear — are caused by too much future, and not enough presence ~ Eckhart Tolle
As a professional psychic I often see how people spend way too much time focusing on the past and future, and not nearly enough time in the present. Spirit says if we just keep our mental focus on what is going on in front of us right now, it will be so much better for our heart, mind, and soul.
My guides also reminded me that not only do we feel so much better once we become less worried and anxious about the future, but we also begin to change the future for the better, as we are lifting up our energy to a more positive, raised vibration. We do attract what we think about and focus on, so only focusing on good things and taking proactive steps to do more positive things, makes all the difference to the future outcomes we can expect.
Thoughts are energy vibrations and energy flows where our attention goes. Focusing our thoughts in the here and now, counting our blessings, and appreciating every moment of the now, is the best mindset to ensure a brighter future. It creates a positive domino effect that transforms our fate.
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