Spiritual Self-Care For The Sensitive Soul
For those of us who are highly sensitive, including psychics, mediums, healers, and empaths, practicing consistent spiritual self-care is essential to maintaining our overall well-being.
If you identify with this group and neglect the daily maintenance of your energetic health and spiritual hygiene, you leave yourself vulnerable. This can manifest as emotional, mental, and even physical health problems. The good news? You can safeguard your well-being with a dedicated spiritual self-care routine.
Spiritual self-care is about nurturing your inner being and maintaining healthy energy flow and balance. It includes practices that support your spiritual well-being and ensure that you stay grounded, centered, and connected to your higher self and the universe.
Regular spiritual self-care is also a matter of health. Research strongly supports the positive effects of spirituality on our overall health. Studies show that spiritually active people tend to live longer and enjoy better mental and physical health. For example, spirituality has been shown to correlate with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.
Spirituality is associated with better mental health, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. Studies show that spiritual activities promote positive emotions such as hope, forgiveness, and gratitude, which contribute to resilience to stress and emotional challenges. It also promotes healthier lifestyles, including reduced substance use and better stress management.
Forgiving Yourself Is A Spiritual Necessity
Self-forgiveness is more than just a mental health recommendation – it is a spiritual necessity. It is vital for the spiritually aware person to release guilt, self-blame, and self-criticism, because forgiving oneself is crucial to both personal well-being and spiritual progress. It allows for healing, growth, and the ability to live a more fulfilling and harmonious life.
Failure to forgive ourselves can have profound personal and spiritual side effects. Carrying guilt and self-blame leads to chronic emotional distress and contributes to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Over time, this can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or even chronic illness.
A lack of self-forgiveness undermines self-worth and hinders personal growth and development. Difficulty forgiving yourself also strains your relationships with others, as it can lead to withdrawal, defensiveness, or projecting negativity onto those around you. Without forgiveness, our negative feelings toward ourselves can fester and damage even our most cherished relationships with our loved ones and friends.
Holding onto guilt and self-blame blocks the flow of positive energy through the chakras and hinders spiritual well-being. For example, guilt often stagnates in the solar plexus chakra, affecting one’s sense of personal power. Self-forgiveness is essential for clearing such blockages in the energy field.
Forgiveness is also essential to achieving inner peace and harmony. Without it, one can experience constant inner turmoil and restlessness. When we hold onto guilt, shame, or self-blame, parts of our spiritual essence or inner divinity are suppressed or disconnected. It causes separation from one’s spiritual path or a sense of disconnection from spirit and the divine.
The Common Cold As A Spiritual Detox
It is quite common for people going through a period of spiritual growth or awakening to experience physical symptoms and illnesses such as colds, flu, or other infections.
Experiencing a nasty cold during your spiritual awakening is not only annoying, but also seems out of place and counterintuitive, especially when you’re supposed to be focusing on expanding your awareness, aligning your energy, and strengthening your connection to spirit and the divine.
However, it is important to know that the onset of physical symptoms, such as a cold or flu, usually has a profound spiritual significance. Although it may seem like an inconvenient interruption or a stroke of bad luck, this type of physical setback is often an essential part of our spiritual journey, as it is a sign that we are releasing old, toxic energies in order to heal and make room for new insights and energy.
I remember a pivotal moment in my own spiritual journey when I came down with a terrible cold. At the time, I was deeply immersed in exploring my Akashic Record and uncovering truths about certain past life traumas – particularly memories of being persecuted as a witch in a past life. This process brought up a flood of intense soul memories and ancient psychic wounds that had been waiting to be processed for several centuries!
One morning, after a particularly intense Akashic meditation the night before, I awoke with a scratchy throat, stuffy nose, body aches, and overwhelming fatigue. Frustrated, I wondered why I was getting sick now, just as I was breaking through to a deeper level of awareness and karmic healing. But as I surrendered to my body’s need for rest and recovery, I soon began to see the deeper purpose of my illness.
Not Everyone Chooses The Path Of Healing
You’ve probably heard the phrase “what they don’t know can’t hurt them.” Sometimes this is true, but there are also times when what people choose to ignore or disregard can cause real harm – not only to themselves, but also to those around them.
For those of us with psychic or spiritual gifts, there’s an added complexity: the ability to sense the struggles of others, which leads to the question of when and how to help.
Intuitives, channelers and healers are very aware of the energy of others, even when we’re just going about our daily routines. Whether it’s a stranger in the grocery store or a friend across the room, we tend to sense when someone is struggling with grief, trauma or stress.
We may choose to quietly send them comforting or healing energy, hoping it will ease their pain, even if only for a moment, yet the urge to help can be very strong in these situations. And while reaching out and offering help can be very uplifting or rewarding for everyone involved, there are times when our attempts to help are met with resistance, or worse, denial.
It’s especially challenging to see someone we care about turn a blind eye to their own needs or pain, and even more so when our support is disregarded or unappreciated.
One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn in both my personal and professional life is that I can only help those who are willing to help themselves. The sad truth is that sometimes people choose not to act on information that could improve their lives or change their destiny. Instead, their negativity, anger, or fear allows the problem to fester or the behavior to grow, affecting not only themselves but also their loved ones. Over time, this denial creates a cycle of suffering that affects physical, mental and karmic health and well-being, sometimes for generations.
Forgiveness Is Choosing To Take Back Your Power
Ah, forgiveness! Such a misunderstood concept. For many people, forgiveness, as noble as it may sound, is very difficult, even impossible.
Sometimes certain wrongs are so grave to us that the offender doesn’t deserve forgiveness in our eyes. There is also a misconception that forgiving someone is tantamount to excusing or justifying their terrible actions. But forgiveness is not about absolving someone of responsibility. Instead, it is a powerful, personal act of release and healing.
When we forgive someone, whether they’ve hurt us emotionally, betrayed our trust, or even caused us physical harm, we’re not letting them off the hook.
We are not condoning their actions or giving them permission to repeat those offenses. Rather, we are choosing to free ourselves from the weight of resentment, pain, and bitterness that binds us to them and their past actions.
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It allows us to move forward without the burden of past grievances and with an open heart, free of resentment.
By forgiving, we determine for ourselves that the transgressor’s actions and the memory of their misdeeds will no longer hold us hostage or march with us into the future.
While we may not be responsible for what happened to us in the past, we are responsible for how we choose to carry the memory of it into the future. This is the power of forgiveness: it gives us the strength to embrace our present reality with clarity, compassion, and freedom. It also transforms our future, for it is ultimately a karmic choice that will shape our destiny in ways we will only understand much later in this life and beyond.
The Magic Of Dowsing Stands The Test Of Time
Dowsing, also known as “divining” or “water witching,” is an ancient practice that uses a tool such as a pendulum or divining rod to locate what is hidden, most commonly underground water, minerals, or lost items. it is also a divination method used to tap into the unseen or mystical to gain spiritual, psychic, or energetic insights.
While skeptics dismiss it as pseudoscience, dowsing has persisted in many cultures for thousands of years, standing the test of time as a mysterious blend of mysticism and physics. I believe its continued presence throughout history speaks to its importance and continued relevance in today’s technological society.
Dowsing has ancient roots dating back thousands of years, although its exact historical beginnings remain uncertain. Archaeological evidence suggests that the practice dates back to ancient Egypt and China, where early civilizations used rudimentary dowsing techniques to locate water and minerals. Cave paintings in North Africa from around 8000 B.C. depict people holding forked sticks, which many experts believe may be dowsing rods.
The ancient Greeks and Romans were also familiar with dowsing, especially for locating underground water sources. They considered the dowsing rod or pendulum a sacred tool capable of tapping into hidden energies. It was believed that certain materials, especially wood or metal, could act as conduits for detecting invisible forces in the earth.
In the Middle Ages, dowsing became more widely practiced in Europe, often by miners searching for metal veins, especially during the mining booms in Germany and England. However, due to its inexplicable, mystical nature, dowsing also increasingly became associated with the occult and witchcraft, leading to its condemnation by the church.