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Astrology Forecast June 10 – 16, 2024

FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA very quiet cosmic week awaits us with no major astrological events on the calendar. The only significant change this week began yesterday when Mars entered Taurus, where it will remain for the next six weeks until July 20, 2024.

During this transit we may notice an increased focus on persistence, determination and tangible results. Mars in Taurus encourages us to take a steady, methodical approach to pursuing our goals, rather than rushing headlong into action.

We may be more inclined to work diligently and patiently toward our ambitions, valuing consistency and reliability over impulsiveness.

In addition, Mars in Taurus can increase our desire for comfort, security and material pleasures. We may feel motivated to assert ourselves in matters of finances, possessions, or physical well-being.

However, it’s important to be aware of the potential for stubbornness or resistance to change during this time, as Taurus energy can be resistant to upheaval or disruption.

Overall, Mars in Taurus invites us to ground our actions in practicality, perseverance, and the pursuit of long-term stability. It’s a time for taking deliberate, measured steps toward our goals and cultivating a sense of resilience and determination in the face of challenges.

Tonight a Leo Moon sextile Mercury in Gemini brings a harmonious blend of emotional expression and mental agility. You may feel more confident and expressive in communicating your feelings and ideas this evening. The energy of this transit tends to encourage lively conversation and social interaction, making it a great time for social gatherings, creative projects, or mentally stimulating activities that may keep you up well past your bedtime!

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Astrology Forecast 13 – 19 May 2024

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The Moon entering Leo this morning starts the week with vitality, creativity and a desire to shine. We will feel imbued with confidence and assertiveness.

Embrace this energy today by expressing yourself authentically, leading with positivity and enjoying the spotlight in a balanced and constructive way.

Be aware, however, of the added emotional intensity that a Leo Moon opposition to Pluto in Aquarius can bring, as we are likely to experience emotions more strongly, with a tendency towards power struggles or confrontation, especially in personal or group dynamics.

Pluto represents issues of power and control. With this aspect, there may be a struggle between the assertion of personal power (Leo) and the desire for collective change or transformation (Aquarius).

Be aware of power dynamics. Approach situations at work or in your business today with awareness and mindfulness, acknowledging the potential for intense emotions and power dynamics, but also seeking constructive growth and change.

Mercury’s entry into Taurus on Wednesday will inspire us to be more logical, methodical and grounded in our thinking and actions. We will tend to focus more on tangible, realistic ideas and solutions.

Communication also becomes more deliberate and steady during Mercury in Taurus, so we may want to speak and express ourselves more slowly and deliberately, using clear and concise language. Paying more attention to details in our conversations, tasks and plans will increase productivity and accuracy in our daily activities.

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Astrology Forecast April 22 – 28, 2024

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Buckle up for some turbulence today! The Libra Moon’s opposition to Mercury in Aries this morning will create some tension between our emotions and our communication styles.

The Moon in Libra tends to promote harmony, diplomacy, and a desire for fairness in our emotional responses. On the other hand, Mercury in Aries is more assertive, direct, and focused on individual needs and desires. This opposition can create a conflict between our need for emotional balance and our desire to express ourselves assertively.

We may struggle today to find the right words to express ourselves, or to strike a balance between being assertive and considerate in our interactions with others. This will be made worse by Mercury Retrograde in its final lap.

This evening, a Libra Moon opposition to Venus in Aries will prolong the tension between head and heart, leaving us feeling insecure and unbalanced. Libra seeks harmony, balance and compromise, while Aries prioritizes individual needs over compromise. This opposition can create tension between the need for emotional balance and the desire for assertiveness and independence. It may not be easy to reconcile your emotions with your rational desires and needs.

There is a Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow, which will have the greatest impact on the water and earth signs. Full moons are a time of release, and with Mercury retrograde about to end, we will see a lot of endings this week as we prepare to enter a new cycle of being. The Scorpio Moon will continue to rule the skies until Thursday, calling us to go inside and examine what no longer serves us and what we want to keep in our lives.

Mercury turns direct on Thursday, but remember to give the lingering after-effects of retrograde a wide berth until at least May 1st, when the shadow period ends and the remaining energies return to balance.

A more lighthearted energy fills the air under the Sagittarius Moon on Friday and Saturday, where we can focus on the joys in our lives. We’ll experience a new sense of freedom and a genuine sense of gratitude that will be evident to everyone around us.

Sunday’s Capricorn Moon may call for a time of reckoning, whether it’s taking stock of our finances or our physical health, both of which could use a rebalancing!

Astrology Forecast April 15 – 21, 2024

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The week begins with a Cancer Half Moon today, meaning the Moon is at a 90-degree angle to the Sun. This lunar energy brings focus to issues of emotional and security needs, as Cancer is associated with home, family, and emotional nourishment.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so emotions tend to run high during this phase. We may be more sensitive, intuitive and introspective. We will also be more focused on domestic matters, and there may be a greater need for emotional support and connection with others.

Given Cancer’s focus on personal life, this lunar phase may make balancing work and home life more challenging. Emotional distractions and an increased need for security could affect productivity or interactions with colleagues. Rather than focusing on work, we may instead be preoccupied with issues of comfort, care, and connection with others, especially family members.

The emotional intensity of this phase can also lead to conflict, both in personal relationships and in public. It’s important to be aware of your words and actions. The protective and sometimes possessive nature of Cancer energy can also cause tension if not handled with awareness and compassion. Given the potential for heightened emotions and sensitivity, taking a moment to reflect before responding to challenges can prevent misunderstandings and conflict.

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Astrology Forecast March 25 – 31, 2024

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The week begins with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra today. This promises to be a powerful astrological event, with potential implications on both a personal and collective level.

Libra energy is about balance, relationships, justice, and harmony, so this eclipse will highlight these areas in our lives, leading to significant changes and personal realizations. It may prove to be privotal in our relationships, as well as decisions or adjustments in areas of our life that have been out of balance.

Since eclipses tend to illuminate hidden truths and bring underlying issues to the surface, this one could prompt a deep reflection on our personal growth, particularly in how we balance our independence with our connection to others. It’s an opportune time for self-discovery and for reevaluating the compromises we make in our relationships.

It may also inspire us to advocate for ourselves or others, or to align our actions and choices with our core humanitarian values of justice, equality, and harmony. On a global scale, this eclipse will highlight issues of justice, diplomacy, and relationships between nations or groups. Movements for peace, equality and fairness may gain momentum this week.

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Astrology Forecast March 18 – 24, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy Astrological New Year! Late tomorrow night, the Sun will enter Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, marking the annual beginning of the astrological year and a brand new season.

This event is known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

It typically occurs on March 20 or 21 each year, although the exact date and time can vary slightly due to the leap year cycle. It marks the point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward.

The Vernal Equinox represents a time of balance between day and night, after which the days begin to become longer than the nights, signaling the beginning of spring and a time of renewal and new beginnings.

Aries symbolizes initiation, action, and a pioneering spirit, making the Sun’s entry into Aries a fitting start to the astrological cycle. This is an optimal time to set intentions, start new projects, and embark on new ventures.

The Astrological New Year encourages us to reflect on the past, set goals for the future, and embrace the energy of renewal and growth. It’s a time to take bold steps forward, assert our individuality, and pursue our passions with courage and enthusiasm.

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Astrology Forecast February 26 – March 3, 2024

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Harmony is the theme for the first half of the week as the Moon moves through loving Libra, focusing us on our relationships with ourselves and others. We may also be in a more romantic mood than usual and open to making new friends.

This morning’s Libra Moon trine to Pluto in Aquarius may affect our work productivity and focus, as we will be more intensely in our “feels” than usual. This aspect can also make us feel restless for adventure, excitement, novelty or change.

Fortunately, we will be back on track by Wednesday afternoon with the Pisces Sun conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect tends to drive us to get our business or professional affairs in order and become more organized and focused.

Beware however the Mercury in Pisces conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday morning, as this aspect can cause us to be stubborn, resentful, and suspicious . Don’t accuse your partner of cheating without actual evidence, avoid unnecessary arguments with the family, and focus on being a team player at work, as much as you may feel the need to work alone and do things your way.

The second half of the week belongs to a Scorpio Moon, and combined with the Pisces Sun, this is a great time to practice your metaphysical skills, try some channeling to connect with others from the spirit world, or simply increase your meditation time to strengthen your inner well-being and intuitive powers.

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