psychic awareness
Astrological Forecast November 23 – 29, 2020
The only significant astrological event on the agenda this week is Neptune turning direct on Saturday, after a five month retrograde cycle. Since it’s a subtle aspect, it should pass almost unnoticed! Although Neptune is a karmic planet that tends to move in the background, it has a higher purpose to direct us spiritually, allowing us to connect with our higher self, as well as our magical powers. As it shifts direction, this is a wonderful time to explore our intuitive, psychic and mystical gifts.
It may feel like we’re running in circles under today’s Pisces Moon, but as it grounds itself in Aries tomorrow, we’ll have three days to gather our wits about us, and prepare for Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend. We’ll greet the traditional ‘Black Friday’ shopping rush under a Taurus Moon, which bodes well for finding great bargains or regrouping after over-doing it on Thursday.
Our best bet this weekend is to focus on intellectual and social pursuits, as the Neptune shift on Saturday and the Gemini Moon on Sunday encourages thinking and dreaming big!
Tapping Into Your Own Psychic Ability
Have you ever heard your name, when no one else is in the room with you? Have you ever thought of someone unexpectedly, and have that person then suddenly show up a in person, or with a phone call, a text?
Have you ever had that eerie feeling in your gut, just knowing that something bad was about to happen? Have you ever spontaneously known the answer to a question that you were not supposed to know?
All these things are related to your intuition, or innate psychic ability. Every person has some level of psychic ability. We are all using it daily, but many are not consciously aware of it. Learning to tap into your psychic intuition more consciously is not too difficult, as long as you learn to trust where it is coming from.
Do this simple experiment. Just take a moment to ask a question. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Then ask your question. Just one simple question. It can even be something you already know the answer to. Start with something like, “Is my name (fill in the blank).”
Relax and sense the answer. Do you feel the ‘yes?’ Typically, you might feel it in your gut (solar plexus), or in the area of your heart. It will not come from your brain, or your mind. It will be a sense or a feeling, not a thought. Of course, your mind already knows the answer, but you want to feel a resounding yes coming from your gut.
If you don’t feel it right away, that’s okay. Take the time to do it again later. Never move onto another question until you have sensed that knowing ‘yes’ from the first one. It takes practice and patience to get your energies in alignment.
When you finally do get that gut ‘yes’, then move onto another question. Initially it is best to stick with simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, that you already know the answers to, until you feel each answer coming from deep within. Do this quietly and slowly. It’s not a race or contest.
Finding Your Spiritual Center In A Chaotic World
If you were to ask me how I see the world we currently live in, my honest response would be that we seem to be in a state of mass confusion. There is much misinformation, upheaval, conflicting reports, fake news and conspiracy theories these days. And most of us seem to be struggling trying to find our balance amid all this chaos.
Herein lies the problem: how do we reconcile what we are being told by so many contradictory sources, when it conflicts with our own personal beliefs, thoughts and feelings? Do we trust ourselves enough from our inner guidance system, to assess what is right and true for us, even if it does not match the opinions of others?
Are you the type of individual that will always follow the agenda set out before you, even though at times it leaves you with feelings of doubt? Or perhaps you are a person who makes your choices strictly led by your own beliefs, intuition and spiritual awareness?
The only reasonable approach to any threatening situation at hand is to pay more attention to what you are honestly thinking, and how you are feeling, and how you choose to deal with trying events, rather than obsessing about what may, or may not happen.
It would make things much simpler if we could simply hide away in some cave for a while, or live on a desert island, until all the turmoil blows over. However, here is the catch, if these troublesome circumstances and events in current affairs finally find a way to resolve themselves, how do we prepare for the next time?
My Psychic Connection To The Animals
My spiritual journey started early, at the age of five. And my first psychic experiences were to listen to the needs of the animals, and to know their concerns.
Animals have an energy that is very relaxed, and kind. Their wants and needs are very simple. Some animals have the sole purpose of serving humanity, especially our pets. And they love to be useful. They don’t complain. Although cats can be great companions, dogs are probably the most devoted servants to the, often thankless, human species.
Our pets will often pick up the traits that they sense we want from them. The most amazing thing I found about our pets is that they absorb our pain and even take our illness upon themselves. I have seen this happen many times.
When I first realized I could communicate with the animals, I started listening more frequently to how I could help and support them. One day, I was walking around in my childhood neighborhood, when I sensed an animal calling out to me for help. When I turned around, I saw a beagle at a neighbor’s house shaking his head vigorously, and whimpering. I could feel his distress.
When I got close, I immediately saw the cause of his anguish. His ears were covered in parasites, to the extent that he was bleeding from repeatedly scratching himself. A voice within urged me to fetch ointment for the dog, so I ran to my house and in my naivety returned with a jar of petroleum jelly, which I applied to his ears. Well, it actually worked! The beagle was very grateful, he could not stop thanking me. Applying Vaseline to his ears became my daily job.