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The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPendulum divination, a practice steeped in ancient mysticism and esoteric wisdom, has found its place in various areas of spiritual exploration. Often associated with answering yes or no questions, the swinging motion of the pendulum taps into the energies of the universe and guide those seeking answers.

However, the pendulum’s capabilities extend beyond a binary response, encompassing diverse applications in psychic readings and energy healing practices.

One of the most common uses of pendulum divination is to answer yes or no questions. The pendulum, held by a seeker or psychic, swings or rotates in response to the energies surrounding a particular situation. The intuitive movement manifests unseen forces that provide insight into the seeker’s question. Whether exploring matters of the heart, career decisions, or spiritual inquiries, the pendulum serves as a conduit for connecting with the ethereal.

Beyond simple yes or no inquiries, the pendulum is a powerful tool in energy healing practices, especially chakra balancing. Chakras, the energy centers within the body, are crucial to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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Divining With Dowsing Rods

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have always loved working with my dowsing rods and have used them in various ways over many years. I have used dowsing, for example, to track down missing car keys, find lost jewelry, and locate various other household items. However, yesterday was a dowsing first for me.

I received a call from a friend whose husband had mysteriously lost his partial-denture plate. Apparently, he has the habit of frequently taking it out and then leaving it lying around in unusual places in their home. Of course, it irritates my friend, both from an aesthetic and hygienic point of view, but she has never been able to get him to be more conscientious with his false teeth!

Well, yesterday, his dentures were nowhere to be found. They had searched everywhere inside the house, until their four-month-old terrier-mix puppy sauntered in with soil all over his face. It was obvious that he had recently buried something.

The search for the missing teeth was thus taken outside to their large fenced off plot with its many olive trees and shrubs. The needle in the haystack was nowhere to be found. As a last resort, I was eventually called in to assist with my dowsing rods.

It took me about 20 minutes to locate the missing teeth. The dowsing rods took me directly to an area that was being prepared for planting. Once I reached the spot, all I had to do was sift through the soil with my fingers, and ‘voila’…the missing teeth were restored to its rightful owner!

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Combining Cartomancy With Pendulum Dowsing

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Every psychic is different on how they do readings using divination tools. I like to challenge myself and push the envelope. I have developed my own divination method by combining the use of a regular deck of playing cards and a pendulum to do psychic readings.

A pendulum is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain and it can be used for both dowsing and divination. The ‘bob’ of the pendulum is usually a crystal, piece of metal or some other gemstone. Pendulums have different sizes and shapes and they come in many colors. I use a quartz crystal pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Divination with a pendulum can be done in many different ways, including using charts. You can even use a simple chart you draw on a normal sheet of paper.

The idea to use a pendulum and deck of cards at the same time came to me many years back, when I felt the need for a new psychic challenge. When I do psychic readings with playing cards, I find it helps to open up my psychic abilities even more.

You may wonder how anyone can use an ordinary deck of playing cards, instead of the Tarot or oracle cards, to do readings. Well, I can feel the energy or ‘vibes’ better by using ordinary playing cards when I do a reading.

When I was younger I used to give readings to friends, and I discovered the cards give off a very strong energy for me. I am guided by spirit when I read, and when my psychic abilities kick in I feel a ‘heat’ or I feel my hand drawn to certain cards. I get an even more accurate result when I use a pendulum, instead of my hands.

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The Psychic Power Of Everyday Dowsing

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDowsing can be used in our daily lives for tracking down missing car keys, that have been absentmindedly misplaced, or finding lost jewelry and other specific objects. Dowsing is also great for locating a lost pet…or even a child playing hide-and-seek!

The origins of dowsing can be traced back thousands of years, before technology and satellites were there to help locating oil…or pyramids. All those years ago, country folk would use a ‘Y’ shaped tree branch or twig to find water wells, or hidden treasure. It is commonplace these days to dowse for water, auras or even land-mines.

The only reason dowsing is being considered to be a ‘psychic tool’ is because scientists haven’t been able to find a logical explanation for how dowsing works. This is also complicated by the fact that some dowsers have better results than others. Their accuracy often depends on how attuned the dowser is to their dowsing tool. Fine tuning to this art seems to come with experience.

When I begin a dowsing session, I set my intention as to what it is I want to uncover or find, and I ask for clear precise feedback. The feedback is given to me in the form of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response from my dowsing tool. I believe that my guides help to influence my higher self in creating muscle contractions along my arm and hand, to influence the movement of the particular dowsing tool being used.

Each of my pendulums and dowsing rods are programmed from the start, so I know which motion signals ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When I do a dowsing session it helps energetically to have something like a photo, or another object in my hand which belongs to the person who the question relates. This is known as psychometry.

Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that asking a question which is emotionally charged, for example “does he love me or not’, doesn’t always work, because one’s emotions tend to influence the response, and therefore you tend to receive the preferred answer!

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The Psychic Power Of Psychometry

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, a young woman phoned me wanting to know how she could best psychically connect with her mom who had recently passed away. We had received some lovely evidence of her mom’s presence during our readings together, but she was hoping to be able to deepen the connection on her own in her daily life.

I already knew that this young woman had psychic abilities that are ‘untapped.’ I advised her to start practicing psychometry as part of her spiritual practice. Holding an item of her late mom in her hands, while she was meditating, will promote psychic communication with her beloved mother.

During this conversation, I had a strong vision of her mom repeatedly pointing to her wrist, and what looked like an armband. I asked her if she had a bracelet that her mom used to wear, in order that she could more easily sense her mom’s energy. She then confirmed that she had kept her mom’s hospital bracelet with her in her handbag.

Perfect for psychometry, I thought. That would literally be the most recent item her mom had been wearing on her person and would most strongly carry her energy imprint.

Psychometry is a wonderful psychic skill to develop. It is a powerful form of psychic reading facilitated by clairtangency, the psychic sense of touch.

A personal experience with psychometry that I will never forget occurred during a psychic development course some years ago at the Arthur Findlay College for spiritualism and psychic science. We were a group of ten students, and I was partnered with a gentleman I had not spoken to before.

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The Ancient Art Of Dowsing

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you live in a rural, arid area or grew up in a farming community, you might be familiar with the practice of ‘dowsing’ to searching for hidden, underground water. But did you know that dowsing is also used as a divination tool, as well as a spiritual practice?

The art form of dowsing dates back to ancient times, as it can be found depicted in old artwork found in Egypt, China and Babylonia. Dowsing for water, as it is practiced today, is believed to have originated the 16th century in Germany, where it was first used to search for metals.

Dowsing, however, is not only used to find water. It is also used by diviners and metaphysicians to predict future outcomes, perform healings, locate missing objects, and even to help solve crimes.

Instead of a dowsing rod, psychics use a pendulum or weighted item to ask their spiritual guardians or angels for guidance. The pendulum serves as a connection between the physical realm and the spirit realms. The answers from spirit is interpreted through the motion of the pendulum. For example, if the pendulum moves up and down, or counterclockwise, the answer may be no, or negative, while back and forth or clockwise usually suggests yes, or positive.

A skilled diviner is usually able to translate the results very accurately, although a beginner can also practice this art with some success. This allows someone who is new to the practice to ask simple yes or no questions to get results. For more advanced readings, with more complex questions, it’s best to consult a dowser with more experience, who can accurately interpret the results. Dowsing scales and charts are often used for this purpose.

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Divination Tools 101

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery psychic has a different set of gifts and abilities, and because of this different psychic tools work better for different individuals. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more familiar divination tools used by readers today.

Tarot cards date back to the Renaissance and represent different archetypes and symbols. Each card pictures a specific individual or action, and the cards are used in different layouts, or spreads, to provide insight and meaning. Usually, a specific question is asked, to which the cards help provide an answer.

Angel oracle cards are similar to the Tarot. As the name suggests, each card features a different image of angels and archangels. Angels cards help us to communicate with our spirit guardians, as they look out for us. Each card typically has a short message, which help us figure out what our guardians are trying to say.

Crystals are very popular metaphysical tools. They come in many types and colors, and each has a unique set of properties, For example, rose quartz is used for love energies, and hematite for strength, and so on. No two crystals are alike. They can be used to channel, intensify, deflect, or purify energy sources, depending on an individual’s needs.

Many practitioners have an entire toolkit of just crystals. The crystal ball is often seen in depictions of psychic readings. A crystal ball is used to scry, in order to practice seeing the past, present, and future. They are also useful in finding missing persons or objects.

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