loved ones
Why You Should Be Dream Journaling
When my grandfather was alive, we had many deep conversations about spirituality and the afterlife. During a few of those conversations, he also promised me that if there was a way for him to contact me from the other side after he passed away, he would do so.
True to his word, he kept his promise. Our connection has remained strong ever since, and he continues to guide me from the other side.
It’s been well over two decades since his death, but I still have visitation dreams and mediumistic experiences in which he communicates with me. I feel incredibly blessed for these encounters, and they have confirmed much of what I’ve always believed about the afterlife and the spirit realm.
Grandpa was one of the few people with whom I could openly discuss my psychic abilities, mediumship, and paranormal experiences growing up. He was incredibly open-minded and spiritually aware for a man of his generation and background.
Not only was he a firm believer in the existence of the soul beyond this life, but he was curious about all things mystical and supernatural. I vividly remember him telling me about an out-of-body experience he had, describing how he had seen his own body from above as he “floated”.
One of the most valuable lessons my grandfather taught me was the spiritual significance of our dreams. He grew up at a time when dreams were losing their mystical significance in society as scientists began to increasingly view the dream state purely through a psychological, biological, and neurological lens.
The Divine Spirit Beings Who Guide Our Life Journey
We are all here for two important spiritual reasons – to serve and to learn. Each of us has a unique calling to fulfill and lessons to learn for karmic growth and soul evolution.
The contributions we are meant to make and the lessons we are meant to learn are unique to each of us, and it’s up to us to uncover these aspects of our soul plan as we move through life.
Our guides and angels are a powerful resource in this process, yet they often go unnoticed or even unrecognized. These spirit beings work quietly behind the scenes to provide guidance, support, and protection as we navigate our life journey.
Their primary role is to guide us in fulfilling our mission to be of service, learn our karmic lessons, and to grow. If we don’t fulfill our purpose or learn our lessons, it will keep reappearing in our lives in different ways until we recognize, resolve, accept or own it.
Our guides and angels are always behind the scenes – patiently waiting for us to seek their wisdom and allow them to assist us in fulfilling our soul plan. By connecting with our spirit team, we open ourselves to personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Our spirit and angel guides are benevolent, non-physical beings who serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. Each of us has guides who are assigned to help us, whether we acknowledge their presence or not.