The Angels Who Come And Go In Our Lives
As a psychic practitioner, I have had many profound experiences with angels. In the early days of my career, I was very curious and sometimes confused about the different types of angels and why they come and go in our lives over time.
During a meditation years ago, I asked spirit about this and the angels responded. I received a lot of information – a sudden flood of insight! I had apparently asked a complex question and the angels responded with different insights from many angles and perspectives, raising my awareness of the intricacies of the angelic realm even more.
At first I struggled to hear what each angel was communicating. It was like being in a crowded room where everyone was talking at the same time, making it difficult to focus and decipher which conversation to follow. Eventually I realized that I wouldn’t be able to make sense of it all at once.
Over the next few weeks, I spent more time in meditation, slowly piecing together what I was being shown. Through this process, I learned various core truths about how angels interact with us and the role they play in our lives.
One of my first insights was that we are accompanied throughout our lives by a dedicated team of spirit entities and celestial beings who provide us with unwavering support, guidance, and protection. Of these, our guardian angels and spirit guides take center stage, remaining steadfast companions from the moment we enter this world until we leave it.
Our team of spirit guides is a supportive and dynamic group of diverse beings who work together to guide, protect and inspire us throughout our lives. Our personal protector and companion is our guardian angel, who stays with us throughout our lives, providing protection, support and encouragement, especially when we’re feeling insecure or alone. They also shield us from harmful people, circumstances, and energies, and guide us out of dangerous situations.
Every night and every morning thank your own Guardian Angel for peace and for the regeneration of all the cells in your body, and for joy ~ Dorie D’ Angelo
In addition to our guardian angel, we also have deceased relatives and ancestral guides from our family lineage who provide wisdom and insight, wisdom, support and protection. Our guides are deeply attuned to our soul journey and understand our true purpose and karmic journey. They constantly offer gentle nudges, intuitive insights, and unwavering love to help us navigate life’s challenges for our highest good and realize our true potential.
Sometimes we also have helper guides or teacher guides, who temporarily enter our lives to assist us in mastering certain skills, learning certain lessons, or accomplishing creative or innovative tasks. Together, our spirit team supports us on our life journey, helping us to align with our true purpose and fulfill our soul’s mission.
While our guardian angels and spirit guides provide constant support, we are also blessed from time to time with the presence of angelic beings. Unlike spirit guides, who accompany us throughout our lives, angels tend to enter our lives for shorter periods of time with very specific purposes.
The Pivotal Roles Of Angels
Typically, angels appear at pivotal moments, especially when we’re experiencing major challenges, life transitions, trauma, or emotional upheaval. Each angel comes with a unique gift or specialty that is aligned with the specific situation or challenge we are facing. It’s often to provide guidance, support, or protection to help us through a very difficult time.
Angels offer insight, strength, and wisdom to help us find balance or a new direction. Once they have fulfilled their purpose, they gently move on, leaving us the space to grow and evolve independently, with a deeper sense of resilience and clarity.
Angels have unique abilities and expertise. They can appear when we need healing, protection, inspiration, or simply a comforting presence. As we journey through life, we can trust that these angelic beings are always watching over us, ready to offer their love, wisdom, and support whenever we need it.
The primary difference between spirit guides and angels lies in their roles and origins. Spirit guides are beings who have previously experienced life in human form, such as our deceased loved ones, ancestors, and highly accomplished or enlightened souls who have lived through the ages and now guide us because of shared experiences, karmic connections or a joint purpose. They offer “personalized” or “customized” guidance and support for our current life journey, not only for our benefit, but also for their own spiritual upliftment.
Angels, on the other hand, are divine celestial beings who have never incarnated in human form. They serve universally as messengers, protectors, mentors, and healers, focusing on higher guidance and wisdom, as well as divine inspiration, intervention, and protection. Angels exude pure, unconditional love and a broader sacred perspective that transcends the individual human experience, helping us to align with our higher self and divine purpose. While spirit guides provide grounded, experiential guidance in everyday life, angels offer more ethereal, protective and healing support on a transcendental level.
When our soul has been cast down, has never an invisible voice whispered, “There is lifting up”? Have not gales and breezes of sweet and healing thought been wafted over us, as if an angel had shaken from his wings the odors of paradise? ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe
Different Types Of Angels
There are several types of angels that come into our lives temporarily to help us with specific needs or challenges. Here are the most prominent ones that I have had the privilege of working with:
Healing Angels: These angels are present during times of physical illness, distress, suffering, or turmoil to bring healing, calm, and comfort. They help us release negativity and cultivate self-compassion, find our center and cultivate inner harmony, guiding us toward wellness and balance. They also help us release resentment and past hurts, find forgiveness, and offer support in embracing compassion and moving forward without emotional baggage.
Inspiration Angels: Creative and expressive, these angels inspire new ideas and innovations, motivate us to pursue our passions, and encourage self-expression. They are with us in moments of creative flow or when we’re embarking on a new path or inventive project.
Light And Love Angels: They help us to embrace the light, reconnect with our inner divine spark, and find joy and happiness in the present moment. They encourage empathy, understanding and open-heartedness and bring us light, love and positive energy to uplift us. They like to remind us to appreciate life’s small pleasures and help us to foster deeper connections with others to nurture our relationships.
Manifestation Angels: These magical angels guide us through the manifestation process, offering support and encouragement along the way to help us attract abundance and prosperity. They align with our goals and affirm our worthiness and ability to bring our dreams to life. When our manifestation success is lacking, these angels help clarify and strengthen our intentions, ensuring that they are aligned with your highest good, and make us aware of any energetic blocks or negative beliefs that may be hindering your manifestation process.
Transformation Angels: Arriving at times of profound change, they help us release the past and embrace new beginnings. They encourage growth by guiding us to let go of old patterns and help us navigate life’s crossroads and important decisions, enhancing our intuition and alignment with our inner truth.
Wisdom Angels: They provide us with deeper insights and lessons that help us see life’s challenges from a higher perspective. They guide us to learn from our experiences and grow in understanding to expand our inner wisdom and soul growth. When we’re struggling with doubt or feeling discouraged, they remind us to trust in ourselves and the journey, even when the path is unclear. They also help us move beyond our comfort zones and encourage us to confront limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, and inner fears.
Archangels: Archangels are powerful celestial beings who hold a high rank in the angelic hierarchy. They are incredibly powerful and influential divine beings who generally don’t intervene directly in our daily lives unless we are in extreme danger or need a major intercession for our highest good. Archangels are involved in larger divine plans and metaphysical operations, overseeing the workings of the spirit realm and the universe. Their focus is on maintaining cosmic balance and order. Unlike our guides and many angels, archangels can work with multiple people at once, bringing energies of empowerment, healing or transformation on a larger scale. However, we can connect with them individually through prayer, meditation, or simply by calling upon their energy. They offer inspiration, wisdom, and protection, especially when we’re facing significant challenges or seeking spiritual growth.
It is important to understand that because we are endowed with free will, spirit guides, angels and archangels will never interfere with our choices or decisions unless we ask for their help. In particular, angels and archangels don’t interfere with our choices, but they do offer guidance, protection and healing when we need it.
The only time they may intervene without our consent or request is when it’s absolutely necessary to prevent physical harm or to guide us toward our highest good in extreme challenges. However, they always laugh with us, sing with us, cry with us, dance with us, and love us unconditionally no matter what we do in your life. They never judge us, they just love us.
Angels come to help and guide us in as many guises as there are people who need their assistance. Sometimes we see their ethereal, heavenly shadow, bright with light and radiance. Sometimes we only feel their nearness or hear their whisper. And sometimes they look no different from ourselves ~ Eileen Elias Freeman
A Memorable Angel Moment
My favorite and strongest spiritual ally is Archangel Michael. His incredible shielding power had protected me many times in my life, even in situations that could have caused my death. He has placed his divine mantle of protection around me every time I have asked him to, and he has severed several energy cords that connected me to people and circumstances that no longer served my well-being and highest good.
One of my most memorable experiences with the angels was when my mother crossed over. She had cancer that had spread throughout her body and had been in a coma for the last few days of her life. On the last day she was with us, she struggled so hard to get a few words out. “I love you,” she said to my father, who had been by her side for over 50 years. She momentarily came out of the coma, sat up, blurted out the words, and went right back into the coma, never saying another word or moving again.
Later that morning, as I was doing Soft Touch Reiki on her, a beautiful childlike smile came over her face. I could see the little girl through her smile. I could see true joy rising to the surface. That smile that appeared was the exact moment her guardian angel came forward to take her hand and let her know that it was time to go. Her angel and guides were there to help her cross over. It was the most melancholy moment and yet it was so peaceful. There was a beautiful glow around her and in less than a minute she was gone.
I have had several encounters with the angels throughout my life and career, but that moment with my mother and her guardian angel will forever be etched in my memory. That was the moment I knew without a doubt that none of us crosses over alone. We are all supported by our spirit team to bring a sense of safety, love and peace to the dying process, even in the worst of circumstances.
While the angels do come and go in our lives, they are much more than fleeting presences – they are lifelong spiritual friends who offer support, wisdom and protection when we need it most. By connecting with these divine beings, we open ourselves to a source of support that empowers us through life’s challenges and inspires our growth. Through trust, openness, and gratitude, we can welcome the love and wisdom of the angels into our lives, knowing that they are always at our side to guide us on our journey.
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