Don’t Panic, It May Just Be A Divine Intervention!
From the beginning of my spiritual career, my guides taught me that we are given three things in life: opportunity, choice, and free will. Simply put, when we choose from the options that are presented to us, we exercise our right to free will and largely determine our own future.
While this is quite an empowering thought for most of us, there are times in our lives when Spirit feels that we are very much on the wrong track and will actually change our circumstances for us. While this does not happen very often, I will use my own situation as an example of why they do sometimes interfere with our free will.
Back in 1984, when I was 24 years old, all I wanted to be was a stenotypist. I was so determined to get what was then considered a very prestigious job that I went to college, worked hard, passed my exams, was proactive, and finally got a job with the local government.
I could not believe my luck, as the salary was about £5,000 per year, which is about $6,300 – certainly not bad almost 32 years ago! I thought I had struck gold, but things got even better when I started dating the man who worked in the office next door. Life could not be better (or so I thought) as I had the man, the career, the money – everything! Unfortunately, disaster soon struck.
My boyfriend left me, the girls in the office made fun of me, my boss and his secretary bullied me, and finally I lost my job. Suddenly I found myself in the middle of a recession, with no relationship, no job, no money, no prospects, and I couldn’t even get a reference!
Why, oh why, did this happen to me? I didn’t deserve this! I had worked so hard. I am a good person. I always strive to be a decent friend and colleague. Yet, I was being treated so unfairly.
The Wisdom Of Being Open To Psychic Guidance
I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of being open to the truth and the willingness to receive guidance in a psychic reading. I have also seen the opposite, and its sometimes devastating consequences.
Every reading offers the potential for profound insight and growth, but sometimes people struggle to face the truth in the answers and guidance they receive.
One particular reading stands out in my memory as a poignant example.
Several years ago, a client came to me for a reading about a very challenging romantic relationship. With a troubled look and a sense of urgency, she asked her question:
“Will my relationship with my partner get better?”
As I tapped into the energies surrounding her situation, the answers that emerged were quite disturbing and definitely not what she had expected. The runes spoke of lies, deception, and deep-seated issues that did not bode well for her or the relationship. However, when I shared this message with her, she was not at all pleased. Instead she reacted with resentment and stubborn resistance.
“That’s not what I asked,” she insisted, her voice tinged with anxious frustration.
Psychic Guidelines For Mercury Retrograde
Many people are familiar with the astrological transit known as Mercury Retrograde, which occurs three or four times a year, and how it affects our lives with communication mishaps, technological glitches and misunderstandings.
What is less well known is how it affects psychic reading. Over the years, I have noticed the influence of this astroligical aspect in many of my psychic readings during retrogrades. Since we are currently in the midst of another Mercury Retrograde, I thought it might be a good time to explore this phenomenon in more detail.
If you are unfamiliar, Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards in space. This is actually an optical illusion caused by the Earth’s orbit overtaking Mercury’s closer orbit to the Sun.
We are currently halfway through the first Mercury retrograde for this year, which will last until April 25. The next two retrogrades for 2024 will be August 4 to August 28 and November 25 to December 15.
In astrology, Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication, travel, and information processing. So, when Mercury is retrograde, these areas of our lives tend to be most affected. People often report experiencing miscommunication, travel delays, and technical problems during Mercury retrograde. During this time, you may also feel that your life is on hold or that your goals and plans are not progressing. Continue reading
The Magical Gift Of A Spiritual Relationship
One of the greatest privileges and gifts we can experience in this life are the spiritual relationships we have with certain people who come into our lives at just the right time and place.
A spiritual relationship is a deep and profound connection between two people that transcends the physical and emotional and touches the very essence of our being.
It’s characterized by a shared spiritual journey, values and beliefs that foster a sense of unity and purpose. In such relationships, both parties experience a deep sense of understanding, empathy, and support for each other’s spiritual growth and well-being.
Spiritual relationships can take many forms, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.
These connections are not necessarily defined by the conventional markers of relationships, but rather are built on mutual respect, love, and a shared pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.
These relationships are deeply meaningful and often challenge individuals to evolve and expand their understanding of themselves, others, and the universe. You and the other person are on the same spiritual plane and see things in the same way. Secret doors and new pathways open for you. Remarkable things happen that often seem truly magical.
A Vision Quest For Intuitive Business Wisdom
In business and finance, there is a mystical thread secretly woven into the fabric of success that is rarely recognized. It is an esoteric wisdom that transcends spreadsheets, profit margins, and market trends. This hidden and largely ignored business secret is known as intuition.
Intuition is a road less traveled in business, but I predict that it will become more prevalent in the future. One key development I foresee is that more companies will hire intuitive business consultants to help them with decision-making, alternative strategies, team building, trend forecasting, and so on.
Hiring an intuitive business consultant will become a business strategy that will elevate many companies beyond the mundane. Embracing intuitive wisdom in a business context isn’t just about unlocking business success; it’s about weaving a transpersonal narrative intertwined with the cosmic threads that lead us to a destination that transcends the ordinary. It is a destination where success is measured not just in profits, but in alignment with the cosmic forces that shape our business journey.
In my own entrepreneurial journey, I often found myself at a crossroads, faced with decisions that went beyond the boundaries of conventional understanding. It was during these moments of uncertainty that I began to long for a deeper, more intuitive perspective.