A Cord Cutting Ritual To Let Go And Move On
Heartbreak can be one of the most difficult emotional hurdles we face.
Whether you’re recovering from a failed romantic relationship, a friendship that has run its course, going no contact with a toxic family member, or any significant emotional connection that has ended, finding closure and healing is essential to moving forward.
Unresolved emotions and lingering energetic attachments can weigh heavily on your heart, making it difficult to embrace new opportunities and experiences.
A powerful way to release these lingering energy attachments is through a cord-cutting ritual. This practice helps cultivate self-love and emotional freedom, and opens the door to new beginnings. Unlike repressing feelings or rushing into distractions, cord cutting allows you to consciously acknowledge and release energetic attachments that no longer serve you.
Energetic cords are metaphysical connections that form between people, places, or situations. They are strengthened by intense emotions and shared experiences. While some cords nourish us with love, support, and positive energy, others can drain our vitality — especially when a relationship has ended or become unhealthy. These draining cords can lead to repetitive thoughts, emotional stagnation, or a feeling of being energetically “stuck.”
A cord cutting ritual does not erase cherished memories or sever positive emotions you may have shared with someone. Instead, it focuses on releasing unhealthy attachments that prevent emotional freedom and personal growth. By clearing these residual energies, you make room for peace, clarity, and new possibilities to flow into your life.
Spiritual, or energetic, cord cutting is a practice that involves slicing emotional ties or energies that no longer serve you so that you can move on from people, places, or things in your past ~ Jen Leggio
Cord cutting is a gentle yet intentional practice that allows you to reclaim your personal power. It allows you to release emotional burdens, break free from patterns of attachment, and create energetic space for healthier relationships and new experiences. Engaging in this healing exercise can bring a renewed sense of calm, emotional balance, and self-empowerment.
In the process of cutting the cord, you acknowledge the importance of honoring your emotions while choosing to release what is no longer aligned with your highest good. By letting go, you invite healing and transformation, allowing you to move forward with an open heart and renewed strength.
Whether you are dealing with heartbreak, releasing toxic relationships, or simply seeking emotional clarity, a cord-cutting ritual can be a transformative step toward embracing your future with hope and positivity. Here’s how to to do it:
Preparing For The Ritual
This cord cutting ritual emphasizes closure, emotional renewal, and energetic sovereignty. Approach the exercise with compassion for yourself and the other person involved.
You will need:
✵ A recent photo of the person you are releasing (preferably with them looking directly at the camera and alone in the photo).
✵ Two black or white candles (black for releasing negativity, white for peace and healing — choose what resonates most with you)
✵ A piece of obsidian or rose quartz (obsidian for protection and energetic cleansing; rose quartz for emotional healing)
✵ Essential oil (lavender, rose, or sage for emotional calm and cleansing)
✵ A cord or string (symbolizing the energetic connection being released)
✵ Scissors or small ceremonial knife (to cut the cord during the ritual)
The aim of a Cord Cutting Ceremony is to sever the emotional and energetic attachment that you have to this toxic person in the spiritual realm. Sometimes those cords are strong, and we can’t get through it all the first time and that is ok, you’re allowed to do it more than once if necessary ~ Hana O’Neill
Step-by-Step Cord Cutting
1. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Set up a table or flat surface. Place the photo between the two candles. Lay the cord over the photo to symbolize the connection. Anoint the candles with your chosen essential oil, focusing on your intention for peace and release. Light the candles to represent clarity and illumination during the process.
2. Ground and center yourself: Sit comfortably with your chosen stone in both hands, resting on your lap. Close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths. Breathe in peace; breathe out tension. Feel yourself grounded and imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the earth, anchoring you in stability and support.
3. Visualize the energetic cord: With your eyes closed, visualize an energetic cord stretching between your heart and the person depicted in the photograph. Notice its texture, color, and weight — without judgment, just awareness. This cord represents the emotional and energetic connections between the two of you.
4. Invoking Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel: Michael is known for protection and cutting the cord, while Chamuel offers loving support and heart healing. Call upon their presence with these words or your own:
Archangel Michael, Protector and Guide, I call upon you to assist me in releasing this energetic bond that no longer serves my highest good.
Archangel Chamuel, I invite your loving energy to fill this space with compassion and healing. Thank you for your support in this process of letting go.
5. Recite a release affirmation: Hold the string over the photograph. When you feel ready, speak these words aloud with heartfelt intention:
I lovingly release the ties that bind me to (person’s name).I honor what was, but I choose peace, freedom, and my highest good.With gratitude, I release what no longer serves me.May we both find healing, happiness, and growth on our separate paths.
6. Cut the cord: With deep, intentional breathing, take the scissors or ceremonial knife and gently cut the cord in the center, symbolizing the release of the energetic connection. As you do, visualize the cord dissolving into light, taking with it any remaining attachments or unresolved emotions.
7. Close the ritual: Gently extinguish the candles, imagining that the smoke will carry away any remaining energy. Hold the stone in your hands and say a final blessing or affirmation, such as
I am free. I am whole. I am open to new beginnings of love and peace.
Dispose of the cord respectfully — preferrably by burying it or burning it (if safe) — to symbolize the completion of this chapter.
8. Aftercare and self-reflection: Healing is a journey, not a momentary event. After the ritual, allow yourself to process any feelings that arise. Journaling your experience can provide valuable insight. Should feelings resurface, hold your stone and repeat affirmations of self-love and resilience.
Consider engaging in nurturing aftercare activities such as:
✵ Walking in nature to ground and replenish your energy
✵ Practicing gentle yoga, meditation, or breath work to maintain emotional balance
✵ Spending time with supportive friends or family to strengthen positive relationships
✵ Taking soothing baths with cleansing salts and essential oils to clear residual energy
Remember, cutting the cord doesn’t erase memories — it simply frees you from the energetic weight of the past, allowing you to embrace the present and future with renewed vitality.
Letting go can be bittersweet, but it is ultimately a profound act of self-love. By releasing what no longer serves you, you honor your worth and create space for new experiences filled with joy, growth, and peace. Each step you take toward healing brings you closer to living fully in the present, open to all the possibilities life has to offer.
Whenever you feel the pull of the past, gently remind yourself: I release with love. I am worthy of happiness, peace, and new beginnings. With patience, compassion, and trust in the process, you’ll find that moving on is not only possible, but deeply empowering.
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