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Monthly Archives: January 2023

Astrology Forecast January 23 – 29, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter all the cosmic upheaval of last week’s planetary shifts, you may be pleased to know that this week starts out on a much calmer note under a Waxing Crescent Pisces Moon.

waxing crescent moon phase is a hopeful and positive time to recover, restore and rebuild, and in Pisces this becomes an especially healing energy to release what does not serve us. Fully embrace this harmonious, restorative, liberating vibration today and tomorrow, because on Wednesday the fiery Aries Moon will spur us back into action.

The Aries Moon will offer a great time for the rest of the work week until Friday for brainstorming, making big plans, putting new ideas into action, and energetic negotiation. The Aries Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Aries on Wednesday bodes especially well for potential financial gains, ambitious action, and enhanced social influence. Wednesday morning will therefore be the best time this week for promoting your services, selling your products, and striking those deals!

Venus will be moving into Pisces on Thursday, turning our focus to magic, fantasy, and all things metaphysical. Our intuitions will be on higher alert, and following those random hunches could pay off handsomely over the next four weeks!

The weekend unfolds under a Taurus Moon, where we can choose to tackle the clutter at home, or simply drop on the couch and catch up on all those binge-worthy TV shows we’ve been wanting to stream. Or perhaps a more sensible mixture of both?. Either way, the weekend is for regrouping, restoring, and relaxing, so make the most of the homely vibes of Taurus comfort and security.

Always Regain Your Karmic Composure

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we lose our composure and get very upset or angry, it is never a dealbreaker for spirit.  It is only if we completely give up and do not learn from our transgressions that our guides, angels and loved ones in spirit may raise a ‘disapproving brow.’

If we lost your cool or stepped out of line, the key is to seek out the next right thing to do make amends for our messy indiscretions. Maybe it’s picking up a lost piece of mail in the post office parking lot and placing that into the delivery bin, so that it will find its destination. Or maybe it’s feeding the homeless person who is always sitting outside your local store. Or listening with an empathetic ear to a distant relative who has suffered a lot in their life recently.

Even doing an anonymous prayer or sending healing to someone will always be welcome. Whatever your clearance path is, be sure to untie those etheric karmic cords of your recent negative emotional responses and unkind actions, and make things right!

As a spiritually aware person, I will be the first to admit that I too have my ‘moments.’ If one is still dealing with unhealed trauma, shadow work and the clearing certain energy blockages, it is inevitable that frustration, irritation and anger can happen.

Every day, when I do my Epsom salt baths, I make the best attempt I can to clear such emotional energies, but it remains a work in progress. In fact, it seems like the process will never end.

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Take Some Time To Envision A Better Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe most valuable thing we can do for ourselves is to envision a better life and future for ourselves. We are the creators of our own reality and the masters of our own destiny. If your life is not the way you wish it to be, then you can begin to change it for the better starting today.

The best way to begin is to take honest inventory of your life – focusing on those things that are within your control – to determine what achievements and successes you are proud of. At the same time, also take careful look at what you might want to do differently or accomplish going forward.

If you are unhappy with your life as it currently is, know that your circumstances do not need to remain the same for the rest of your life

If we look at our current lifestyle, prosperity and well-being and do not like what we see, it is usually a sign that our level of self-worth or our sense of feeling deserving has been very low and that we have most likely succumbed to negative thinking and beliefs in recent times.

To transform our lives for the better, we must then change our thinking and visualization habits, in order to start attracting the superior conditions and improved quality of life that we would prefer to have in our lives.

It’s perfectly okay to dream of greater glories, whether that means more money, a new home, a loving partner, or something all-encompassing such as delightful happiness, superior health, and true abundance.

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How To Interpret Your Dreams

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is the mind’s way of working through our everyday life experiences. Our dreams can tell us a lot about deeper self and what goes on in our subconscious mind. Dreams can reveal things we did not realize were weighing our mind or burdening our spirit. There’s a lot of value in paying attention to our dreams, and really diving into what they may be telling us.

Our dreams are however not only about processing daily life. It is also a powerful metaphysical conduit for communicating with our high self and spirit.

But which is which? When is a dream just a daily psychological ‘filing’ procedure, and when is it a profound psychic or spiritual phenomenon? Is there a way to tell? And how does one go about interpreting a particularly unsual dream when you sense it may be more than just an everyday recap?

Sensing that dream is more than just a dream is an intuitive hunch or gut feeling that one can develop through practice. It starts by simply by paying attention and becoming more aware.

The first tell-tale sign is a dream that is very profound, dramatic, or vivid. It is often also a dream you remember in every detail. What did the dream look and feel like? Did the dream seem any different from your usual dreams? Is there anything particular that stands out for you?

Psychic or spiritual dreams usually just feel very ‘different.’ This feeling of ‘difference’ is unique for everyone, so it’s best to trust your own intuition here. Once you start paying more careful attention, you’ll soon get a sense for what your ‘regular’ dreams feel like, compared to your ‘other’ dreams.

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Why We Need To Give Up Hope

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am not someone who believes much in having ‘hope.’ I never hope for things. To me ‘hoping’ means ‘clutching at straws’ and ‘selling myself short.’ To merely hope for something is to remain in uncertainty and demonstrates a lack of trust and faith in the abundance of the Universe.

I learned this the hard way in my own life. In the past, whenever I used to ‘hope’ for a change or outcome in my life, it seldom brought me anything worthwhile. In fact, it usually just prolonged the misery.

The notion of ‘hope’ reminds me of the popular adage: “I’ll believe it when I see it.” People often say this whenever they deem something impossible. And herein lies the problem with the word ‘hope,’ as it carries the same negative vibe: “I don’t believe it likely or possible, until proven otherwise.”

This kind of intentional energy is contrary to the creative power we carry within as spiritual beings. Constantly expressing doubt and skepticism is certainly not a sign of higher consciousness or spiritual awareness. Instead of demanding proof for what we wish for, what we should be saying instead is: “I’ll see it when I believe it.” This carries a completely different vibration, don’t you agree?

Do you find yourself being more of a ‘hoper,’ instead of a believer? If so, then you may find it helpful to change this kind of negative, defeatist energy when you need a change in circumstances or you are wanting something positive to manifest in your life.

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Pay Attention To Your Angel Numbers!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you repeatedly seeing the same numbers on the clock, license plates, store signs, and other places? It’s more common than you may think. It is known as ‘angel numbers’ and it simply means God, Source, Spirit, the Divine is communicating with you!

The magic and symbolism of numbers and numerology date back to the beginning of recorded human history and can be found in various ancient texts. Numbers are a spiritually significant, and also a powerful divination tool.

In grade school, we practiced arithmetic and memorized multiplication tables.  For me it was fascinating to see the consistency in certain number equations where certain rules apply that made math easier. Well, the same principles can be applied to decode the meaning of your angel numbers!

What’s most important about interpreting angel number sequences when you first begin to see them is to identify what those numbers mean to you personally. When you repeatedly see certain number sequences, ask yourself what is going on in your life at that moment in time.

What were you just thinking about or focusing on? Have you been struggling with a particular issue that you must find a solution for? Are you feeling anxious or upset about a circumstance that does not seem resolvable at this time? Are you worried about your job, a relationship, or family member? Are you in need of comfort or healing? Do you want to manifest something new and important in your life?

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Astrology Forecast January 16 – 22, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week there is a cosmic ‘musical chairs’ occuring with various planets shifting as the heavens align for the beginning of the Chinese New Year this weekend.

Today, the Scorpio Moon will carry an intense vibration, enabling us to get a lot of things taken care of that have been on the back burner since last year.

A lighter energy prevails tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon dances through Sagittarius, but we’ll have to watch out for overly sensitive people and potential emotional outbursts. This may partly be due also to Mercury turning direct in Capricorn on Wednesday. This return can cause miscommunication and technical glitches that are sure to try some folks’ last nerve!

The Sun will move into Aquarius on Friday and meet up with Pluto, giving us a sense of destiny and karma to guide our way forward.

On Saturday the Aquarius New Moon will announce the dawn of the Chinese New Year. To add to the drama, Uranus will also turn direct this weekend, after four months of backward motion. This aspect will cement the fact that new beginnings are upon us! With the rare trio of the Sun moving into Aquarius, as well as the New Moon in Aquarius, and Aquarius as the ruling planet of Uranus going direct (as well as Mercury), plus the Chinese New Year all happening within a matter of days, the writing is certainly on the wall: major change for the better is on the horizon.

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