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uranus return

Astrology Forecast January 16 – 22, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week there is a cosmic ‘musical chairs’ occuring with various planets shifting as the heavens align for the beginning of the Chinese New Year this weekend.

Today, the Scorpio Moon will carry an intense vibration, enabling us to get a lot of things taken care of that have been on the back burner since last year.

A lighter energy prevails tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon dances through Sagittarius, but we’ll have to watch out for overly sensitive people and potential emotional outbursts. This may partly be due also to Mercury turning direct in Capricorn on Wednesday. This return can cause miscommunication and technical glitches that are sure to try some folks’ last nerve!

The Sun will move into Aquarius on Friday and meet up with Pluto, giving us a sense of destiny and karma to guide our way forward.

On Saturday the Aquarius New Moon will announce the dawn of the Chinese New Year. To add to the drama, Uranus will also turn direct this weekend, after four months of backward motion. This aspect will cement the fact that new beginnings are upon us! With the rare trio of the Sun moving into Aquarius, as well as the New Moon in Aquarius, and Aquarius as the ruling planet of Uranus going direct (as well as Mercury), plus the Chinese New Year all happening within a matter of days, the writing is certainly on the wall: major change for the better is on the horizon.

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