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Astrology Forecast July 22 – 28, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Sun entering Leo this morning shifts the energies for the next four weeks toward confidence, creativity, and a desire for self-expression. Combined with the influence of an Aquarius Moon, today will be a great time to pursue creative endeavors, connect with others on a deeper emotional level, and embrace both leadership and nurturing roles.

An Aquarius Moon on a Monday combines the emotional and nurturing energy of the Moon with the innovative, rational, and community-oriented qualities of Aquarius. This results in a balanced approach to emotions, innovative problem solving, improved social connections, and a strong focus on humanitarian efforts.

The Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini this morning will add a refreshing and positive energy that promotes innovation, effective communication, and a sense of optimism. This aspect is likely to enhance both personal and professional interactions, making for a great start to the week.

Use today’s innovative energy to brainstorm and implement new ideas or projects at work, and explore new ways of dealing with personal emotional challenges by embracing unique and unconventional solutions.

Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday, reinforcing our analytical thinking, clear communication and attention to detail. This transit promotes an environment of efficiency, clarity and constructive communication.

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Astrology Forecast July 15 – 21, 2024

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This morning the combined influences of Sun square Chiron, Scorpio Moon quincunx Jupiter, and Mars conjunction Uranus create a complex and dynamic start to the week.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio will add even more intensity and a desire for deep change to the mix of emotional sensitivity, need for balance and strong drive for change that these three aspects evoke. This can be both challenging and empowering, depending on how you navigate these energies today.

Try to begin the day with a grounding practice, such as meditation or journaling, to help you manage any emotional turbulence. Clarify your goals for the week and create a flexible plan that can accommodate both your needs and your ambitions. Above all, be open to unexpected changes and opportunities, as adaptability will be key to navigating these unbalanced energies today.

Tomorrow morning will be a good time to do business with the Scorpio Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, especially if you need to sell your ideas to senior management or important clients. This harmonious aspect allows for a seamless integration of emotional intelligence with practical action, leading to better customer understanding, trust building, problem solving, and overall financial efficiency.

The Sagittarius Moon on Wednesday and Thursday brings a burst of optimism, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore. This mid-week aspect promotes enthusiasm and a sense of freedom, helping us to break out of routine and infuse our week with inspiration and excitement. Seek out new experiences, embrace learning opportunities, and think expansively. It’s an ideal time to expand our horizons, both mentally and physically, and to take a more optimistic and open-minded approach to challenges.

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Astrology Forecast July 8 – 14, 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Venus weaves much of her lovely magic this week through several planetary aspects and a major transit. Get ready for a heightened focus on relationships, pleasure, and creative self-expression – but with a twist or two!

Today, Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, infusing the start of the week with unexpected yet positive emotional and relational shifts.

It will be a great day for creatives and innovators, as creative endeavors flourish with innovative ideas and unique expressions that add a spark to routine tasks or projects. This aspect encourages embracing change and finding beauty in the unconventional, making it a great day to try something new, whether in personal relationships or aesthetic pursuits.

Thursday Venus reigns supreme as she casts several sensual spells on us, so buckle up! Thursday morning Venus trine Neptune, together with Moon sextile Venus, brings a wave of dreamy idealism, romantic vibes and a harmonious blend of emotions and desires. We’ll feel naturally affectionate and receptive to love, making it easier to connect with others and openly express our feelings.

We’ll see the world (and potential partners) through rose-colored glasses, fostering compassion, creativity and a desire for beauty. It will be a good time to connect with our artistic talents, embrace forgiveness, and let intuition guide us toward love that feels divinely inspired.

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Astrology Forecast February 26 – March 3, 2024

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Harmony is the theme for the first half of the week as the Moon moves through loving Libra, focusing us on our relationships with ourselves and others. We may also be in a more romantic mood than usual and open to making new friends.

This morning’s Libra Moon trine to Pluto in Aquarius may affect our work productivity and focus, as we will be more intensely in our “feels” than usual. This aspect can also make us feel restless for adventure, excitement, novelty or change.

Fortunately, we will be back on track by Wednesday afternoon with the Pisces Sun conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect tends to drive us to get our business or professional affairs in order and become more organized and focused.

Beware however the Mercury in Pisces conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday morning, as this aspect can cause us to be stubborn, resentful, and suspicious . Don’t accuse your partner of cheating without actual evidence, avoid unnecessary arguments with the family, and focus on being a team player at work, as much as you may feel the need to work alone and do things your way.

The second half of the week belongs to a Scorpio Moon, and combined with the Pisces Sun, this is a great time to practice your metaphysical skills, try some channeling to connect with others from the spirit world, or simply increase your meditation time to strengthen your inner well-being and intuitive powers.

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Astrology Forecast January 29 – February 4, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week begins with great energy to get your show on the road with three determined Virgo Moon trines this morning.

The first trine with Mars in Capricorn will kick off the day with decisive action, willpower and resourcefulness, followed by a trine with Uranus in Taurus to promote creativity, originality and an innovative mindset. The third trine with Mercury in Capricorn will seal the deal with some quick-witted intelligence, sound judgment and practical thinking.

Get as much done today as you can to set the stage for the week ahead, for when the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, our work ethic will take a backseat to our social and emotional lives. You may find yourself more interested in social activities, spending time with friends and nurturing your relationships.

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Thursday afternoon, bringing a more intense energy through Saturday. Some of us will be drawn to spiritual and esoteric pursuits, while others will take on projects that require intense focus and attention, like taxes, haha!

Watch out for the Scorpio Moon square Pluto in Aquarius on Thursday afternoon, as this transit is known to cause drama and conflict. Think twice before you lash out and avoid fights over taxes, joint finances, debt or alimony!

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Astrology Forecast December 25 – 31, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy holidays! As the year comes to a close and a new one unfolds, I wish you a season of joy, peace, and personal growth. May the eternal wisdom of the stars and planets guide you, and may the spirit of the season fill your heart with hope and wonder.

We close out the year with some significant astrological shifts this week. Today is blessed with a Gemini Moon, which promotes social interaction, lots of communication, and a sense of fun and good times. An ideal lunar energy for holiday gatherings and celebrations!

A Venus in Scorpio trine to Neptune in Pisces with its loving energy could not be more perfectly timed. The kindness you show others during this transit will be returned to you as a karmic reward. It’s a wonderful time to spend with friends and family.

Tomorrow the moon will be full in Cancer, focusing our attention on home, family and security. This may be a good day to pause and consider a new budget for 2024, or at least take a look at spending over the past few months to get an idea of where you stand. The Moon continues to move through Cancer on Wednesday and Thursday, so you may feel like taking advantage of a lull in activity to regroup and reset.

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Astrology Forecast December 4 – 10, 2023

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The week begins on a mentally sharp and very energetic note, with several aspects highly conducive to both personal and professional achievement and success.

Today and tomorrow will be especially good for work and business as the Moon transits through meticulous Virgo, combined with Venus entering the same sign today.

A Virgo Moon trine to Mercury in Capricorn this morning will further enhance our workday with increased mental acuity, practical thinking and wise decision-making, followed by a trine to Jupiter in Taurus that will promote social success and open doors to financial opportunities.

This ambitious, driven energy continues through tomorrow afternoon with a Virgo Moon trine to Uranus in Taurus, known for heightened ambition, focus, determination, and persuasiveness. By day’s end tomorrow, the Venus in Scorpio trine to Saturn in Pisces will put the finishing touches on our two-day siege of mental precision, focus, and persistence.

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