The Healing Power Of A Smile
I have noticed something very interesting lately, since we are no longer wearing masks in public. There are two types of people: those who often smile and laugh, and those who do not. You can smile at some people that seem to not be very happy and they will smile right back at you, while others will just look at you like you’re an alien.
I love to smile at people and change their energy, it uplifts them. I can tell. I can see the auric energy around those who smile, and it’s much brighter and lighter. It’s a healing, positive energy. Those that don’t smile have dark and cloudy auras. It makes me feel good to help people get into a better mood and access their higher consciousness, as it will just keep the ball rolling for a positive domino effect for the rest of their day.
But there are those people who find nothing pleasant or amusing and will not smile for anything. I understand that sometimes life just seems to hand us a bad hand of cards, or just seems depressing or no fun. But we all have the ability to smile and our sense of humor is a gift from God. If you can’t smile for yourself to change your own energy, or find yourself unable smile back at those that smile at you, maybe take a look in the mirror and that may inspire you to crack a smile. It changes energy and lives.
As a psychic, I consult many people who are in unloving relationships and marriages. They stay with partners who are unkind, abusive, or unfaithful. They carry a torch for spouses who talk them down to them and make them feel less than. For many it causes mental and physical health problems.
Stay Spiritually Uplifted This Winter Holiday Season
For some people, the approach of winter is a fantastic time of the year. They love to walk amongst the golden autumn leaves, breathing in the crisp air that enlivens the soul, while looking forward to the festive holiday season.
For others, the holiday season is a time of fear and dread. It is for some that time of the year when they feel more bored, lonely, depressed and lacking in enthusiasm. I used to be one of those people. I could not wait for it all to be over, so the brighter days of spring could arrive. But these days I have a very different outlook. I have learned ways to lift my spirits during this time of the year. Yes, winter holiday period does not have to be a ‘dark night of the soul!’
If you are currently also dreading the fast-approaching holiday season, the following self-care strategies can help you turn this time of the year into a period of true joy and upliftment. It will assist you in navigating the winter through to the spring effectively and happily, while maintaining emotional well-being and keeping your spirits high.
Intentions & Goalsetting
It is always great to have something uplifting to look forward to, especially when the nights are cold, long, and lonely. This time of the year is the perfect opportunity to set new goals or personal targets that will add value and excitement to your life. No need to for New Year’s Eve to make your resolutions. Start setting those intentions
Once you have set your goals, begin to meditate on and visualize those intentions. Once you get your intentional energy rolling, the Universe will assist you in manifesting your endeavours by cosmically aligning you to the desired end result.
Creating A Brand New Life
Many teachers, philosophers and authors have said the same thing in different ways. We create our own reality; we are the masters of our own destiny.
Some of my favorite books with this message include James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh; Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich; Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization; Mike Dooley’s Manifesting Change; Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich; Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret; and Bud LaBranche’s audio recording What You Believe, You Become.
The average person has had access to this information for generations. For example, James Allen’s book was first published in 1903. If the universal Law of Attraction was indeed ever ‘a secret,’ it has not been so for at least a century. So, why don’t more of us apply it in our lives? Why don’t more of us take more control of our destiny and create the life we desire?
I think the first reason is that many people do not even think it possible. They choose to believe that life happens to them, instead of for them, and that they are merely meant to react to whatever comes their way in the best way humanly possible.
Others are so buried in the day-to-day chaos of their lives that they don’t have the time, nor the inclination to sit down and learn about a different way of living.
Then there are also those who believe that their life is simply pre-ordained, and they have minimal choice in the matter. For them there is no point in trying to get out of the rut in which they find themselves.
Seeing Colors In Music
When my dad became terminally ill in 2013, I turned to art and started painting. I had no ambition to become an artist; it was simply something I could do to take my mind off the stress of my father’s illness.
I started off blending and playing with colors, and eventually branched out to paint pictures that I soon discovered many people found appealing. When I became better at it, I started to incorporate music into what I was painting.
I would pick a song and play it on repeat to inspire me, until I was done with the painting. It was as if I was channeling the lyrics and melodies into the artwork. The music told the story of the art I was creating. I would then name the painting after that particular song and include the lyrics on the back of the canvas.
I also developed a new fascination with music and singing at that time. In time I began putting my art projects to one side, and instead began to focus on learning to sing. I continued the singing after my father passed away, and I found so much personal healing in it.
I didn’t realize how alive music really is and how intertwined my art would become with my singing. When I sing, I ‘see’ the lyrics as if they are being painted on a blank canvas in my mind’s eye. The main verses of the songs will often become large flowers, and the chorus and melodies will fill in the areas around the flowers with leaves and scrolled vines.
I learned recently that there is a scientific term for seeing colors and patterns when hearing music. It is a type of synesthesia known as chromaesthesia. Synesthesia is a perception phenomenon in which one experiences things through your senses in an unusual way. For example, a synesthete might experience a sound as a color, a word as a shape, or a number as a taste or smell. The person’s sensory perceptions are somehow combined or unified, almost like ‘wires that are crossed.’
Your Outer Life Reflects Your Inner Being
Living a fulfilling, abundant life can be one of the most difficult things to do for people who do not understand that they are the masters of their own destiny. We have much more control to design our future and shape our fate than many people realize.
Whatever we can think about, imagine, visualize, pray for, and believe is what we can make manifest in our lives. But I am not talking about passive daydreaming, wishful thinking, spending our days in laziness, and half-heartedly hoping for a better future, without taking any action.
To achieve what we want, we must not only dream it, we must also take action steps every day that will increasingly shift us towards our desired future.
Here are some practical guidelines you can follow to better master your life and destiny.
Gratitude is the main key to all manifestation. When we are grateful for what we have, we attract more of what we want. We can also not attract more of what we want, while we focus on, complain, and worry about what we do not want and do not have. Simple, right? Yet, we so often forget to be grateful for the small, yet important things we already have in our life, such as our health, waking up for one more day, and so on. Continue reading
Seeing Spirit Signs In Ordinary Things
Seeing see spirit signs and meaningful symbols in ordinary things is a common phenomenon among the spiritually aware. One way that many of us see such signs is by observing meaningful shapes or patterns in ordinary things.
As a child, while having breakfast, I would often see faces or animals in my eggs or oatmeal. I never gave it a second thought that other kids might not see what I did. It even became a game for me to count how many things I could see. And to this day, my morning cup of coffee or tea with cream often produces all sorts of wonderful shapes for my amusement.
In the fourth grade, while eating lunch at school one day, I asked the kids around me if anyone else also saw faces in their food. Two kids said yes, but most said they did not. The three of us who did see faces agreed to see how many more things we could see in this way, and report back our discoveries to each other. It created a special bond between us that lasted throughout our school years. To this day we still sometimes compare notes.
My sister and I also created a game of face counting while taking long car rides with our parents. We were only allowed to count the faces and animals we spotted on our side of the car. Once we reached our destination, the one with the highest count received a prize, which was usually a small trinket from the local department store.
Even my older sister, who does not believe in much that cannot be scientifically verified, sees chariots in the sky. To this day, at age 78, she will say, “Look! Do you see the chariots and horses in the clouds?’ Much to my chagrin, I have never been able to see it myself.
Growing Your Spiritual Garden
Many people ask how it is possible to remain positive, fulfilled, and have our needs met during times of crisis, despair, and uneasiness. The answer lies in meditation, creative visualization, belief and the realization that each of us holds the power in our inner being to achieve whatever we set out to do.
Our lives are not only physical, and emotional, but each of us has a spirit within that can do so much if we allow it to be set free. Sometimes that is not always easy. We, as people, would like to be logical, scientific, have some proof, or have the outcome right away. It is only natural. We are not only brought up this way, taught this way, but also have the brain power to feel a need for logic.
The answer is to let our spiritual beingness loose, to let our inner guidance start working, to start flying over and above the reasonable. Think about your dreams, your ideas, your needs, your hopes as a flower bulb you planted last September. You saw no growth, no movement, no flower, until this month, when the beautiful tulips, hyacinths, lilacs have finally bloomed. This is true belief.
We have no logic to believe a flower will grow from a mere bulb, but it does. That little tomato seed planted in late March is now a leafy green plant, but by late May it should also have some big ripe red tomato fruit on it! Wow, what little miracles we see that have no logic, no reason – they just are.
Today I looked out into a garden where every plant, flower, vegetable I planted was there. Not one did not grow, but they only now started to show up with hope.