Astral Travel To Your Favorite Destination
Traveling to sacred sites has always been something I love doing, ever since I was a young girl. There is something undeniably magical about visiting a spiritual place that has much lore or mystical history associated with it. Some of my favorite destinations include Mount Shasta in Northern California, Sedona in the Verde Valley of Arizona, and Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
These sacred sites are all home to powerful energy vortices and ley lines in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, containing more metaphysical energy than ordinary places. Visiting here feels as though you have stepped into a different dimension, or another place in time. Millions of people around the world travel to these locations in search of enlightenment and healing, gaining a broader perspective, raising their awareness, or simply to have a special spiritual experience.
With the advent of Covid-19, few people have had the luxury lately of air travel and long-distance trips. Many spiritual travelers are feeling frustrated and trapped. Some are going stir crazy not having the freedom to travel anywhere in the world. Even local excursions and short-distance trips are challenging these days. I enjoy traveling in the Mount Shasta area, for example, since it is not too far from where I live, but I am reluctant to stay over in a hotel during this time.
However, spirit recently reminded me that I could still travel to my favorite sacred sites by way of the astral realm. It made me think of the Celtic concept of the immram, which refers to the taking of a soul journey, a sacred pilgrimage, a wonder voyage to a sacred site where the soul needs to go. Spiritual seekers and metaphysicians have been taking these inner voyages on the astral plane through the ages.
We are not limited to the physical body or the mundane world. In the same way we can physically visit a physical place of interest, we can also journey there on the astral plane. Traveling in this way, we can journey anywhere we want to, while remaining in the physical comfort of our own home.
Living In Parallel Worlds
Have you ever given thought to the possibility that you may be existing in two entirely different worlds, all at the same time? The reason I am bringing this up is, I am now thoroughly convinced this has been happening to me for quite some time. I just did not recognize what was going on during these strange events.
A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to find a male figure in our bedroom. He simply stood there and stared at me. Well, all I could see fit to do was to stare back! Neither of us made a sound. The next thing I knew there was now a female standing there beside him.
I finally said hello, without actually expecting an answer. After a few more minutes of silence, they simply vanished. It did of course seem an odd situation, but because a plethora of strange things occur in our home on a regular basis, I gave it no more thought and went back to sleep.
Visiting The Other Side
Each and every night, as we go into a sleep state, and every single time we are in a meditative state, lucid or otherwise, we are actually on the Other Side. The power of the mind does not exist only on this earthly plane. We are in realty multidimensional and once we get a grasp on how all this works it can be exciting. We can also learn how to maneuver this phenomenon to greatly enhance any aspect of our existence.
Did you ever take the wrong set of stairs, or got off on the wrong floor? Becoming aware of the Other Side is like going into a gigantic building for the first time. How daunting is that! Although you might know which office you are heading for, you may not know exactly which direction to take. There may be a list of office number on the board, showing exactly who or what is on each floor. But you may not be fully aware of what each service was, or if you do know what each person was qualified to do, you may still not understand the meaning behind each set of professional qualifications. Continue reading
The True Meaning Of Bliss
I have been contemplating how often a friend’s photo on social media, a call from a customer, an advertisement, the written word, or an overheard phrase has triggered a really significant memory for me. This was the case again last night, when the word “bliss” featured in a commercial for chocolate on my TV screen. For some reason this prompted a memory from many years ago.
I was working temporarily in a retirement home as a caregiver. Although I didn’t have long-term plans to remain in that job, I loved working with the old people, and used to give them reflexology treatments and healing massages in my free time. The short treatments gave them great relief, and they began asking if I would come back and help them again.
This caused a lot of animosity with the rest of the staff, who were already unfriendly towards me. They made it clear that I was not ‘one of them’. I was the outsider, and not from ‘their village.’ The home’s matron asked me to stop doing any healing or therapeutic work with the residents, because it was not in my job description. Continue reading